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If Hillary is picked as running mate (VP)

Amazing how someone with a legacy of writing a bill to ban flag burning, hanging out with at least three sexual predators while somehow oblivious to their behavior, and losing the easiest presidential election in modern history to the host of NBC's The Apprentice is still being talked about as if her opinion about anything matters.
Note: JP is not from the US, doesn't really understand US politics, and is generally full of shit, so take the OP with a salt lick.

And yet he still has better takes than 99 percent of the American liberal Democrats on this board despite still hoping Andrew Yang will buy him an Xbox
Perhaps that is true on Planet LALAland, but certainly not on planet earth.
Amazing how someone with a legacy of writing a bill to ban flag burning, hanging out with at least three sexual predators while somehow oblivious to their behavior, and losing the easiest presidential election in modern history to the host of NBC's The Apprentice is still being talked about as if her opinion about anything matters.
Note: JP is not from the US, doesn't really understand US politics, and is generally full of shit, so take the OP with a salt lick.

And yet he still has better takes than 99 percent of the American liberal Democrats on this board despite still hoping Andrew Yang will buy him an Xbox

Sadly no free XBox for me. I don't benefit from supporting Yang since I'm not American. I do it out of the goodness of my heart, hoping that you lovely Americans will finally get an improved society and join the rest of the western world by embracing some of that scary socialism stuf we got going on. Then we can all sit around and play Xbox if ya wanna. Yang 2020. And failing that (unfortunately likely) Bernie 2020!
You're not understanding what I mean. I didn't want her to cry, I wanted here to grow a pair of balls and become forceful.
You mean uppity and unable to control her emotions?

"Sec. Clinton's reaction to Trump after being called a 'vile woman' indicated that she was incapable of slights, a sign that she wouldn't be able to handle such remarks from our adversaries. We need a President to have thicker skin..."

I have not heard a single thing from any GOP or Dem source about this subject, I perceived it on my own. She reminded me of John Kerry's inability to project emotion.
Clinton doesn't have a soul, she has no emotions. That comes with the package.

Oh, bullshit.

She stayed with someone I wouldn't have stayed with and yes, she can be stone cold when necessary. If she actually had testicles and a penis, she'd be hailed as a manly man and a hero.

If she had allowed a public tear, she would have been called an hysterical woman.
Hillary Clinton is not even on the island anymore.

Elizabeth Warren has made back room deals with both Biden and Sanders to be VP if they win. So she doesn't vote them off the island.

When Biden wins, he will select Warren.

Hillary has been inserting herself lately. It would have been nice had she been silent until the nominee was chosen and then voiced support for whoever that is, but that's not how she is playing things.

If we have to hear from Newt Gingrich every two weeks, we can put up with Hillary every once in a while.

Like it or not, she a respected political figure. She was a First Lady for eight years, a two term senator, and a Secretary of State. The very idea that she has to shut up should be abhorrent.
Like it or not, she a respected political figure. She was a First Lady for eight years, a two term senator, and a Secretary of State. The very idea that she has to shut up should be abhorrent.

LOL What in the world gives you the idea that she's a "respected political figure"? She and Trump were the least liked general election presidential candidates in the history of your country going back very very far. She's toxic, be that her own doing or the doing of Republicans or both (hint: its both). She should be silent on this, not because anyone demands if of her, but because she wants the Democrat nominee to win... of course assuming that's the case.
Like it or not, she a respected political figure. She was a First Lady for eight years, a two term senator, and a Secretary of State. The very idea that she has to shut up should be abhorrent.

LOL What in the world gives you the idea that she's a "respected political figure"? She and Trump were the least liked general election presidential candidates in the history of your country going back very very far. She's toxic, be that her own doing or the doing of Republicans or both (hint: its both). She should be silent on this, not because anyone demands if of her, but because she wants the Democrat nominee to win... of course assuming that's the case.

You have detailed polls on her versus Gingrich/Huckabee/Cruz/Lieberman/Kerry/etc to present, I assume? Feel free to present those.

In any event, she's well-liked enough that there's a documentary on her that was shown at Sundance, which she's giving interviews to promote. And the stuff you're screaming about was simply her responding to a question (correctly - Sanders is notoriously standoffish and hard for other senators to work with, and he admitted in his own NYT interview).
Like it or not, she a respected political figure. She was a First Lady for eight years, a two term senator, and a Secretary of State. The very idea that she has to shut up should be abhorrent.

LOL What in the world gives you the idea that she's a "respected political figure"? She and Trump were the least liked general election presidential candidates in the history of your country going back very very far. She's toxic, be that her own doing or the doing of Republicans or both (hint: its both). She should be silent on this, not because anyone demands if of her, but because she wants the Democrat nominee to win... of course assuming that's the case.

Hillary wasn't liked by everyone, but she did have a large base of support who did like her. Everything I've read about her said that when she is with a group of friends, she is charming and has a wonderful sense of humor. Imo, she probably thought, that being the first successful female nominee for president meant s he had to act more sternly and less emotional or she would be criticized. But, like her or not, she had the qualities that it take to be a successful president.

I do think that a lot of people were tired the Clintons so they saw Trump as a person who would bring great change. I don't think most of his supporters realized how incompetent and corrupt he was. Most still don't understand his long history of corruptions, probably because they only see and hear what they want to see and hear. We have too many pundits on tv, radio and the internet who praise Trump while covering up his lies and deception.
Like it or not, she a respected political figure. She was a First Lady for eight years, a two term senator, and a Secretary of State. The very idea that she has to shut up should be abhorrent.

LOL What in the world gives you the idea that she's a "respected political figure"?
In the sense that the PM of Canada wouldn't be joking about her with other world leaders if she were President.
If she had allowed a public tear, she would have been called an hysterical woman.
She DID shed a tear ahead of New Hampshire 2008 and that probably won her that primary in the first place.

The tears over coffee that turned round poll

By the way, this came out when she first announced her 2016 candidacy. It captures her public image perfectly.

By the way, they completely missed who her principal threat would be. I mean, Martin O'Who?
Why do you hate us penguins so? Please please I bet you, don't do this to us.
I apologize for my penguinphobic remarks. They were not appropriate. In fact, they were wrong. They constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.
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When she outright says "I'm not running, I'm out of politics" and people are practically snarling "She's gonna run! Mark my words! She needs to go away and never be seen again!!" Yeah, I'm not with y'all, and if that's what she faced since before I was even in high school, then I'm much more sympathetic to her.)

What is sexist about that? Sexism is about an attitude toward women (or men) in general, NOT antipathy or distrust toward an individual.
Rashida Tlaib should be Bernie's running mate

Why? What would she possibly bring to Bernie's campaign? She would just alienate people who are at the fence about voting for Bernie. I especially don't see many independents being favorably inclined toward her.
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