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‘I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS!’ Trump confirms that he insulted Canada in furious rant against media


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
The shitgibbon edges ever closer to a complete breakdown....

President Donald Trump on Friday attacked Bloomberg News reporters for allegedly leaking out his comments that blatantly insulted the Canadian government.

“Wow, I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS to Bloomberg concerning Canada, and this powerful understanding was BLATANTLY VIOLATED,” the president wrote. “Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it. At least Canada knows where I stand!”

Donald J. Trump

Wow, I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS to Bloomberg concerning Canada, and this powerful understanding was BLATANTLY VIOLATED. Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it. At least Canada knows where I stand!

Earlier on Friday, the Toronto Star reported that Trump boasted to reporters that he was getting the best of the Canadian government in his negotiations with them.

Among other things, the president said he was “scaring the Canadians into submission by repeatedly threatening to impose tariffs,” while at the same time warning that leaking his insults of Canadians would cause the deal to fall apart because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.”

Despite the president’s assertions, however, it is still possible that the leaks of his remarks came from another official within the Trump White House and not from the Bloomberg reporters themselves.

The Trump White House on Friday refused to confirm or deny the authenticity of the president’s remarks — although it seems the president himself has since confirmed them.

Need to rename this thread "A Day Without Unprecedented Stupid".

What a fucking moron!!! He was bragging to the press about how he was dicking around with Canada and he didn't expect them to report on it?! He was bragging about how powerful he was, and in the process shoved his foot so far into his mouth, it came out his ass.

The Art of the Deal! Strong arm your allies by working behind their back, pressure them into a deal they don't want, then give them press coverage (and confirm via Twitter) that'll make it easy for them to flip you the northern bird and walk away.
Didn't expect it? Looks more like he was counting on it, and when it didn't happen, he pulled out all stops and made sure he'd be called out by further setting himself up by having it leaked that he was talking smack. The end game to this nefarious twist, I'm not sure, but he's going out of his way to do contrary to what any ordinary politician would do.

A lot of people would try to save their own ass; it's like he wants his goose cooked and if plans fall through, he has back up plans to make himself look bad--almost as if he's shielded from certain ill-effects of bad press and finds other sorted advantages that come out of it when it happens.

Maybe I'm reading way too much into it. Yeah, that's probably it. But, somehow, someway, something ain't right.
This is just my daydream, but I wish Canadians would make it so hot for Justin that he recalled his ambassador and declared Trump a toxic menace. Does anyone wonder why Americans are hated in so many places, and especially in places where we once fought side by side with the people? The phrase "ugly American" was popularized way too soon and should have been re-purposed for 2017. Meantime, since Daydream #1 won't happen, Daydream #2 is that there was a way to blog to the whole world -- "Hey, Trump haters. 60% of us hate him, too. Don't give up on us."
Didn't expect it? Looks more like he was counting on it, and when it didn't happen, he pulled out all stops and made sure he'd be called out by further setting himself up by having it leaked that he was talking smack. The end game to this nefarious twist, I'm not sure, but he's going out of his way to do contrary to what any ordinary politician would do.

A lot of people would try to save their own ass; it's like he wants his goose cooked and if plans fall through, he has back up plans to make himself look bad--almost as if he's shielded from certain ill-effects of bad press and finds other sorted advantages that come out of it when it happens.

Maybe I'm reading way too much into it. Yeah, that's probably it. But, somehow, someway, something ain't right.

You're reading way too much into things. Don't forget Hanlon's razor.


He's not a genius. He's not outsmarting everyone. He's just a narcissist with dementia.

He got in trouble for what he said about Canada, he can't admit that he's wrong about anything, so he's digging his own hole deeper by going after the bright shiny thing in front of him. You can thank his superior white genes for this.
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