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Ivanka Trump running for office?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner to head south as she explores political future - CNNPolitics
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are currently in the final stages of purchasing a plot of land in an exclusive enclave nicknamed "billionaire bunker," near Miami Beach, Florida, according to a source familiar with the transaction.

The lot, which is just shy of two acres and sits on Biscayne Bay, was listed at $31.8 million and the couple offered somewhere in the range of $28-30 million, the source said. The sale is pending under contract, meaning the buyer's offer has been accepted by the seller, who happens to be legendary Spanish crooner Julio Iglesias.
Thus following in the footsteps of Ivanka's father, another New Yorker who purchased an estate in Florida.

Real-estate broker Dora Puig:
Puig said the extreme security measures at Indian Creek enjoyed by residents is one of the main reasons wealthy people are willing to pay into the tens of millions for a piece of land and views of the water surrounding it, waters monitored around the clock by armed private security.

"The security gate at the entrance and 24/7 patrol serves as a way to ensure only homeowners, their guests, and members enter the island. This is a crucial reason that celebrities such as Julio Iglesias, Adriana Lima, Carl Icahn, Jeffrey Soffer, Eddie Lampert and Peter Breton -- amongst many others -- have lived there," she said.
Then some rumors that Ivanka wants to run for office, and speculation that she might want to run against Sen. Marco Rubio in 2022.
"Normally, you'd expect a credible candidate for US Senate to spend years building a political and financial network, but those normal rules would not apply to Ivanka," he said. "I think she'd be the immediate frontrunner if she ran for US Senate against Rubio, given her father's popularity in the Sunshine State."
If she wanted to run for governor, she'd have to reside in that state for 7 years.

She might run for the state legislature or for some local office.

I've also seen rumors about Trump son Don Jr. wanting to run for office, like how he wants to buy an estate in Kentucky so that he can run for governor there.
Ivanka’s political future comes into sharper focus - POLITICO
Top party officials say that Lara Trump, wife of the president’s son Eric, is actively contemplating a run for the Senate in North Carolina, where an open seat awaits in 2022. “It’s real and she is legitimately interested in it,” said one Trump family political adviser.

The president’s eldest son, Don Jr., is eyeing a future in politics as well, though allies say it’s unclear when or what office he’d seek after he passed on running for the Senate in Wyoming this last cycle. He and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle have also been scoping out real estate in Florida.

The newest and most-buzzed about possibility, however, surrounds the president’s daughter Ivanka. The senior White House adviser is set to decamp to Florida after her father’s presidency comes to a close. And though talk of her launching a primary challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has given off the faint whiff of political fan-fick, in reality, Trump officials say, there have been machinations behind the scenes.
What is Ivanka Trump's legacy? Enabling her father's odious actions | Ivanka Trump | The Guardian - "The president’s daughter did encourage her father to push through a bill on paid parental leave, but her successes are outweighed by the administration’s damaging policies"
Ivanka Trump has wound up her time in the White House in the most fitting way possible: with a scandal about a $3,000-a-month toilet. Members of the Secret Service, it was recently reported, were banned from using any of the bathrooms in Jared Kushner and Ivanka’s Washington DC mansion and, instead, had to rent an apartment to relieve themselves in (although Jared and Ivanka have denied this). Talk about flushing taxpayers’ money down the drain.
Ivanka has claimed a few successes.
According to her Twitter feed, one thing Americans should all be thanking Ivanka for is paid family leave, which has been one of her marquee issues. And, to be fair, if Ivanka is to be praised for anything, it’s for pushing Donald Trump to pass a bill giving federal employees 12 weeks of paid parental time off. Would that have happened without Ivanka? I don’t know. But she facilitated it. Does it make up for the many odious things Ivanka also facilitated? No.

Another of Ivanka’s big projects was the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) initiative, which aims to reach 50 million women in the developing world by 2025 and … well, I’m not sure exactly what’s supposed to happen then. The initiative is so buzzword-laden that it’s somewhat hard to understand. You get the impression Ivanka launched it via vague instructions to “empower women in powerful ways via strategic pillars of empowerment”.

... Let’s be charitable and say W-GDP has done some good. The problem is, that good is massively outweighed by the Trump administration’s worldwide war on abortion: the administration imposed an harmful expansion of “the global gag rule”, which bans US federal funding international NGOs that provide abortion services or advocacy. Trump also did his best to try to destroy the budget for foreign aid.
So she's done the sorts of things that First Ladies have traditionally done.
Ivanka’s political future comes into sharper focus - POLITICO
Top party officials say that Lara Trump, wife of the president’s son Eric, is actively contemplating a run for the Senate in North Carolina, where an open seat awaits in 2022. “It’s real and she is legitimately interested in it,” said one Trump family political adviser.

The president’s eldest son, Don Jr., is eyeing a future in politics as well, though allies say it’s unclear when or what office he’d seek after he passed on running for the Senate in Wyoming this last cycle. He and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle have also been scoping out real estate in Florida.

The newest and most-buzzed about possibility, however, surrounds the president’s daughter Ivanka. The senior White House adviser is set to decamp to Florida after her father’s presidency comes to a close. And though talk of her launching a primary challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has given off the faint whiff of political fan-fick, in reality, Trump officials say, there have been machinations behind the scenes.

As a firm democrat, I've been surprised and pleased about how many republicans stood up and acted against Trump's attempted coup (McDonnell, the supreme court, all the republican judges, George governor, and others). These people have redeemed themselves. But the republicans who were on the inside, and stood by without saying anything, or even helped Trump - should not be allowed to reenter public office again. They can't be trusted. And this totally includes Ivanka.
But they liked her so much at the G20 summit..... in her own mind at least

[YOUTUBE] https://youtu.be/tRTdBMdo1_M[/YOUTUBE]
Ivanka’s political future comes into sharper focus - POLITICO
Top party officials say that Lara Trump, wife of the president’s son Eric, is actively contemplating a run for the Senate in North Carolina, where an open seat awaits in 2022. “It’s real and she is legitimately interested in it,” said one Trump family political adviser.

The president’s eldest son, Don Jr., is eyeing a future in politics as well, though allies say it’s unclear when or what office he’d seek after he passed on running for the Senate in Wyoming this last cycle. He and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle have also been scoping out real estate in Florida.

The newest and most-buzzed about possibility, however, surrounds the president’s daughter Ivanka. The senior White House adviser is set to decamp to Florida after her father’s presidency comes to a close. And though talk of her launching a primary challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has given off the faint whiff of political fan-fick, in reality, Trump officials say, there have been machinations behind the scenes.

As a firm democrat, I've been surprised and pleased about how many republicans stood up and acted against Trump's attempted coup (McDonnell, the supreme court, all the republican judges, George governor, and others). These people have redeemed themselves. But the republicans who were on the inside, and stood by without saying anything, or even helped Trump - should not be allowed to reenter public office again. They can't be trusted. And this totally includes Ivanka.

Maybe the reason that I disagree so strongly is that I'm not a "firm Democrat". I expect better from Republicans than what I've seen in the last 20 years, much less the last 4.

The rats leaving a sinking ship are still rats. That's how I see folks like McConnell.
Ivanka. Isn't she the one who used her personal phone for government business, after Hillary was hung out to dry for doing so?

And it was made illegal afterwards.
As a firm democrat, I've been surprised and pleased about how many republicans stood up and acted against Trump's attempted coup (McDonnell, the supreme court, all the republican judges, George governor, and others). These people have redeemed themselves. But the republicans who were on the inside, and stood by without saying anything, or even helped Trump - should not be allowed to reenter public office again. They can't be trusted. And this totally includes Ivanka.

Maybe the reason that I disagree so strongly is that I'm not a "firm Democrat". I expect better from Republicans than what I've seen in the last 20 years, much less the last 4.

The rats leaving a sinking ship are still rats. That's how I see folks like McConnell.

Where is your disagreement?
I could be so, so wrong about Idwankher, but I don't see her as being a crowd-drawer. She has a snooty-nostrilled Coulter vibe going on. Admittedly, I've never seen her addressing a crowd or mob, but it's hard for me to imagine her pouring out the wattage that Daddy brings. Don Junior, I could see. If he buys a better razor, he might be something on the stump. The sister, she looks like she'd rather be sitting in Rumpelmeyers slurping a $15 parfait float and taking business calls from Beijing.
I could be so, so wrong about Idwankher, but I don't see her as being a crowd-drawer. She has a snooty-nostrilled Coulter vibe going on. Admittedly, I've never seen her addressing a crowd or mob, but it's hard for me to imagine her pouring out the wattage that Daddy brings. Don Junior, I could see. If he buys a better razor, he might be something on the stump. The sister, she looks like she'd rather be sitting in Rumpelmeyers slurping a $15 parfait float and taking business calls from Beijing.

Again, political beliefs to the side, I'd have a real problem with any politician running in the future who was part or agreed to the overthrow of a legitimate and lawful election.
The great majority of the GOP disagree. Happily, that doesn't seem to crack 45% of the national electorate, hence the scheming on the part of the righties. They are going to find it ever tougher to crack that ceiling as the US diversifies. Bye bye, Robert E. Lee.
The great majority of the GOP disagree. Happily, that doesn't seem to crack 45% of the national electorate, hence the scheming on the part of the righties. They are going to find it ever tougher to crack that ceiling as the US diversifies. Bye bye, Robert E. Lee.

Agreed. But I just feel that it's silly to sincerely run for office in a county when you don't respect it's election laws. Or it's at least very hypocritical.
As a firm democrat, I've been surprised and pleased about how many republicans stood up and acted against Trump's attempted coup (McDonnell, the supreme court, all the republican judges, George governor, and others). These people have redeemed themselves. But the republicans who were on the inside, and stood by without saying anything, or even helped Trump - should not be allowed to reenter public office again. They can't be trusted. And this totally includes Ivanka.

Maybe the reason that I disagree so strongly is that I'm not a "firm Democrat". I expect better from Republicans than what I've seen in the last 20 years, much less the last 4.

The rats leaving a sinking ship are still rats. That's how I see folks like McConnell.

Where is your disagreement?

I've been surprised and pleased about how many republicans stood up and acted against Trump's attempted coup

That part.

I'm appalled by how many powerful Republicans hand waved away Trump's behavior. It was bad back in November. Following the attempted coup, any politician who didn't denounce and Trump immediately is part of the problem.
Politicians who waited to see if it was safe to be upset do not count as "opposed to Trump's coup attempt".
Opinion | Marco Rubio Deserves Ivanka Trump - The New York Times - "Will the senator’s sycophancy and shape-shifting come to naught?"
It was early 2016, Trump hadn’t yet locked down the Republican presidential nomination and Rubio, smarting from Trump’s nickname for him (“Little Marco’) and cracks about his overactive sweat glands, began pointing voters toward Trump’s private parts.

“He’s, like, 6-2, which is why I don’t understand why his hands are the size of someone who’s 5-2,” Rubio told voters at a campaign rally in late February that year. “Have you seen his hands? And you know what they say about men with small hands.”

In that age of innocence, we were talking and even laughing about the nether regions of Republican anatomy. Five years later, we’re talking and most certainly not laughing about the nether regions of Republican morality, which Rubio plumbs as shamelessly as his more exposed Senate colleagues Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton do.
Then about Ivanka Trump challenging MR in the Florida Republican Senate primary of 2022. "Little Marco" seems to have become an all-out Trumpie.
Marco Rubio on Twitter: "
Waste of time impeachment isn’t about accountability
It’s about demands from vengeance from the radical left
And a new “show” for the “Political Entertainment Industry”
" / Twitter

It will be hard to be more Trumpie than the Trump children. Like Ivanka.
I can remember back to 2013, when, as a member of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” in the Senate, he helped to draft legislation for comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for millions of people in this country illegally. He was then styling himself as a pragmatist determined to broaden the Republican Party’s tent.

Now he rails against “amnesty.” He’s a Trump-style populist, content with a clownish part in the Republican Party’s circus.

I remember how his parents’ flight to the United States from Cuba was the supposed cornerstone of his political convictions, the prompt for a hawkish foreign policy with no tolerance for autocrats at odds with our democratic values.

But he just spent four years blowing kisses at an American president more autocratic and more contemptuous of those values than any in his lifetime.
I sure hope the Trump brats run for office, and indeed hope they get elected! Don Jr. is the very image that defines Wiki's  Stupid Shallow Man. Ivanka, the only one of her father's children with, barely, a 100+ IQ, reeks of a constipated smugness. If these brats do run they won't dare run in a constituency where humans have a chance; instead they'll try to primary-win against a Republioturd incumbent so it won't even be a GOP gain.

Sure, Don Jr. and Ivanka might both end up in Congress — the stupidity of Republioturd voters has no bounds — but if so, their elections may help perpetuate a GOP schism that should enable the Party of Humans to increase its political power.

OTOH, I was rooting for DJT in the 2016 primaries, thinking this was the path to easy Clinton victory! :ashamed: So take my advice with a big dose of salt.
OTOH, I was rooting for DJT in the 2016 primaries, thinking this was the path to easy Clinton victory! :ashamed: So take my advice with a big dose of salt.

There's a bunch of us in that boat.:worried:
Lara Trump for North Carolina Senate Seat? Trump’s Trial Is Renewing Talk - The New York Times
Senator Richard M. Burr’s vote to convict the former president has intensified speculation that Ms. Trump might galvanize staunch Trump loyalists behind a possible bid for Mr. Burr’s seat in 2022.
He's retiring, so that seat will be open.
Another Republican, former Representative Mark Walker, a Trump ally, has already announced his candidacy, and Pat McCrory, a Republican former governor, is considering one. Mark Meadows, the former North Carolina representative and former Trump chief of staff, is also said to be in the mix.

“We are going to take a very long look at all the candidates versus, you know, some kind of coronation,” said Mark Brody, a member of the Republican National Committee from Union County, outside Charlotte.

Doug Heye, a former Republican National Committee spokesman who used to work for Mr. Burr, questioned whether Ms. Trump was willing to endure the tussle and tedium of running or serving. “Many people love the speculation and the attention, but being senator is a lot of hard work,” he said.
At least 3 other Republicans are considering running, all of them experienced in politics. Lara Trump only has the identity of her father-in-law.
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