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Huan n Cyborgs


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
The first step to a cyborg Borg collective? We see today all the negatives social media and the net has created.

Musk has said he wants to create what amounts to an Internet form of The Matrix.

n a blog post on its website, Neuralink addressed the "recent articles" that have "raised questions around Neuralink's use of research animals at the University of California, Davis Primate Center" (UC Davis) and said that "all novel medical devices and treatments must be tested in animals before they can be ethically trialed in humans."
Macaque monkeys have been used in testing by Neuralink as the company has been developing Bluetooth-enabled implantable chips -- inserted into the monkey's brains -- that the company says can communicate with computers via a small receiver.
In April last year, Neuralink claimed monkeys can play Pong -- a computer game - using just their minds when it released a video of Pager, a male macaque, moving a cursor onscreen without using a joystick to do so.

The company said this was achieved after the Neuralink chip fed the information from the monkey's neurons into a decoder, which was then used to predict Pager's intended hand movements -- allowing the output from the decoder to be used to move the cursor, instead of Pager manipulating the joystick.
@steve_bank could you please give us a more careful spelling of "Huan n Cyborgs"?
Perhaps one day there will be cybernetic implants for my failing eyes. Until then I will be making typos. And no before you state the obvious, glasses and magnification do not help.

Was the text in the OP not clear, or are you just giving me a hard time.

Human Cyborgs
I read it as Huan and cyborgs.

Don't let the assholes get you down, Steve, I make typos all the damn time, and I've got no excuse other than being a butterfingers.
I hope this isn't becoming a 'thing'. I read posts for the thoughts and ideas offered. I don't see spelling and/or grammar as a problem as long as the content being expressed is clear enough to understand the thinking of the poster. We have a thread over in the 'religion vs. science' page where there was a long running "rebuttal" based entirely on the grammatical syntax used in the title of a thread with no indication that the rebutter ever actually read the content of the post.

Steve's post was about technical implants to augment abilities. It is an interesting topic but I really don't know much about the field other than the occasional news blurb.
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I read it as Huan and cyborgs.

Don't let the assholes get you down, Steve, I make typos all the damn time, and I've got no excuse other than being a butterfingers.
Trust me, wtater off a duck's back but thanks.
Elon Musk sees integration of human brains and AI using Neuralink as a good and important thing....

From the video description....
Elon Musk has warned that AI and in particular a digital superintelligent AI might render humanity extinct. We should therefore proceed very carefully in the development of AI systems. One of the solutions for the AI control problem proposed by Elon Musk, is the integration of AI with the human brain through a brain-computer interface
Musk also hopes future iteration of the Neuralink device will offer symbiosis with artificial intelligence. That way we could merge with machines and hopefully avoid a possible digital apocalypse.
An unintentional experiment in psychology. Interesting responses, none related to the link.

I would have thought human woud be obvious. Now my name is associated with a goofy title Huan Cyborgs. Oh the shame, I shalll never live it down.
An unintentional experiment in psychology. Interesting responses, none related to the link.
Your link was about Elon Musk's Neuralink. My post was about Elon Musk, Neuralink and is kind of related to a Borg collective (transhumans or posthumans merging into AI and maybe each other)
The first step to a cyborg Borg collective? We see today all the negatives social media and the net has created.
YouTube - Elon Musk's Neuralink May Offer us Symbiosis With AI - Part 2
Elon Musk has commented on the dangers of AI saying it is the greatest risk we face as a civilization. However in order to prove that Neuralink can solve this problem two things will need to become clear - how does Neuralink achieve symbiosis with the human brain and what are the side effects and potential drawbacks of this symbiosis? One possible downside would be that humans would lose their sense of individuality if we all interconnect our thoughts and ideas into the cloud. However if we can continue to retain our individuality and use Neuralink in a productive way the benefits far outweigh the potential risks.
Musk is a throwback to the tycoons of the past. There is little legal restraint on what he does with his wealth.

H e is selling joy rides into space for the wealthy. He will undoubtedly find human volunteers to have their brains sliced into. To me it is an ugly thing, and people who want that likely have nothing going for them but fantasy.

Electronically enhanced brains if feasible will become for those who can afford it. The same with genetically modified embryos for children.

When you are plugged in you can live in an endless fantasy reality 24/7? Or a chip that makes you peretualy happy?

History says if it is feasible it will be done. We already have serious problems with sociall media as it is.

The best scifi movie was tye 50s Forbidden Planet. An alienc race developed wirelss technolgy that enabled anyone anywhere on the planet to instantly go from thought to physical reality. Instant physical gratification.

The problem was it unleashed all their inner dark sides on each other leading to destruction of the race. We are already seeing that om social media.

The idea of brains directly connected on a network is outrageous, unintended consequences. It also opens the door to mind control on a large scale.

I wouLd think the Chinese govt wouLd love to have an implant in all their citizens. China doe not have any western ethical restraints.
Musk is a throwback to the tycoons of the past. There is little legal restraint on what he does with his wealth.

H e is selling joy rides into space for the wealthy.
Is that immoral? And he wants to send a million people to Mars in the coming decades - not just the wealthy....
He will undoubtedly find human volunteers to have their brains sliced into.
You don't seem to know much about Neuralink - it involves a little hole that is only a few millimeters.... and the idea is for it to be able to be safely and easily removed if desired...
To me it is an ugly thing, and people who want that likely have nothing going for them but fantasy.

Electronically enhanced brains if feasible will become for those who can afford it.
Apparently the cost for the surgery is similar to Lasik - about $5000
I don't think at the present time it could be made any more affordable than that.....
When you are plugged in you can live in an endless fantasy reality 24/7? Or a chip that makes you peretualy happy?
It has been said it could one day correct "the aberrant electrical activity behind blindness, paralysis, anxiety, and addiction" - it is possible that it could stop depression but an absence of depression doesn't mean non-stop happiness. Neuralink's plans don't involve a matrix-like reality....
I don't see everyone getting neuralink plugs in the brain very soon. The risk vs. benefit isn't going to be there in a long time. You can get a pretty good interface to controlling machines by non-invasive brain scan or just using existing senses.

The real promise of the tehnology, in my opinion, is that with sufficient number of connections inside the brain, you could grow your mental capacity by extending brain cells virtually outside your skull. Basically, by having a simulated additional brain cortex that communicates with your fleshy brain via neuralink. The initial selling point could be to make life easier for dementia patients or fixing brain damage, but it could also mean superhuman cognitive abilities. the downside is that if you get used to it, whenever you have to get unplugged is like shutting down part of your brain.
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