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It's not been a good couple of weeks for the Catholics


Nov 28, 2007
Basic Beliefs
Pope Francis XVI speaks at the Catholic Academy of Sciences (which is a real thing and do real science). The Catholic church wants to come across as more pro-science than before, but end up just being more God of the gaps. There's gems like this:

“He created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfilment." and “Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.”

So God created us but didn't? This is just nonsense. The ramblings of a madman.

On the Big Bang:

“The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.

erm... no. Because why? Because I guy in a funny hat said so? Yeah, that must be it.

So it's a slight development from the last (dum ass) pope. But an idiot is still an idiot even if you're able to find somebody even more stupid. I think that's my take away from this.

Well, it's not meant to be cutting-edge research to push back the boundaries of the envelope.

It's meant to comfort the Bleevers, so when their sons and daughters come back from college and say silly things about science disproving God, they can confidently say that an authority figure has told them that science just makes God even more necessary! So THERE!
On the topic of that the Bible isn't in line with Catholic doctrine. Well, it was the Catholic church that was the editor of the Bible. Everything in the Bible is there because the Catholic church wanted it to be there. I forget the particulars, but there's quite a few Biblical passages that are there ONLY to settle some 200 AD current political dispute within the church. Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus mentions a bunch of specifics. Within that context they make sense and they make the Catholic interpretation make sense. But we don't have the context today. So basically, since the Bible is a Catholic product it actually makes sense to keep letting the Catholic church decide what is in the Bible and how to interpret it. Fundamentalism, (ie letting the Bible and not the church be the supreme authority on doctrine) was actually introduced by Martin Luther in the 15'th century. So the Protestant endeavour of being more true to original Christianity by not being Catholic is just fucking stupid.


- - - Updated - - -

On the topic of that the Bible isn't in line with Catholic doctrine. Well, it was the Catholic church that was the editor of the Bible. Everything in the Bible is there because the Catholic church wanted it to be there. I forget the particulars, but there's quite a few Biblical passages that are there ONLY to settle some 200 AD current political dispute within the church. Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus mentions a bunch of specifics. Within that context they make sense and they make the Catholic interpretation make sense. But we don't have the context today. So basically, since the Bible is a Catholic product it actually makes sense to keep letting the Catholic church decide what is in the Bible and how to interpret it. Fundamentalism, (ie letting the Bible and not the church be the supreme authority on doctrine) was actually introduced by Martin Luther in the 15'th century. So the Protestant endeavour of being more true to original Christianity by not being Catholic is just fucking stupid.
Of course it is fucking stupid, it is religion!

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