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How to make enemies - Trump refuses to endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain in their primaries

laughing dog

Warning Level 1
Dec 29, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Dogs rule
Trump on the intellectual leader of the GOP in the house:
“I like Paul, but these are horrible times for our country,” Trump told the Washington Post today. “We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there yet. I’m not quite there yet.”
. Trump on McCain:
“I’ve never been there with John McCain because I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets,” Trump said. “He has not done a good job for the vets and I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets. So I’ve always had a difficult time with John for that reason, because our vets are not being treated properly. They’re not being treated fairly.”
Yup, Trump sure knows how to rally the GOP troops to his cause.
Trump on the intellectual leader of the GOP in the house: . Trump on McCain:
“I’ve never been there with John McCain because I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets,” Trump said. “He has not done a good job for the vets and I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets. So I’ve always had a difficult time with John for that reason, because our vets are not being treated properly. They’re not being treated fairly.”
Yup, Trump sure knows how to rally the GOP troops to his cause.

Unbelievable. He feuds with Megan Kelly and Paul. And yet we're suppose to trust him dealing with real problems and directing our military? But there is no difference between HRC and Trump!!
Reince Preibus's sphincter probably just popped. This will push away voters that don't like Clinton, but are actual conservatives.
Both of them will probably fare better in the elections without Trump's endorsement than they would with it.
Both of them will probably fare better in the elections without Trump's endorsement than they would with it.
Exactly. I could see McCain releasing a statement thanking God for sparing him the burden of a Trump endorsement.
Both of them will probably fare better in the elections without Trump's endorsement than they would with it.

Given their states, I'm sure Paul Ryan will, but I'm not sure about McCain. He's in a pretty Trumpish state.
For about the 1,000th time: God, this is such a weird election.

I can't--I refuse to believe that Trump does any of this by design. He doesn't like McCain because he thinks McCain made him look bad because Trump essentially called him a loser. Nevermind that it's the same as being mad at the brick that you dropped on your own foot. And he doesn't like Ryan because Ryan's nut sack, although about the size of two withered peas hasn't completely disappeared, which means that on occasion he'll actually say something criticizing Trump.

But hey, dumb-dumbs wanted an outsider who would "shake up the system," as if there's wouldn't be any consequences for that. So we're living in a weird political landscape where the Republican nominee for President is shit talking Republican Senators and Congressmen just months from an election, which in turn create a possibility to get Democrats elected to those positions.

It's all so bizarre.
Both McCain and Paul Ryan are called RINOS or moderates by hardcore Republicans and they are long-time politicians. If Trump outright endorses them, it makes him look like he is no longer a true believer coming from the outside fighting the establishment. His position will change like it always does but he will get some cred from it somehow.
It could simply be Trump's childish attempt at revenge at least against Ryan. Paul Ryan did say, a few times before the convention, that he wasn't ready to endorse Trump yet. I think Trump is throwing a little of that back at him.
Both of them will probably fare better in the elections without Trump's endorsement than they would with it.

Given their states, I'm sure Paul Ryan will, but I'm not sure about McCain. He's in a pretty Trumpish state.

McCain still has the GOP Primary to win for his Senate seat and those Trump voters engage in that part of the process and it's closer than it usually is for him. He needs to sit back and take whatever poo Trump flings at his head until the end of August or he won't even make it to the general election.

Once that's done with, he'll take the first dumbshit thing that Trump says as an excuse to dump his support for the guy.
It could simply be Trump's childish attempt at revenge at least against Ryan. Paul Ryan did say, a few times before the convention, that he wasn't ready to endorse Trump yet. I think Trump is throwing a little of that back at him.
It is Trump being childish. Of course, once one identifies Trump in a sentence, childish is redundant.

But this type of behavior, while feeding meat to his base, undercuts him with the rest of the GOP base, the GOP establishment and independents.
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