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'Historical nihilism': China deletes two million online posts insulting communist heroes


Mar 31, 2007

In a move to crack down on 'historical nihilists' ahead of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 100th anniversary in July, the Chinese government has said it has overseen the deletion of more than 2 million posts containing “harmful” discussion of history.

I'm glad China is learning some Western values, like the State censorship of harmful speech.

A division director at the Cybersecurity Administration of China (CAC) Wen Youhua has said that “For a while, some people have disseminated harmful information with historical nihilism on the internet, under the guise of reflection and declassification. Since the beginning of the campaign, we have lawfully dealt with a large number of social media accounts that disseminated historical nihilism,”.

“We have urged various websites to delete more than 2 million posts that violated laws or regulations," he added.

'Historical nihilism' is a term used in China to describe public doubt and scepticism over the Chinese Communist Party's description of past events.

On April 10, China's cyber regulator had launched a hotline to report online comments that defame the ruling Communist Party and its history, vowing to crack down on "historical nihilists".

The hotline had allowed people to report fellow netizens who 'distort' the party's history, attack its leadership and policies, defame national heroes and 'deny the excellence of advanced socialist culture' online, Fox News reported citing a notice by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Friday.

The notice read: "Some with ulterior motives ... have been spreading historical nihilistic misrepresentations online, maliciously distorting, denigrating and negating the history of the Party."

"We hope that the majority of Internet users will actively play their part in supervising society ... and enthusiastically report harmful information," it added.

Obviously it is everyone's moral duty to report harmful information, but I am pleased that the CCP demands you do it with a glad heart. China doesn't have the tech yet but let's hope they can import a couple of these ladies from Fantasia...remember, they can see the truth in your heart!
Don't worry about history.

The US has all that information stored.

Like it has every one of your emails stored.

The land of the free that the government is spying on 24/7.
I'm glad China is learning some Western values, like the State censorship of harmful speech.
Maybe you are just trying for humor or sarcasm...if not, I'd say China is by far well ahead of the US, other than maybe in state security massive IT data centers. And even then, much of the US state security is still pointed more at the outside world.
Titled link: 'Historical nihilism': China deletes two million online posts insulting communist heroes
'Historical nihilism' is a term used in China to describe public doubt and scepticism over the Chinese Communist Party's description of past events.

On April 10, China's cyber regulator had launched a hotline to report online comments that defame the ruling Communist Party and its history, vowing to crack down on "historical nihilists".
China's leaders seem much like right-wingers closer to home.
I'm glad China is learning some Western values, like the State censorship of harmful speech.
Maybe you are just trying for humor or sarcasm...if not, I'd say China is by far well ahead of the US, other than maybe in state security massive IT data centers. And even then, much of the US state security is still pointed more at the outside world.

It was indeed meant to be humour, but the impulse to censor speech and justify the censoring by calling the speech 'harmful' is something that is on the rise in the West.
I'm glad China is learning some Western values, like the State censorship of harmful speech.
Maybe you are just trying for humor or sarcasm...if not, I'd say China is by far well ahead of the US, other than maybe in state security massive IT data centers. And even then, much of the US state security is still pointed more at the outside world.

It was indeed meant to be humour, but the impulse to censor speech and justify the censoring by calling the speech 'harmful' is something that is on the rise in the West.

A predictable result of a despotic leader publicly calling for violent insurrection, resulting in a mob attacking and trashing the Capitol killing and injuring hundreds of police and threatening to kill elected officials.
If that happened in China, do you think the reaction would be to call some speech "harmful", or to summarily execute all those involved in the insurrection?
It was indeed meant to be humour, but the impulse to censor speech and justify the censoring by calling the speech 'harmful' is something that is on the rise in the West.

A predictable result of a despotic leader publicly calling for violent insurrection, resulting in a mob attacking and trashing the Capitol killing and injuring hundreds of police and threatening to kill elected officials.
If that happened in China, do you think the reaction would be to call some speech "harmful", or to summarily execute all those involved in the insurrection?

The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.
It was indeed meant to be humour, but the impulse to censor speech and justify the censoring by calling the speech 'harmful' is something that is on the rise in the West.

A predictable result of a despotic leader publicly calling for violent insurrection, resulting in a mob attacking and trashing the Capitol killing and injuring hundreds of police and threatening to kill elected officials.
If that happened in China, do you think the reaction would be to call some speech "harmful", or to summarily execute all those involved in the insurrection?

The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.

The deluded notion that Trump did NOT attempt to get a deranged mob of his followers to attempt a violent overthrow of a free and fair election that he lost in a landslide, as SEEN ON LIVE VIDEO at the time, is the product of an ignorant, propaganda-soaked individual, probably many thousands of miles from the scene of the crime. Or co-conspiring Republitard politicians contending that the murderous mob were “ just tourists”.

Apparently Meta was hiding when it happened. Those of us who were watching, knew what Trump was doing when he did it, and were able to anticipate that at best, there would be a violent riot outside the Capitol. We did not know that Republican co-conspirators had helped to delay and suppress any law enforcement response, provided enabling information to the invaders and thus let the mob breach the Capitol, forcing the entire legislature to be evacuated and halting the process of confirming the results of the election as planned - and AS COMMANDED BY THE DEPOSED PRESIDENT.

Tell us again, Comrade Metaphor - what do you thing the Chinese response to such a thing might have been?
Contrary to what the professional smart people with their "view from nowhere" and too many other members of the chattering classes have claimed, the dangers of a coup perpetrated by the Trump regime were not exaggerated or hysterical, and most certainly were not symptoms of "Trump derangement syndrome." The danger was clear and obvious for those who were paying attention to reality as it is, and not as others wished it to be.

But Metaphor, from his safe perch across the ocean, is able to discern that everyone but the insurrectionists and those trying to prevent any investigation into the insurrection, are the TROOTHERS. If this WAS "cloud cuckoo land crazy, and only entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate", they would be clamoring for such an investigation. But they're not, because it was a treasonous attempt to overthrow the US Government, and they are complicit.
This country is already under a coup of the Whorehouse of Representatives.

A charming string of people that some think are incompetent, but in fact they are very good at what they are doing.
It was indeed meant to be humour, but the impulse to censor speech and justify the censoring by calling the speech 'harmful' is something that is on the rise in the West.

A predictable result of a despotic leader publicly calling for violent insurrection, resulting in a mob attacking and trashing the Capitol killing and injuring hundreds of police and threatening to kill elected officials.
If that happened in China, do you think the reaction would be to call some speech "harmful", or to summarily execute all those involved in the insurrection?

The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.
How unsurprisingly sad, another person falls victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It was indeed meant to be humour, but the impulse to censor speech and justify the censoring by calling the speech 'harmful' is something that is on the rise in the West.

A predictable result of a despotic leader publicly calling for violent insurrection, resulting in a mob attacking and trashing the Capitol killing and injuring hundreds of police and threatening to kill elected officials.
If that happened in China, do you think the reaction would be to call some speech "harmful", or to summarily execute all those involved in the insurrection?

The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.

Did you really manage to avoid all the videos and news. Videos of Trump's speech? Trump's tweets? Trump's employees refusing to send help to Capitol Hill cops? Josh Hawley?

Seriously? You missed all of that?
The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.

Did you really manage to avoid all the videos and news. Videos of Trump's speech? Trump's tweets? Trump's employees refusing to send help to Capitol Hill cops? Josh Hawley?

Seriously? You missed all of that?

It's what passes for "good faith argument" in some dark corner of the island continent. Make some shit up, add copious personal insults, and hope that your lack of any rational point is lost in the emotional reaction.
The deluded notion that Trump did NOT attempt to get a deranged mob of his followers to attempt a violent overthrow of a free and fair election that he lost in a landslide, as SEEN ON LIVE VIDEO at the time, is the product of an ignorant, propaganda-soaked individual, probably many thousands of miles from the scene of the crime. Or co-conspiring Republitard politicians contending that the murderous mob were “ just tourists”.

I read the material proffered as evidence for Trump's "incitement". I kept waiting for the words that convinced so many people he had incited. And then I got to the end, and I started again, because there wasn't anything.
The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.

Did you really manage to avoid all the videos and news. Videos of Trump's speech? Trump's tweets? Trump's employees refusing to send help to Capitol Hill cops? Josh Hawley?

Seriously? You missed all of that?

I generally don't watch news items specifically about Trump, but when the second impeachment was announced, I went to a number of left wing sources (hell, I googled the words "the case against Trump"), and I read the case against Trump.

I found it utterly unconvincing. Indeed, the "case against Trump" seemed to be a case of "this is how a crazed anti-Trumper might imagine the minds of what they perceive to be a crazed pro-Trumper".

There's a lot in the left-leaning media about how much the right uses dog whistles. I suspect that one reason someone might hear dog whistles everywhere is because they're a dog.
The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is cloud cuckoo land crazy, and can only be entertained in the minds of people deranged and delirious on four years of unalloyed hysteria and hate.


Trump the failure handed way too much in life incited a failed insurrection. Not an insurrection.

The reason the people were there was because Trump lied about the election for months and told them to be there. He incited their anger.

Right wing nuts snickered on line for months and said "Wait till Jan 6th".

By some coincidence many arrived with helmets, flak jackets, and spears. Some had plastic handcuffs. A few had tasers. Some weapons were found in cars nearby.

Trump told them they had to fight for their country and told them to go to the Capitol.

Phone data shows they walked directly from Trump to the Capitol.

There they were greeted by organizers with bullhorns that directed the attack. It was planned. Roger Stone is seen with members of the Proud Boys that morning. And those Proud Boys were part of the initial assault.

Trump is reported to be gleeful during the treasonous attack.

The crowd shouted "Fight for Trump".

They would not have shouted that if they did not believe he fully supported their treason.

Once it was clear no members of Congress would be harmed and the treason had failed Trump sent out a message saying to be peaceful.

This was a Trump inspired, Trump organized, and Trump incited act of treason.

Give me the case. I will take it to any impartial jury in the country.
Here's what happened Metaphor. Read it and dispel your ignorance.

Inside the Capitol Riot

There is video of ALL of it. Trump incited, not only by his own words but also by the words of the others he recruited to help rile up the crowd. The rioters themselves proudly announced that Trump had "invited" them, and that it was their right to invade the Capitol to halt the proceedings that would finally unseat him.
No, this was not a friendly group of tourists and if it happened in China they would all be dead, along with anyone who mourned their loss.
Here's what happened Metaphor. Read it and dispel your ignorance.

Inside the Capitol Riot

There is video of ALL of it. Trump incited, not only by his own words but also by the words of the others he recruited to help rile up the crowd. The rioters themselves proudly announced that Trump had "invited" them, and that it was their right to invade the Capitol to halt the proceedings that would finally unseat him.
No, this was not a friendly group of tourists and if it happened in China they would all be dead, along with anyone who mourned their loss.

Why do you post these trash memes? Don't you have any words of your own? Must you directly regurgitate the talking points you lap up like a good little authoritarian follower? Are you not capable of original thought?

Anyway, I'm not sure that I understand your meme. Perhaps because the two sides of the book agree with each other?

You see that right? You don't need guns to topple the government? There is no contradiction there? That your meme is trash?

Anyway, since we are talking about historical revisionism in this thread, I might as well address the historical revisionism in this meme. The government was not "almost" overthrown by an unarmed mob. The 1/6 mob had zero potential to affect the identity of the person swearing an oath on January 20th. But that doesn't mean that the mob's actions weren't intended to have that outcome. A violent insurrection doesn't become less violent or treasonous just because it is also hopeless.
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