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Is this the end of the GOP?

Nice Squirrel

Jun 15, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Only the Nice Squirrel can save us.
Last time a party could not elect a speaker was back in the days of the Whigs. There is no way the establishment is going to work with the Tea Partiers or give them what they want (the government shutdown). Will a more centrist third party focused on governing emerge?
Last time a party could not elect a speaker was back in the days of the Whigs. There is no way the establishment is going to work with the Tea Partiers or give them what they want (the government shutdown). Will a more centrist third party focused on governing emerge?

That is a very interesting question. The breakaway from the Whig party became the Republican Party which nominated and elected Abraham Lincoln. The Republicans held the White House for the next 24 years. That's possible again, but not with any of the current GOP candidates.

The more likely outcome is another 8 years (maybe more) of Democratic Presidents.
It'll be more. No way they're going to restructure under Hillary Clinton's watch and let her be perceived as having a victory.
It'll be more. No way they're going to restructure under Hillary Clinton's watch and let her be perceived as having a victory.

That depends entirely upon the Congressional elections of 2016. If a significant number of Tea Party darlings do not return, the moderate GOP, what's left of them will retake control.
Not by a long shot.

The national leadership has failed spectacularly on some fronts...Trump as the leading candidate and the inability to pick a Speaker...but the roots of the tree are as strong as ever.
Not by a long shot.

The national leadership has failed spectacularly on some fronts...Trump as the leading candidate and the inability to pick a Speaker...but the roots of the tree are as strong as ever.
Last time a party could not elect a speaker was back in the days of the Whigs. There is no way the establishment is going to work with the Tea Partiers or give them what they want (the government shutdown). Will a more centrist third party focused on governing emerge?

That is a very interesting question. The breakaway from the Whig party became the Republican Party which nominated and elected Abraham Lincoln. The Republicans held the White House for the next 24 years. That's possible again, but not with any of the current GOP candidates.

The more likely outcome is another 8 years (maybe more) of Democratic Presidents.
Yeah, another 8 years of nothing new is probably likely. Of course the tea partier's could always show off their juvenile stripes by revolting to become some other reformed party; or take over some minor party like the American Freedom Party.

At another level, it is hard to say as when thing start to rupture, events can happen very rapidly. The House can remain fractured/chaotic, and generally a large portion of House seats could be retained by either party simply by the big R or D on the ballot next to the candidate. If the mainstream Repugs think the Senate cannot be won again, w/o jettisoning the tea partiers, change might start happening within their party. Right now the Repugs still retain the Senate, and will probably retain the ability to win/retain control for at least 2 more presidential cycles. But with the US shifting demographics, the Repugs are being bled by 2 percentage points of white voter makeup every 4 years. And in 8 years that will especially matter in Texas as Hispanics edge very close to being the majority (though maybe not as a percentage of active voters yet).
That is a very interesting question. The breakaway from the Whig party became the Republican Party which nominated and elected Abraham Lincoln. The Republicans held the White House for the next 24 years. That's possible again, but not with any of the current GOP candidates.

The more likely outcome is another 8 years (maybe more) of Democratic Presidents.
Yeah, another 8 years of nothing new is probably likely. Of course the tea partier's could always show off their juvenile stripes by revolting to become some other reformed party; or take over some minor party like the American Freedom Party.

At another level, it is hard to say as when thing start to rupture, events can happen very rapidly. The House can remain fractured/chaotic, and generally a large portion of House seats could be retained by either party simply by the big R or D on the ballot next to the candidate. If the mainstream Repugs think the Senate cannot be won again, w/o jettisoning the tea partiers, change might start happening within their party. Right now the Repugs still retain the Senate, and will probably retain the ability to win/retain control for at least 2 more presidential cycles. But with the US shifting demographics, the Repugs are being bled by 2 percentage points of white voter makeup every 4 years. And in 8 years that will especially matter in Texas as Hispanics edge very close to being the majority (though maybe not as a percentage of active voters yet).

The Tea Party lives and dies with corporate money. For all their grassroots claims, the real money for campaign contributions comes from a small circle.

The Reagan Revolution swept quite a few Senators into office. All of them lost their seat in the 2nd mid term election, six years later. None of them were able to accomplish anything. The kiss of death for a politician is to be seen as part of the problem. You can only run as an outsider once. If Tea Party Congressmen have to go back to their districts and all they can say is we shut down the government and got nothing for it, they'll have "PROBLEM" around their neck like a prison tattoo.
Yeah, another 8 years of nothing new is probably likely. Of course the tea partier's could always show off their juvenile stripes by revolting to become some other reformed party; or take over some minor party like the American Freedom Party.

At another level, it is hard to say as when thing start to rupture, events can happen very rapidly. The House can remain fractured/chaotic, and generally a large portion of House seats could be retained by either party simply by the big R or D on the ballot next to the candidate. If the mainstream Repugs think the Senate cannot be won again, w/o jettisoning the tea partiers, change might start happening within their party. Right now the Repugs still retain the Senate, and will probably retain the ability to win/retain control for at least 2 more presidential cycles. But with the US shifting demographics, the Repugs are being bled by 2 percentage points of white voter makeup every 4 years. And in 8 years that will especially matter in Texas as Hispanics edge very close to being the majority (though maybe not as a percentage of active voters yet).

The Tea Party lives and dies with corporate money. For all their grassroots claims, the real money for campaign contributions comes from a small circle.
That is true. But that doesn't mean the TP groupies (which could include a handful congressional critters) couldn't have a hissy fit, and break off into their own party preparing the way for their own oblivion.
Yeah, another 8 years of nothing new is probably likely. Of course the tea partier's could always show off their juvenile stripes by revolting to become some other reformed party; or take over some minor party like the American Freedom Party.

At another level, it is hard to say as when thing start to rupture, events can happen very rapidly. The House can remain fractured/chaotic, and generally a large portion of House seats could be retained by either party simply by the big R or D on the ballot next to the candidate. If the mainstream Repugs think the Senate cannot be won again, w/o jettisoning the tea partiers, change might start happening within their party. Right now the Repugs still retain the Senate, and will probably retain the ability to win/retain control for at least 2 more presidential cycles. But with the US shifting demographics, the Repugs are being bled by 2 percentage points of white voter makeup every 4 years. And in 8 years that will especially matter in Texas as Hispanics edge very close to being the majority (though maybe not as a percentage of active voters yet).

The Tea Party lives and dies with corporate money. For all their grassroots claims, the real money for campaign contributions comes from a small circle.

The Reagan Revolution swept quite a few Senators into office. All of them lost their seat in the 2nd mid term election, six years later. None of them were able to accomplish anything. The kiss of death for a politician is to be seen as part of the problem. You can only run as an outsider once. If Tea Party Congressmen have to go back to their districts and all they can say is we shut down the government and got nothing for it, they'll have "PROBLEM" around their neck like a prison tattoo.
And when you read an article about what is happening with the republican party at the federal level it reads like a soap opera. The business of running the country isn't even on their minds. They're all caught up in their own little fantasies. I swear there's something in the water or food.
It'll be more. No way they're going to restructure under Hillary Clinton's watch and let her be perceived as having a victory.
That depends entirely upon the Congressional elections of 2016. If a significant number of Tea Party darlings do not return, the moderate GOP, what's left of them will retake control.
Problem is, these people are from the very red gerrymandered districts. Unseating them will be hard. The far right has proven themselves to be unforgiving and are of the mindset that people like Boehner are traitors because DC isn't on fire.

Not by a long shot.

The national leadership has failed spectacularly on some fronts...Trump as the leading candidate and the inability to pick a Speaker...but the roots of the tree are as strong as ever.
The problem is all the talk. They talked and talked about stepping in and changing everything. But it was just bluster. They can't just reduce government spending by 50%. There are realities to our budget. They kept on talking about slaying the beast and now in power, they can't slay wasn't isn't real. But the Teabaggers (both elected officials and their supporters) are true believers, raised on three decades of propaganda radio. They aren't going quietly into the night.

But I certainly don't see an alternative here. The "moderates" of the Republican party are anything but moderate. Orrin Hatch was a radical in the 90s. He is now a "moderate" of the party. It has gotten that messed up. Certainly no one is jumping ship to the Democrats. The Tea Party could split, but that could definitely endanger their corporate artificial turf money to stay elected.

And to make matters worse, Democrats, even very conservative ones would have a very hard time taking the seat away from the radical.

The term "status quo" and "impasse" comes to mind. The only thing the Republicans can try to do is beat out the Tea Party folk, but they created a monster and it has sharp teeth and is very dumb.
The Tea Party lives and dies with corporate money. For all their grassroots claims, the real money for campaign contributions comes from a small circle.

The Reagan Revolution swept quite a few Senators into office. All of them lost their seat in the 2nd mid term election, six years later. None of them were able to accomplish anything. The kiss of death for a politician is to be seen as part of the problem. You can only run as an outsider once. If Tea Party Congressmen have to go back to their districts and all they can say is we shut down the government and got nothing for it, they'll have "PROBLEM" around their neck like a prison tattoo.
And when you read an article about what is happening with the republican party at the federal level it reads like a soap opera. The business of running the country isn't even on their minds. They're all caught up in their own little fantasies. I swear there's something in the water or food.

The far right GOP was elected on fear and anger. That does not translate very well into policy.
History Repeats Itself by Wearing Disguises. Immigration Is Invasion.

Not by a long shot.

The national leadership has failed spectacularly on some fronts...Trump as the leading candidate and the inability to pick a Speaker...but the roots of the tree are as strong as ever.
Some xenos need to be phobed. But the GOPer Establishment doesn't believe anything it preaches to the suckers; the plutocrats are the greatest globalists and the "Liberal" multiculties are their loyal sons, no matter what kind of pose they make in their media presentations.
Morticia's Daughter: "Are Those Cookies Made Out of Real Girlscouts?"

The Tea Party lives and dies with corporate money. For all their grassroots claims, the real money for campaign contributions comes from a small circle.

The Reagan Revolution swept quite a few Senators into office. All of them lost their seat in the 2nd mid term election, six years later. None of them were able to accomplish anything. The kiss of death for a politician is to be seen as part of the problem. You can only run as an outsider once. If Tea Party Congressmen have to go back to their districts and all they can say is we shut down the government and got nothing for it, they'll have "PROBLEM" around their neck like a prison tattoo.
And when you read an article about what is happening with the republican party at the federal level it reads like a soap opera. The business of running the country isn't even on their minds. They're all caught up in their own little fantasies. I swear there's something in the water or food.
Kevin McCarthy starred in Invasion of the Bodysnatchers. So the obvious explanation is that he turned the GOP (Greedheads Out on Parole) into pod people. Another eerie fact is that one of his co-stars became Morticia Addams.
And when you read an article about what is happening with the republican party at the federal level it reads like a soap opera. The business of running the country isn't even on their minds. They're all caught up in their own little fantasies. I swear there's something in the water or food.
Kevin McCarthy starred in Invasion of the Bodysnatchers. So the obvious explanation is that he turned the GOP (Greedheads Out on Parole) into pod people. Another eerie fact is that one of his co-stars became Morticia Addams.
That wasn't McCarthy. That was Limbaugh, Medved, Prager, Levin, Hannity, Reagan (the host not President), Beck, etc...
The GOP is alive and well. Every few years each party is assessed as on the verge of death, but all it takes is a single election to suddenly turn the tables.

Someone brought up gerrymandering. Look no further than that. The Supreme Court has decided that such matters are not within its power to oversee and so until the makeup of the Court is different and until someone brings another lawsuit under a slightly different cause of action, those states will be putting nutjobs into office.
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