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It's Mueller Time: Predict What the Republicans Will Say


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
If we're now at the last weekend before the report drops, here's a chance for predicting what our wonderful pals the Republicans will say about it (I'm assuming it will not exonerate Trump in any substantial way, as he did so much obstruction of justice in front of the Fake News cameras.)
I'm guessing, first, a loud chorus of outrage if there is no tangible smoking gun, such as a taped phone call. (BTW, no amount of tapes or computer logs will faze them. They can obviously rationalize away anything their hero does.)
Second, all their Criminal Deep State delusions, especially if they find extraneous observations and characterizations in the report. (I'm confident they'll find something to yell about.)
Third, a loud stuck-piggy wail that there are two standards of justice, and why isn't Hillary behind bars?
Plus claims of Trump Derangement Syndrome (which really means you have a 7th grade understanding of how a democratic government is supposed to operate.) Insufferable bellows of American Exceptionalism & how Donald is getting us there.
I'm making the optimistic assumption here that a reasonable amount of the report is made public soon -- which may be a pathetic hope.
I predict that they will create a "Mueller Report" which is about a fake scandal involving Mueller and amp up the coverage of it. So when anyone with a brain talks about the Mueller report, conservatives will agree that he is a terrible person. Like I heard on Maher last night, if Fox News had been around when Nixon was President, he'd never have been impeached.
Latest news reports are that Mueller will not be done this week nor even soon. Remember that Stone was just busted recently and they said they had huge amounts of data from the search warrants on his properties that needed to be examined.

Of course Barr may have other plans.
Some version of "but her emails!" will no doubt surface. Trump and his entire crime syndicate could be hauled away in leg irons and there would still be right wingers insisting that something must be done about Hillary.
Public opinion on the issue is only relevant in regard to Republican senators who are facing re-election in 2020. So they—and their constituent’s reactions—are the ones to focus on.
What we will hear:


You'll hear that even if there's a tape of shitgibbon and vlad discussing facebook targeting.
Mueller was still wrangling with that foreign company in court with SCOTUS being involved. I don't see how he could be close to finished... unless that foreign company have a box of smoking guns in it.
Mueller was still wrangling with that foreign company in court with SCOTUS being involved. I don't see how he could be close to finished... unless that foreign company have a box of smoking guns in it.

Right. I don't see how he will be done anytime soon.

It's possible that incontrovertible incriminating evidence against Trumpo will happen, same as there was incontrovertible incriminating evidence against the Russian state when it came to doping of olympic athletes. But republicans are more loyal than moral and will not break ranks. That much is certain.

If Barr buries the report then the Mueller Probe will essentially continue simply because we have a democratic house.
Mueller was still wrangling with that foreign company in court with SCOTUS being involved. I don't see how he could be close to finished... unless that foreign company have a box of smoking guns in it.

Right. I don't see how he will be done anytime soon.

It's possible that incontrovertible incriminating evidence against Trumpo will happen, same as there was incontrovertible incriminating evidence against the Russian state when it came to doping of olympic athletes. But republicans are more loyal than moral and will not break ranks. That much is certain.

If Barr buries the report then the Mueller Probe will essentially continue simply because we have a democratic house.

I don't believe that they are any more loyal to the shitgibbon than they are to the god, country, apple pie or ethical behavior. They are responsive (not loyal) to the sentiments of their electorates. As long as their calculus remains that feigning loyalty to Trump gives them the best chance of retaining their phony baloney jobs (ONLY chance of winning a primary), they will continue to do so. The very minute that calculus changes, so will their "loyalty" to Fuckface von Clownstick. And that calculus isn't going to change any time soon within Republican districts and States.
Doesn't mean that he can win again though; there are at least a few people (more than a few, I suspect) who voted for him because he and vlad managed to terrify them of Hillary, and they were like "He's right - the government needs housecleaning, he's an outsider, I saw that he's a great businessman on The Apprentice, and ... how bad could it be?"
Now they have an inkling of how bad it could be, and at least some of them have regrets and won't vote for him again. It will depend on how effectively the TrumPutin junta can terrify people of whoever the Dems nominate.
Isn’t this about the eighth time it’s a week away from being submitted?

I’ll believe the rumours to that effect when we hear something from Mueller about it.
I guess when Republican politicians stop lying or hell freezes over, whichever happens first, then the investigation can be concluded.
Isn’t this about the eighth time it’s a week away from being submitted?

I’ll believe the rumours to that effect when we hear something from Mueller about it.

Yeah, just a few more next weeks, then a month or two of tomorrows. And then we won't know, because Trump's buttboy at the DOJ ain't gotta show no steenkin' report to nobody!
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