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It looks like the Scientology movement has started to splinter

Scientology (and before that Dianetics) has been splintering from the beginning. Known to Scientology, as squirrels. I have in the past seen a list of known squirrels from internal Scientology documents from the 80's that was immense. Many of these groups have been harassed or sued. Independent Scientologists that are no longer involved with the cult but practice some form of auditing etc are known collectively as The Free Zone. Free Zoners have been at it for years now and on usenet were very active 10 years ago. There were often kooks but at least didn't abuse anybody like Scientology. There are probably more active Free Zone practitioners of Scientology than in Scientology itself. Some were Scientologists for years until either disgusted or declared SPs for some reason or other. Because of threats of harassment and lawsuits, many keep a low profile. Computer technology made it easy to copy tapes and books and tape transcripts and pass them around, sneakernet, For those in the Free Zone who want Hubbard's stuff, it is available if you know the right people to ask. Back in the alt.religion.Scientology war days, lots of these transcripts of Hubbard's tapes were posted to the net through anonymous remailers. There were Free Zone E-meters available for those who wanted them.

A lot of ex-Scientologists will tell you, it is easy to become an auditing junkie. I strongly suspect there is a darknet of freezoners and squirrels now. And a few deep dives I have made in the past have shown a lot of Scientology stuff is around on various sites for the downloading. Scientology seems to have finally given up trying to keep everything off the net now.

In a few dicey posts involving some discussions about all of this with a Scientology lawyer years ago on alt.religion.Scientology, I warned her (Helena Kobrin) that this was going to be the inevitable end result that no amount of threats and lawsuits would every stop. Almost Hubbard's Scientology books are online somewhere or the other if you hunt them down.

Maybe some day when I am bored, I will do a deep dive into the grey underworld of Free Zone and squirrel Scientologists out of curiosity.
The Scientologists are working hard now to counter the rash of documentaries and investigative journalism that has revealed it as the cult it is. I live in Clearwater, and they've started putting up billboards here, and they've started their own TV channel as well. They're trying to capitalize on people's natural curiosity.

I heard about the cult's new channel. hehe I don't know if it's available in my area.

Also, fyi - humanrights.org is a scientology front group page, not a page for any group that actually cares about human rights. The cult certainly doesn't, but they do like the PR of pretending to.

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It looks like the Free Zone is on the net.

You can now access all of the L Ron Hubbard lectures and written materials because others are willing to share them with you.
Once you have them available on your own computer or external hard drive, you likewise share them with others.
A brief word about this effort: to ensure that these are the correct technology, this must be, as all of Scientolipedia is, a "crowd-sourced" effort. It all happens here because we contribute to it and make it so.

Apparently the Scientology lawyers have given up on getting all this stuff off the net.
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