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If Hillary is picked as running mate (VP)


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
How do you think it would effect the general election of the Democrat nominee picks Hillary Clinton as running mate for the VP spot.

Will she hurt the ticket or will she help it, in bringing out people to vote who failed to in 2016 as an act of repentance?
Hillary Clinton checks almost no boxes for a VP candidate. Stacey Abrams is the front runner for running mate.
Hillary Clinton is not even on the island anymore.

Elizabeth Warren has made back room deals with both Biden and Sanders to be VP if they win. So she doesn't vote them off the island.

When Biden wins, he will select Warren.
Hillary Clinton is not even on the island anymore.

Elizabeth Warren has made back room deals with both Biden and Sanders to be VP if they win. So she doesn't vote them off the island.

When Biden wins, he will select Warren.

Hillary has been inserting herself lately. It would have been nice had she been silent until the nominee was chosen and then voiced support for whoever that is, but that's not how she is playing things.
People are nervous that a McGovern situation is realigning in the stars. So Bloomberg popped in and Clinton is giving some "input".
I think Biden may select Yang (he has adopted a few of Yang's talking points) or Klobuchar or some relatively unknown who won't overshadow him. Warren would be a good pick too though I agree. Hillary should have picked her. She will bring some progressive image to the ticket.
I think Biden may select Yang (he has adopted a few of Yang's talking points) or Klobuchar or some relatively unknown who won't overshadow him. Warren would be a good pick too though I agree. Hillary should have picked her. She will bring some progressive image to the ticket.
What is it with Yang and you? Yang has been in the basement forever, and unlike Biden in '08, has no DC experience or really anything that would help a ticket. Yang would be a much worse selection than Kaine was for Clinton.
I think that Clinton would be doused in gasoline and set on fire if she tried to get anywhere near the ticket.
I think that Clinton would be doused in gasoline and set on fire if she tried to get anywhere near the ticket.
They'd try to set her on fire, but she is too stubborn to actually catch on fire.
Actually, if you believe Bernie bros TM and the right, Mrs. Clinton is fine with fire since fire is the devil's friend.
Amazing how someone with a legacy of writing a bill to ban flag burning, hanging out with at least three sexual predators while somehow oblivious to their behavior, and losing the easiest presidential election in modern history to the host of NBC's The Apprentice is still being talked about as if her opinion about anything matters.
Amazing how someone with a legacy of writing a bill to ban flag burning, hanging out with at least three sexual predators while somehow oblivious to their behavior, and losing the easiest presidential election in modern history to the host of NBC's The Apprentice is still being talked about as if her opinion about anything matters.
Note: JP is not from the US, doesn't really understand US politics, and is generally full of shit, so take the OP with a salt lick.
Hillary Clinton checks almost no boxes for a VP candidate.
She would be a bad choice, yes.

Stacey Abrams is the front runner for running mate.
I do not see it. She is too unseasoned and most of the front-runners are septuagenarians and so there is a reasonable chance of them dying or becoming too unhealthy to remain in office during their term. The other front-runner is still in his 30s and lacks experience, so I would not pair him with her either.

Abrams should run for Senate instead. There are two races for Senate in Georgia in 2020.
When Biden wins, he will select Warren.
I do not see that either. Two people over 70? Naw. Biden will pick somebody younger, and probably a minority. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris have a much better chance than Warren. I agree with Jolly that Yang would make a very good choice too.
What is it with Yang and you? Yang has been in the basement forever, and unlike Biden in '08, has no DC experience or really anything that would help a ticket. Yang would be a much worse selection than Kaine was for Clinton.

Yang would not be a bad idea actually. Biden doesn't need somebody with DC experience to balance his ticket. He already has decades worth of it - Obama selected him as a running mate for that reason, especially on foreign policy. Yang would balance Biden on age (46 at inauguration), business background and race. He would also bring some excitement to the ticket due to bold ideas like UBI. Besides, Yang is not really in the "basement" and is doing better than Senators Booker and Harris did and in some of the polls is beating Klobuchar and Steyer despite being excluded from the recent debates that these two have been in.
Besides, Biden got 1% in Iowa, dropped out, and was still selected as running mate.
Hillary would spell disaster for anyone's campaign. The Clinton name is a rallying cry to bring out the Republican vote. And she might still have the power to undermine the progressive vote. I wish the Clintons would finally just disappear from politics.
The Clinton name is a rallying cry to bring out the Republican vote.

And about ten million more Democrats than Republicans can muster, even with cheating.

No one is gonna touch Clinton unless they're trying to lose again. She showed us how to not debate and run a campaign against Trump. We can thank her for that.

For her part, no candidate for president from any party ever ran against a bigger asshole than Trumpo. It was a learning experience for her and everyone. She could have done better by just being a fighter, forcefully calling Trumpo on his taunts and his lies, having some emotion, but it is what it is.
The Clinton name is a rallying cry to bring out the Republican vote.

And about ten million more Democrats than Republicans can muster, even with cheating.

No one is gonna touch Clinton unless they're trying to lose again.

Yeah, repeating the same fallacy doesn't make it true. She not only won, she holds third place for the largest number of raw votes ever in US history, beating every single white male to have ever run or held office.

That is a fact. It never changes.

For her part, no candidate for president from any party ever ran against a bigger asshole than Trumpo.

And she beat him by almost three million votes. You literally cannot expect anything more in an ELECTION than for the largest number of voters to vote for you.

This rampant binary sophistry regurgitated over and over again is truly astonishing.

He is a big asshole. She beat him.

The fact that he is POTUS is a completely different matter.
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