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Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Will Pay $145,000 to Settles Lawsuit Over Vaginal Eggs


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
People were actually paying $55 and n$66 for this garbage. And WTF does "balance the cycle" mean????

When people make fun of Gwyneth Paltrow‘s pseudoscience-purveying company Goop, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the jade egg.
These were the eggs which women were told to stick up their vaginas in order to — ahem — “cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, increase control of the whole perineum and bladder, develop and clear chi pathways in the body, intensify feminine energy, and invigorate our life force.”
“Beauty guru” Shiva Rose, who endorsed the items on Goop’s website at the time, also said the eggs created “kidney strength.”
If you visit the same site today, however, Rose’s answers are very different. Portions of it have clearly been deleted. You will no longer see anything about how the eggs “increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, [and] increase control of the whole perineum and bladder.” Also gone is the bit about kidney strength.
Why? Maybe because all of that was unscientific bullshit that could cause serious health problems for any women who stick the eggs up their yoni.
It’s such a serious problem that Goop agreed, yesterday, to pay cash in order to settle a lawsuit claiming the company lied about the vagina egg (and a couple of other products, too).
On Tuesday, Goop Inc. agreed to pay $145,000 in civil penalties in a consumer protection lawsuitbrought by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office and nine other California prosecutors over “unsupported attributes for Goop’s Jade Egg, Rose Quartz Egg, and Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend.”The district attorneys had argued that Paltrow’s “wellness empire sold
a series of women’s health products whose advertised medical claims were not supported by competent and reliable science.”
In addition to the settlement, the company agreed to refund customers who purchased the products and to stop stop advertising the products as [a] remedy for health ailments.
$145,000 and egg refunds are a drop in the bucket for a company worth a quarter-billion dollars, but it’s a clear sign that Paltrow won’t be able to get away with every lie. She’ll have to use magical, mystical language — words like chi and energy and life force — in order to stay on the right side of the law.
Goop didn’t apologize for anything. Naturally. Instead, the company said they just wanted to settle the lawsuit despite “honest disagreement about these claims.” That statement is as meaningless as the eggs. The disagreement isn’t about the science, and there’s certainly no honesty in any of this. You had one company selling expensive eggs that potentially hurt women by saying they would heal a number of problems — and you had scientists and lawyers and smart people saying there was no proof of any of that.
At least the side that cares about women won this round.

Geez, I have to work on my sales technique. Usually, women make me pay them to allow me to stick things up their vaginas. Paltrow got herself a much better business model.
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