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Have we harnessed their energy to our full advantage, yet? (TW/CN offensive morality-related humor)

Janice Rael

Maybe it's literal, maybe hyperbole.™
May 3, 2024
Jenkintown PA
Surprise me, or she/her
Basic Beliefs
I believe I need to ask more people
TW/CN offensive (?) humor (??) about morals and politics, but, I was wondering... if people really do like the idea of someone getting raped in prison, as a form of justice, by Bubba, or a guard, or maybe in GenPop, not Solitary... anyway, why don't they, or, we, arrest ... more rapists? And send the rapists to the jails to do the raping that people like and joke about?

How come we haven't harnessed this energy yet? Not counting the ... the US Constitution, I mean, other than Sally's offender, and, you may have heard of a comedian, America's Favorite Dad... my old neighbor? Yeah. He could be Quaaluding and *ahem*ing all sorts of other criminals right now. Even Harvey Weinstein is wasting away in the Rikers medical ward, when they could just give him a casting couch and... hmm.

Okay, I see. Those guys have done well for themselves; it sure is a rape culture. But, what about us? How can we harness rape energy to better serve our collective interests in using prison rape as both a weapon and punchline?

By the way, what IS the difference between morals and politics, is it just money? Is that why we have Capitalism? hmm...
First order of business is to get our Raper In Chief moved in to Rikers. Nobody is a better raper than Raper Don.
The mere specter of being assigned as his cell mate would be enough to cause a precipitous drop in the National crime rate.
I'm just working on some jokes.
I gotta practice my Hans Gruber accent, so I can say "... the F B I" the correct way.

I did join some Philadelphia-area stand-up comedy open mic nights. I am not sure that my "Founding Fathers' Intent" jokes are gonna go over so well. Wait until we get to me being unAmerican, it's hilarious.
I have an actual doctor's appointment in person today (some Hell froze over?) so if any of you want to try to draw the logical conclusions, then, lol, you unAmerican nerd, how far did you get? Let's laugh over dumb ideas that are merely being typed and joked about and nothing else.
PPS, yeah. Either jamming my thumbs onto some unfortunate keyboard, or, touching my cellphone screen, is typing now, in 2024.

... imma be bad at every kind of typing you ever invent.

(that's A Whole Entire Thing)
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