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His Flatulence is the only source of truth

Article II,Section 4. It would be hard.

But,Article I section 9 could be a problem.
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Worst murder rate in the last 45 years. It is a disaster. It is a miracle I survived the campaign. Also, gravity, complete fiction. I know why we stick to the earth, but I'll have scientists looks into it for 30 days and give me a report. The New Coke, it was the best thing ever, don't know why they got rid of it. I love and respect my wife.
I think it's his narcissism. He has deep insecurities. Truth becomes whatever is easier for his ego to handle. This is why praise weighs so heavily with him, and criticism simply isn't tolerated. Truth is whatever makes Trump feel better about himself. If statistics, evidence, facts etc. highlight something Trump is doing wrong, then those are obviously "fake news". If they give lip service to Trump, it's gospel. This is why Trump can praise and condemn the same opinion poll within two days. This is why enemies during his campaign were so viciously attacked, and once subdued, became almost like friends. He really does remind one of the playground politics of six year old children.

Our country is being run by a stupid narcissist that makes decisions on what is least bruising to his ego. Most around him are well aware of this, and Trump is being pushed and pulled into various positions by these people as they jockey for position and try to control him to enact their own agenda. Establishment Republicans, Pence, Bannon, Priebus. All are willing to be a part of this ridiculous and dangerous situation for their chance to get some things they want. Anyone with any real talent and conscience is long gone.

I really fear for our country and the world.
All of the above!
Are we at war with Oceania yet?
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