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Indicting 12 Russian officers of the GRU, but they are not US citizens?

The other common "rebuttal" I'm now seeing from conservatives is along the lines of what idiot Rand Paul said recently.

Rand Paul on Russian election meddling: 'We all do it'
Yeah, and when we do it, is there an expected quid quo pro with those that have benefited with said meddling? The meddling is Part I of a two Part plan. The honorable Sen. Rand Paul seems to be forgetting about Part II. And Trump has been publicly acting as if he is promoting Part II of Russia's plan.
This indictment does not imply Trump is a traitor. It merely implies that russians were meddling in the elections.
This indictment does not imply Trump is a traitor. It merely implies that russians were meddling in the elections.
Ah, there it goes.

I was wondering if you guys got different marching orders. But I guess it's just streamlining? I mean, at first you were trying to flog TWO ideas, that there was no meddling, and that America deserved meddling because we have meddled.
I guess the 'no meddling' narrative has no more steam. Just trim down to 'Trump did no wrong.'
This indictment does not imply Trump is a traitor. It merely implies that russians were meddling in the elections.
Ah, there it goes.

I was wondering if you guys got different marching orders. But I guess it's just streamlining? I mean, at first you were trying to flog TWO ideas, that there was no meddling, and that America deserved meddling because we have meddled.
I guess the 'no meddling' narrative has no more steam. Just trim down to 'Trump did no wrong.'

Where one narrative ends, a new one must begin. The new thing is actually thanking Russia for hacking the DNC. That is, it was a good thing that Russia exposed the evil Democrats. This talking/shitting-out-of-the-mouth point is in its early stages, but expect to see more and more of it as time goes on. It's gonna be the next "what in the fucking fuck???" thing.

Couple that with the renewal of blaming Obama for Russia election interference and you have three streams of hot liquid bullshit where before there were only two. Something created from nothing, which can only be the work of God; through Him all things are possible. Or something.
This indictment does not imply Trump is a traitor. It merely implies that russians were meddling in the elections.
Ah, there it goes.

I was wondering if you guys got different marching orders. But I guess it's just streamlining? I mean, at first you were trying to flog TWO ideas, that there was no meddling, and that America deserved meddling because we have meddled.
I guess the 'no meddling' narrative has no more steam. Just trim down to 'Trump did no wrong.'
Whether or not there was a meddling is pretty irrelevant to me. But I still don't buy this indictment. I have no reason to trust anything american or russian side says, it's all the same to me. So I don't really understand your desire to catch me contradicting.

I do believe russians tried to hurt Hillary in order to send her a signal that they don't like her very much. But they have never thought Trump would get elected. having said that, I don't believe Americans have hard evidence. Is that clear?
Whether or not there was a meddling is pretty irrelevant to me.
Suuuure. You were never one to insist that there had been NO meddling, that it's all lies from American intel agencies. You've been ambivalent the whole time.

But I still don't buy this indictment.
Well,you're not the customer for the indictment, so that really doesn't matter a shit.

So I don't really understand your desire to catch me contradicting.
Just wondering what narrative you're flogging at this point.
never thought Trump would get elected.
I don't think he was intended to get elected.
I think he was looking forward to spending 4-8 years on the sidelines, bitching about how wonderful a leader he WOULD have been, how HE would have solved every problem.

I mean, campaign promise that he HAD the solution to the wars in the Mideast, and he'd implement it if elected.
When elected, he told the Pentagon, 'Get me a plan.'

Plus, he spends all his time on the golf course, or chanting about Crooked Hillary, and going to 2020 election campaign rallies... I think that was his plan all along. Being elected is a real disappointment to him.

But while that would have worked for Russian interests, this is much better for them. They gambled andwon big time.

having said that, I don't believe Americans have hard evidence. Is that clear?
OH, sure, it's clear. Just... After:
32 individuals / 3 companies charged with 112 discrete crimes
5 Guilty pleas from Trump aides
8 Lies under oath
1 Lawyer pleading the 5th
1 Paul Manafort in jail

Well, clear is one thing. Credible is quite another.
Suuuure. You were never one to insist that there had been NO meddling, that it's all lies from American intel agencies. You've been ambivalent the whole time.
No, I have never said that. I said there is no evidence of meddling, or rather some evidence which was presented was obvious BS.
Specifically Alpha Bank story, and then russian IP list, these were 100% pure BS.
I have been saying since the beginning that I can see how russians would do such a thing, simply to send Hillary and Obama a signal. Just a signal, nothing more.
Now about this indictment, assuming info they gathered and now broad-casted for everybody to see is accurate, GRU clearly can use it to learn about US capabilities in terms of spying on them. Maybe the whole thing was about that? I mean to test and see how much US spies know.
I think he was looking forward to spending 4-8 years on the sidelines, bitching about how wonderful a leader he WOULD have been, how HE would have solved every problem.

I mean, campaign promise that he HAD the solution to the wars in the Mideast, and he'd implement it if elected.
When elected, he told the Pentagon, 'Get me a plan.'

Plus, he spends all his time on the golf course, or chanting about Crooked Hillary, and going to 2020 election campaign rallies... I think that was his plan all along. Being elected is a real disappointment to him.

But while that would have worked for Russian interests, this is much better for them. They gambled andwon big time.

having said that, I don't believe Americans have hard evidence. Is that clear?
OH, sure, it's clear. Just... After:
32 individuals / 3 companies charged with 112 discrete crimes
5 Guilty pleas from Trump aides
8 Lies under oath
1 Lawyer pleading the 5th
1 Paul Manafort in jail

Well, clear is one thing. Credible is quite another.

How is that bitching about Trump relevant to your point?
How is that bitching about Trump relevant to your point?

Um, this forum exists for bitching about that shitgibbon. How did you miss that on the way in?

Also, YOU said:
But they have never thought Trump would get elected.
That doesn't exactly rebut the accusation that they meddled BECAUSE as I said, Trump being a bitching candidate/ex-candidate works just as well for promoting Russian interests through American division. Win or lose, it would be worth their time, efforts, technology investments.

My point was that your point was an off-point.
How is that bitching about Trump relevant to your point?

Um, this forum exists for bitching about that shitgibbon. How did you miss that on the way in?
I know that, still, how is that relevant to your point?
Also, YOU said:
But they have never thought Trump would get elected.
That doesn't exactly rebut the accusation
I had no intention to rebute anything, I was just correcting you.
that they meddled BECAUSE as I said, Trump being a bitching candidate/ex-candidate works just as well for promoting Russian interests through American division. Win or lose, it would be worth their time, efforts, technology investments.
You sound as if Russia can't have legitimate interests. Russians are people too, Mexicans are people too, and French, even Norwegians are people as well.
My point was that your point was an off-point.
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