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How to prepare for the coming science of genetic racial variations, and a summary of the full case for the genetics of racial differences in intellige


Veteran Member
Sep 19, 2002
Colorado, USA
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Infotheist. I believe the gods to be mere information.
I predict that it will be a decade before all the genes for intelligence are identified and found to vary significantly by race. First, I will explain how liberals and independents must prepare for this discovery. Next, I will explain how I know this discovery will happen.

Many xenophobic conservatives will happily accept this science, and they will use it in an attempt to justify any of a vast array of oppressive politics resurrected from before MLK: border restrictions, hiring discrimination, justice system inequalities, Jim Crow laws, lynch mobs, forced sterilizations, wars and genocides. They will pretend to be the champions of science, in contrast to the liberals who only deny and fight the science. But, rational liberals must accept the science even more than the conservatives (conservatives will accept only the science they like), and they must win independents to their side. It will be the social responsibility of liberals to lessen the chains and bloodspills of racial divides. They can do it with these talking points:

(1) RACES ARE SPECTRAL, not discrete, and most people belong to a mixture of races with an accompanying mixture of racial traits. Even historically, all races have continually mixed with their geographic neighbors, never isolating themselves for long.
(2) BRILLIANCE EXISTS IN EVERY RACE. All traits are diverse within each race, such that a single person can not be judged with sufficient certainty based on race alone (only rough probabilistic guesses).
(3) SCIENCE DOES NOT DECIDE MORAL VALUES. No race is further along the evolutionary path than another race. There is no scientifically "higher" or "lower" race, nor is there a scientifically "superior" or "inferior" race, regardless of natural tendencies among races. Inequality of genotypes does not compel inequality under the law. The principle of equal rights has served western society very well, regardless of inequivalencies of mind and body.
(4) THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH RACE-MIXING. In fact, genetic diversity is better, reducing recessive genes and enhancing selective advantages (known as "hybrid vigor" in agriculture).
(5) WHITE ARYANS ARE NOT THE MOST INTELLIGENT RACE. Ashkenazi Jews are on average the most intelligence race, followed by Northeast Asians. But, would it really make sense to grant Ashkenazi Jews as anything more than equals in our politics, law and everyday living?
(6) INTELLIGENCE IS NOT UNCHANGEABLE. Even if there are genes that account for intelligence DIFFERENCES, it does not follow that intelligence scores cannot be increased through positive environments, as we know from the Flynn Effect and heritability studies.
(7) WE CAN SOLVE THE GENETIC RACE GAPS. We have the option of finally narrowing the divisive racial IQ gaps through democratically-directed genetic engineering.

A political tactic that most certainly will NOT work: hindering the science concerning race and intelligence. Such a tactic may have success in the western world, but ONLY in the West. The taboos against race differences and eugenics does not exist in the East, in nations such as China, Japan, South Korea, India and Singapore. Eugenics and racial differences have often been openly embraced, for example, by Lee Kuan Yew, the much-loved founding father of Singapore. They have both the means and interest to discover the genes for intelligence. It will happen when a hundred thousand people are surveyed for both their genes and general intelligence scores.

Now, I will explain how I know with high certainty the objective reality that the genes for racial differences in intelligence exist, waiting to be discovered.

BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE #1: INTELLIGENCE SCORE DIFFERENCES ARE HIGHLY HERITIBLE WITHIN GROUPS. By examining correlations among family members that control for both genes and environment, we know with full certainty that intelligence differences are genetic. For example, there is a 59% match in IQ between fraternal twins reared together (same womb, same household and 50% shared genes), but there is 74% match in IQ between identical twins (100% shared genes) reared in completely different households (Devlin, Daniels and Roeder 1997). This is in addition to many other family pairings we can look at, and the data is unified: shared environment accounts for SMALL increases in IQ correlation, but common genes account for LARGE increases in IQ correlation. There is very little room for doubt, and psychologists are nearly unanimous on this point. Within-group intelligence differences are mostly genetic. It does NOT necessarily follow that between-group intelligence differences must be likewise genetic, as the minority effect of environment can make a big difference (i.e. the same bag of mixed corn seeds scattered in two different fields, one field with soil nutrient-poor and another field with soil nutrient-rich, will grow corn crops with vastly different average health). But, the known within-group genetic effect on intelligence matters because...

BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE #2: WHENEVER THERE ARE WITHIN-GROUP GENETIC DIFFERENCES, THERE ARE BETWEEN-GROUP GENETIC DIFFERENCES. Think of all the phenotypical ways people WITHIN your own race differ in their genes. This includes both the obvious traits--height, skin color, hair texture, facial geometry, head size, foot size, penis size--and the not so obvious traits--blood type, blood pressure, lung capacity, bone density, lactose tolerance, brain size, and immune resistances. Each of these phenotypic traits are also genotypes that vary BETWEEN races. We know of absolutely no trait that varies within races but not between them. If racial variations in psychological traits happened to be purely phenotypic and not genotypic, it would be like throwing a hundred silver dollars up in the air and they all land on edge. Many activists have taken to defining "race" out of existence by defining "race" as non-overlapping and discrete or by defining "race" with a lower limit of genetic variation, and instead using a different word in place of "race", like "cline" or "haplogroup" or "ethnic group." These arguments are purely rhetorical and irrelevant. Choose any words you like, and the objective implications of the data do not change.

But those two points are only the background knowledge. These are the direct arguments for genes accounting for the racial differences in intelligence:

DIRECT ARGUMENT #1: A SUBSET OF THE SAME RACIAL HIERARCHY OF AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE, EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT AND INCOME EXISTS IN EVERY MULTI-RACIAL NATION IN THE WORLD. In his book, "The Global Bell Curve," Richard Lynn collected hundreds of studies of intelligence, educational attainment and income averages among races all over the world, in all the examined significant multi-racial municipalities, including Kenya, South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Cuba, Jamaica, Hawaii, Ecuador, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and United States. Most of the disputes about the cause of the racial differences in intelligence and SES has been myopic, focusing on the United States alone. But, if EVERY multi-racial nation in the world has the same racial variations, then the argument that explains them all at the same time is by far the most probable. And there is only one such unified argument: genetics is primarily responsible for these racial variations. Peoples may take either all their culture or only bits and pieces of their culture with them as they migrate, but they always take their full genotypes with them. That is why, in evolutionary anthropology and evolutionary psychology, a strong argument for the genetic cause of a phenotype is if that phenotype exists in every (or nearly every) human culture in the world.

DIRECT ARGUMENT #2: THE RACIAL IQ HIERARCHY CORRESPONDS TO THE RACIAL BRAIN SIZE HIERARCHY. Brain size differences are mostly genetically heritable (Pennington et al - A Twin MRI Study of Size Variations in the Human Brain, 2000), brain size differences correlate with IQ differences by 40% (Michael McDaniel - Big-brained people are smarter - A meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence, 2005), and the same racial hierarchy exists for brain size averages as for IQ averages (Beals, Smith and Dodd - Brain Size, Cranial Morphology, Climate, and Time Machines, 1984, and Rushton - Brain size as an explanation of national differences in IQ, longevity, and other life-history variables, 2009).


DIRECT ARGUMENT #4: AVERAGE SKIN COLOR OF NATIVE POPULATIONS STRONGLY CORRELATES NEGATIVELY WITH AVERAGE IQ. Skin color is not race (there is a many-to-many relationship between those two variables), but skin color is a strong indication of the climate of a population's ancestors. Dark skin is a selective advantage in hot climates with excessive UV, and lighter skin is an adaptation to colder climates with low UV (Jablonski and Chaplin - Human skin pigmentation as an adaptation to UV radiation, 2010). Lynn and Rushton theorized that extra intelligence is an adaptation to cold stable climates, where natural resources are scarce (Rushton - Race, Evolution and Behavior, 1995). To test this theory, Templer and Arikawa conducted a study that correlated average skin color of nations with native populations with their average IQ (Templer and Arikawa - Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ - An international perspective, 2006). They found a correlation of -90%. This is an extremely strong negative correlation, greater than the correlations of IQ with either modern average temperature or modern GDP per capita.

So, both biological theory and a diverse array of facts are strongly unified behind the expectation that genetic differences are responsible for the intelligence differences among races. You may ask me, "So why don't professional psychologists agree with you?" My answer is: "Very many of them do." There is only one international organization of research psychologists who specialize in intelligence: the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR). In 2006, they awarded Arthur Jensen their first lifetime achievement award. Arthur Jensen was the founding father of the case that the racial differences in intelligence scores are mostly genetic, an accomplishment that towers over his other academic accomplishments in the field. He is a respected grandfather to these academics, regardless of whether they agree or disagree with him (i.e. Sandra Scarr - On Arthur Jensen's Integrity, 1998, and James Flynn - Race, IQ and Jensen, 1980). But, he is slandered as a "White Supremacist" by the Southern Policy Law Center (he wasn't). It is a reflection of the vast abyss between the common academic thinking on the topic and the common public thinking on the topic. The public simply doesn't know how respectable the academic case is for the racial variations in intelligence and its significance. The public would expect that only the KKK would believe it. Most people don't even know that racial variations in intelligence exist, be they either hereditary or environmental. I attached the background image of ISIR's Facebook page, edited to include names on the faces. Most of the faces are people who have made their names by scientifically defending the position of the genetics of the racial IQ gap (Ronald Fisher, Charles Spearman, Cyril Burt, Arthur Jensen, Robert Plomin, Francis Galton, and Charles Murray). Only two of them made names for themselves by defending the environmentalist explanation (Stephen J. Ceci and Sandra Scarr). The other three faces (Alfred Binet, Thomas Bouchard and Charles Darwin) are more-or-less neutral on the debate.

So, whether you agree or disagree with me, it is time to finally let the science on this topic come first, morals next. Only then can we be rational and clear-headed about what the science is and how to respond to it best.

ISIR Facebook cover with names and heading.jpg
How many more threads about this are you going to post?
And it looks to me like I'll be temporarily un Ignore Listing so I can report this fella for Hobby Horsing against the TOU.
How many more threads about this are you going to post?

This is the first one I've seen where he attempts to lay out a logical and empirical argument to support the hypothesis. Have there been any others?
Hmm... this reminds me of the Young Earth Creationist organization (I can't even remember their name anymore) that was promising a huge discovery in the next year or so.

...nothing came of it.
OP said:
(7) WE CAN SOLVE THE GENETIC RACE GAPS. We have the option of finally narrowing the divisive racial IQ gaps through democratically-directed genetic engineering.
Yeah, this was a big thing in the early half of the 20th century. Kind of died off after a while.
How many more threads about this are you going to post?

I think it's going to go on until we all admit that black people are just naturally inferior.

If first you don't succeed, try, try, try over and over and over. Intelligence would tell you to stop. Just sayin.' The idea of intellect as a measurable quantity is so damned undefinable why must we hear interminable arguments pointing to the innate inferiority of certain human progeny. There was once the idea of the conqueror worm....it seems it was one of those measuring worms...every one of them was a different length but they just kept on measuring everything by their own length. This isn't just something that worms do.:goodevil:
innate inferiority of certain human progeny.

Innate inferiority is a moral judgment, not a scientific one. Is this how you view kids born to parents of low intelligence, innately inferior?
How many more threads about this are you going to post?

I think it's going to go on until we all admit that black people are just naturally inferior.
No, that would actually be a big step backward. If you don't read what I am writing, then you will definitely get some wrong ideas.
And it looks to me like I'll be temporarily un Ignore Listing so I can report this fella for Hobby Horsing against the TOU.
Be careful. You have repeatedly violated the TOU (personal attacks), and I have not.
How many more threads about this are you going to post?
It is my own particular hobby horse, so feel perfectly free to ignore it if you are not interested. This is the first thread where I have laid out the evidence comprehensively.
Hmm... this reminds me of the Young Earth Creationist organization (I can't even remember their name anymore) that was promising a huge discovery in the next year or so.

...nothing came of it.
OP said:
(7) WE CAN SOLVE THE GENETIC RACE GAPS. We have the option of finally narrowing the divisive racial IQ gaps through democratically-directed genetic engineering.
Yeah, this was a big thing in the early half of the 20th century. Kind of died off after a while.
You must be referring to eugenics. Not quite the same as genetic engineering, but close. It died off with Hitler. But, genetic engineering has become a fully proven method in agricultural crops. As humans are just another species, there are no scientific reasons the method cannot be applied to humans. Only politics, and the politics of the world are diverse.
Hmm... this reminds me of the Young Earth Creationist organization (I can't even remember their name anymore) that was promising a huge discovery in the next year or so.

...nothing came of it.
Yeah, this was a big thing in the early half of the 20th century. Kind of died off after a while.
You must be referring to eugenics. Not quite the same as genetic engineering, but close. It died off with Hitler. But, genetic engineering has become a fully proven method in agricultural crops. As humans are just another species, there are no scientific reasons the method cannot be applied to humans. Only politics, and the politics of the world are diverse.

and what traits would you select for? Would you breed out other traits?
Hmm... this reminds me of the Young Earth Creationist organization (I can't even remember their name anymore) that was promising a huge discovery in the next year or so.

...nothing came of it.
Yeah, this was a big thing in the early half of the 20th century. Kind of died off after a while.
You must be referring to eugenics. Not quite the same as genetic engineering, but close. It died off with Hitler. But, genetic engineering has become a fully proven method in agricultural crops. As humans are just another species, there are no scientific reasons the method cannot be applied to humans. Only politics, and the politics of the world are diverse.

This here is a good candidate for the technology that can do it:

You must be referring to eugenics. Not quite the same as genetic engineering, but close. It died off with Hitler. But, genetic engineering has become a fully proven method in agricultural crops. As humans are just another species, there are no scientific reasons the method cannot be applied to humans. Only politics, and the politics of the world are diverse.

and what traits would you select for? Would you breed out other traits?
Yes. The most important genetic trait would be intelligence, and I proposed a socialized genetic engineering project, for after the genes for intelligence are discovered. We would subsidize the genetic engineering of intelligence for low-intelligence parents, especially for blacks and Hispanics. The engineered genes for high intelligence would trickle into the remainder of the races as they mate, and it would narrow, possible even erase, the racial intelligence gap. If we either outlaw or libertarianize genetic engineering, then only the rich will be able to afford it, and the genes for high intelligence will trickle into the races of existing high intelligence--Jews, Asians and whites. The race gaps will increase further, and racial divisions will never be solved.
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