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GOP debate - what were the questions?


Cyborg with a Tiara
Staff member
Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Lots of complaints this morning about the questions asked. I went looking for a list and couldn't find one. Has anyone else found a handy list of what exactly the questions were?
How is Carson's budget plan more insane than Bernie's?
Is Trump's hair real?
Why isn't Bush responsible for 9/11 and Reagan for the roughly 200 Americans killed in Beirut, if Obama is responsible for Benghazi?
Is there really any solution to ISIS/Syria that won't take a full mobilization and invasion?
Get out. Did they really ask if Trump's hair was real?
Total Poe going on here, because I cannot make a guess as to whether that was serious or not.
I was totally seriously in poking fun at the Repugs :D

No idea on what the questions were...
Thanks ksen - I saw that one, but I was hoping someone had published a list of just the questions.

I did find this interesting tidbit...
Maslin says he was surprised to learn the candidates are given a list of questions they’ll be asked in advance.

“If you had to think of [answers] on the spot, it would be really hard. But because they already know the question, they’re going to have these well-crafted politicized answers that aren’t genuine,” he says, “I think [the debate] loses a piece of the honesty.”

So this is what they came up with when they knew the questions in advance? Yikes.
I watched the last half or so and some of the questions seemed odd even to me. I can't remember the exact ones anymore I just remember hearing a question at times and thinking, "what kind of question was that?"
I watched most of it. I had to take a sanity break for 20 minutes during the last hour. Basically, they were asked hard hitting but reasonable questions. When these came forward, the Republicans turned on their "get out of jail free card", which is to accuse the mainstream media (including the moderators in front of them specifically) of left wing bias. Rubio specifically remarked that the mainstream media functions as a Super Pac for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Apparently holding anyone's feet to the fire in any way triggers the GOP persecution complex.
Wait - they were given the question in advance and they still complained about the questions during the debate? Why not complain in advance?

Also, why are they given the questions in advance?
Were they given the questions in advance? I was discussing this with my SO last night, and I mentioned that from what I've read they often do know the questions before the debate. I wasn't sure in this case though. If they were that makes things pretty bad. Some of those people were seemingly caught looking flat footed by some of the questions, and given some lead time, one would think they'd have had better answers than "OMG MEDIA BIASES LUK OUTZ!"
Were they given the questions in advance? I was discussing this with my SO last night, and I mentioned that from what I've read they often do know the questions before the debate. I wasn't sure in this case though. If they were that makes things pretty bad. Some of those people were seemingly caught looking flat footed by some of the questions, and given some lead time, one would think they'd have had better answers than "OMG MEDIA BIASES LUK OUTZ!"

Ya, it's one thing if answering the question by complaining about liberal media bias plays into the political narrative they're trying to construct, so they deliberately craft a response about that as opposed to the one which actually answers the question, but it's a whole other thing if they knew beforehand what they were going to get asked and yet didn't prepare a proper response at all.
assuming "attack the librul media" is not the proper response during a republican debate
The celebrities on Hollywood Squares always got the questions, and their wise-cracking answers, before the show was taped. As Paul Lynde once put it, no one's going to watch half an hour of nine people saying 'Shit, I don't know.'

But it never affected game play because the voters contestants still had to make their minds up no matter who wrote the 'Librul Biyass!' response.
assuming "attack the librul media" is not the proper response during a republican debate

Good point. They did have proper responses prepared.

The crazy thing is, if you're complaining about the questions and making a choice to not answer them and answer something else, why not shift to somethign substantive instead of something different unsubstantive? They had an opportunity to show leadership and how much better they were than their media. It really wouldn't have been hard. And they blew that, too.
assuming "attack the librul media" is not the proper response during a republican debate

Good point. They did have proper responses prepared.

The crazy thing is, if you're complaining about the questions and making a choice to not answer them and answer something else, why not shift to somethign substantive instead of something different unsubstantive? They had an opportunity to show leadership and how much better they were than their media. It really wouldn't have been hard. And they blew that, too.

They didn't blow it with the voters they are trying to win over right now.

Ted Cruz starting the attack on the liberal media is seen by republican primary voters as an example of great leadership.
Ted Cruz starting the attack on the liberal media is seen by republican primary voters as an example of great leadership.

Which is sad and pathetic. And luckily the Republican primary voters are not a large enough block to win a general election.
assuming "attack the librul media" is not the proper response during a republican debate

Good point. They did have proper responses prepared.

The crazy thing is, if you're complaining about the questions and making a choice to not answer them and answer something else, why not shift to somethign substantive instead of something different unsubstantive? They had an opportunity to show leadership and how much better they were than their media. It really wouldn't have been hard. And they blew that, too.
Because attacking the libral media is well received by the lemmings. And the Repug candidates really don't want real substance either.

I thought this was a good of summary/review as any that I read thru a few. Yeah, really stupid way of asking if Trumps plan is just a fantasy. Of course it is, but a "journalist" at this level should be seasoned enough to know how to politely ask the question.
For the largely Republican audience, loudly sympathetic to the White House wannabes, Harwood quickly assumed the role of biased lamestream media scoundrel by asking billionaire reality TV mogul Donald Trump, right out of the box: “Mr. Trump, you have done very well in this campaign so far by promising to build another wall and make another country pay for it, send 11 million people out of the country, cut taxes $10 trillion without increasing the deficit, and make Americans better off because your greatness will replace the stupidity and incompetence of others. Let’s be honest. Is this a comic book version of a presidential candidate?”
Agree. That was definitely a lame question. Wondering how either he or his bosses or handlers thought that would be acceptable.

Wondering if that statement from teh student who helped set up the room was true - that they did get the questions. And if so, if Trump saw that one coming, he had a chance to mock it quickly and carry on. I think from my glance at teh transcript that he actually did a decent job of that, but I can't remember.

That Cruz brought it up later suggests maybe they did have a copy.

Tools, the lot of them.
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