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GOP congressman hilariously cries election fraud in primary


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated

GOP congressman hilariously cries election fraud in primary

Turns out, election denial works even worse if you’re not convicted felon Donald Trump. It also doesn’t garner you much support when Trump endorsed the other guy.

Good is demanding a revote in the city of Lynchburg, where he is leading in the count, and he is saying that if the revote doesn’t happen, he’ll block certification of the city’s results because, of course, conspiracy theories of fraud.

Uh huh.
When will Democrats get with the program and start declaring fraud every time they lose - even to each other?
Let's not certify ANY elections henceforth; we should just turn things over to whoever can whine and whimper the loudest! I'm sure Dems could give Republifascists a run for their ill gotten money if they really try.
Benito Mussolini allegedly got the trains running on time. Adolf Hitler, whatever his faults, conquered half of Europe in Blitzkrieg fashion.

America has been called the greatest country ever: you'd think that when we turn to fascism we could come up with a Führer even better than Mussolini or Hitler.

But instead we have a crew of brainless clowns whose highest aspiration seems to be petty grifting, selling or buying over-priced ball caps or cruddy bibles made in China.

Karl Marx said:
Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
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