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When will Obama sue Trump?

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Sep 23, 2006
Basic Beliefs
So how long before Obama sues Donald "open up the libel laws" Trump for defamation?

Also, what's the odds on the Trump defense being "no reasonable person would believe that"?
So how long before Obama sues Donald "open up the libel laws" Trump for defamation?

Also, what's the odds on the Trump defense being "no reasonable person would believe that"?
Not going to happen. Congress should censure Trump, but that won't happen either. The Republicans are a disgrace.
I think Obama's going to stay the hell out of it and not get dragged into Trump's bullshit.
I think Obama's going to stay the hell out of it and not get dragged into Trump's bullshit.

Agree. I think Obama would be happy if his name and Cheato's never appeared together again ANYWHERE.
Obama is too passive (duh). Just look at what he could have done in '09: A) made prosecuting the financial/insurance sector CEOs who falsified statements and sold toxic junk a priority...B) brand-named the Great Republican Recession and referred to it that way, the same way Republicans brand-name all the progressive programs they don't like...C) called for a thorough public airing, via Congressional investigation, of Bush/Cheney torture policies... D) ditto on Bush's ignoring of the report he was handed on 8/6/2001 that we were going to be hit by hijacked jet planes....E) publicized over & over, at every press conference, the members of Congress who were holding up the confirmation of his appointments. Also reference the too-cool way he ignored the Birthers and hardly ever made a public statement on them or the irresponsible GOP leadership who coddled these idiots. Republicans play knuckleball and Obama has always been badminton. Still and all, one wonders if Trump can be affected at all by having his lies called out. It's not like he's been subtle. And, beyond lies, who among us has ever forgotten the video clip of him mocking the reporter with muscle disease? This is an astonishing, disgraceful "leader" whose legitimacy rests with about 45% of the electorate. Every week brings new horrors. The rest of the world sees our country run by a man who has the judgment, stability, and deportment of a spoiled rotten 7-year-old. My only hope is that the damage to the G.O.P. is massive, and the damage to the country (and planet) can be contained -- but, unfortunately, those two things aren't separate.
I think Obama's going to stay the hell out of it and not get dragged into Trump's bullshit.

This. Obama is too intelligent to give Donnie any attention by taking his accusations so seriously that he'd sue.

He'll let the lack of evidence speak for itself.

Right now, the only people who believe Donnie's lies are Donnie and his most radical supporters.

No one else does.
Obama doesn't need to sue Trump for defamation. He a) has money and b) knows that only people who have no idea what they're talking about believe anything Trump says, aka they're not the people whose good opinion he cares about. Obama would prefer if everyone saw him for who he was, but he knows reasonable people already do.
So how long before Obama sues Donald "open up the libel laws" Trump for defamation?

Also, what's the odds on the Trump defense being "no reasonable person would believe that"?

Legal experts can provide something on this but I understand the following would need to be established:

The broadcasts/statements/writing caused material harm (as a result of a false statement)
Trump is established to have acted Malice or negligent with respect to the facts
Trump is a billionaire. He can't be sued for free political speech by a millionaire.
So how long before Obama sues Donald "open up the libel laws" Trump for defamation?

Also, what's the odds on the Trump defense being "no reasonable person would believe that"?

Legal experts can provide something on this but I understand the following would need to be established:

The broadcasts/statements/writing caused material harm (as a result of a false statement)
Trump is established to have acted Malice or negligent with respect to the facts

Ask the Republican party leadership if, in light of Trump's statements, would they consider Obama for a federal leadership job of any kind. If not, damage done.
Ask Trump why he thinks Obama tapped him. His response "because FOX news told me" would be evidence of failure to faithfully do his duty (impeachable offense), and failure to perform due diligence.

Libel is well established, but I also do not think that Obama will act on it through a lawsuit. It just isn't his style.
Trump is a billionaire. He can't be sued for free political speech by a millionaire.

Yes he can to the extent libel laws address "free speech". I am free to accuse you of being a child molester, but if it harms you and I had no excuse evidencing the claim, then I am guilty of libel and my individual freedom to speak does not trump your individual freedoms.

Regarding wire tapping, that claim was not made by a "free" individual. That claim was made by the US Government through a Public official (the highest ranking one in existence). Obama's claim could be against "America", and carry with it multi-billion dollar stakes.
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