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James Comey Admitted He Was Wrong!! Says Trump Was Right!!!


Apr 10, 2002
Basic Beliefs
Where's the lefties now? They all have their tails in the sand.

Could be jail time for Comey.
Where's the lefties now? They all have their tails in the sand.

This should be fun. What did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly.

We'll wait.


"Trump hints at jail time after Comey says ‘I was wrong’ about FISA process"

"The president goes after his fired FBI director, who admits that he was “overconfident” in the bureau’s surveillance procedures."

“So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong,” the president wrote on Twitter. “Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red handed. He was actually caught a long time ago. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?”
Where's the lefties now? They all have their tails in the sand.

This should be fun. What did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly.

We'll wait.


"Trump hints at jail time after Comey says ‘I was wrong’ about FISA process"

"The president goes after his fired FBI director, who admits that he was “overconfident” in the bureau’s surveillance procedures."

Still waiting. What did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly. The "FISA process" is not exact. Being "overconfident" is likewise not exact.

You can do it. Try harder.

"Trump hints at jail time after Comey says ‘I was wrong’ about FISA process"

"The president goes after his fired FBI director, who admits that he was “overconfident” in the bureau’s surveillance procedures."

Still waiting. What did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly. The "FISA process" is not exact. Being "overconfident" is likewise not exact.

You can do it. Try harder.

"Former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday said he was “wrong” about the bureau’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in the Russia investigation, prompting President Donald Trump to question whether jail time was warranted for the director he fired in 2017."

"Last week, the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, released a report on the 2016 origins of the investigation and testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, detailing 17 significant errors and omissions in the FISA process as the FBI was filing its application for the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. "
Hmm, Report indicated investigation was started along non-partisan and legal reasons. Trump says it was a hit job. It wasn’t. Moving on from this I think we can all agree that HL’s OP is off the mark. Maybe “half-true”?

"Trump hints at jail time after Comey says ‘I was wrong’ about FISA process"

"The president goes after his fired FBI director, who admits that he was “overconfident” in the bureau’s surveillance procedures."

Still waiting. What did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly. The "FISA process" is not exact. Being "overconfident" is likewise not exact.

You can do it. Try harder.

"Former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday said he was “wrong” about the bureau’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in the Russia investigation, prompting President Donald Trump to question whether jail time was warranted for the director he fired in 2017."

"Last week, the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, released a report on the 2016 origins of the investigation and testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, detailing 17 significant errors and omissions in the FISA process as the FBI was filing its application for the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. "

This has nothing to do with exonerating Bonespurs of anything since the FISA warrant was was sought and issued after Carter Page had left the campaign. There were warrants issued on Page in 2014-15 due to unusual contacts and possible recruitment efforts by Russia with/on Page. He's been on the FBI's radar for quite some time.

There are definitely problems with the FISA court and just the idea of a secret court system seems quite Orwellian.

"Trump hints at jail time after Comey says ‘I was wrong’ about FISA process"

"The president goes after his fired FBI director, who admits that he was “overconfident” in the bureau’s surveillance procedures."

Still waiting. What did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly. The "FISA process" is not exact. Being "overconfident" is likewise not exact.

You can do it. Try harder.

"Former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday said he was “wrong” about the bureau’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in the Russia investigation, prompting President Donald Trump to question whether jail time was warranted for the director he fired in 2017."

"Last week, the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, released a report on the 2016 origins of the investigation and testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, detailing 17 significant errors and omissions in the FISA process as the FBI was filing its application for the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. "

STILL waiting. You keep quoting everything but the details. Here, let's turn to Comey's own words from the Wallace interview Trump and everyone else is referring to. This is what is known as a "primary source":

WALLACE: "Seventeen significant errors in the FISA process, and you say that it was handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way."

COMEY: "He's right, I was wrong. I was overconfident in the procedures that the FBI and Justice had built over 20 years. I thought they were robust enough. It's incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he's right, there was real sloppiness. Seventeen things that either should have been in the applications or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he's right, I was wrong."

So, I'll ask you again, what did Comey say he was wrong about? Exactly. All you have to do is repeat Wallace's question and Comey's response above verbatim. Here, I'll walk you through it again:

WALLACE: "Seventeen significant errors in the FISA process, and you say that it was handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way."

COMEY: "He's right, I was wrong... there was real sloppiness. Seventeen things that either should have been in the applications or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he's right, I was wrong.

What is he referring to? I'll dumb it down even further for you:

you say that it was handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way.

COMEY: "He's right, I was wrong...there was real sloppiness....It was not acceptable, so he's right, I was wrong

Here, I'll make it inescabably clear so that you can tell ANY fucking moron deplorable who still can't comprehend it:

You said it was handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way.

He's right, it was not handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way.

Does that mean it was illegal? No. Does it mean Comey was in any way wrong about investigating Trump? No.

So, Trump has lied again and YOU can't figure that out.
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Where's the lefties now? They all have their tails in the sand.

Could be jail time for Comey.

Firstly, what the fuck is it with your aversion to citing sources? I know you posted one this time (after some prodding), but for fucks sake it's like pulling teeth with you most of the time.

Secondly, having "their tails in the sand"? Is that an American thing? What the fuck does it mean? It's a pretty esoteric idiom and I'm pretty fucking confused right now.
Odd that he doesn't say those 17 things would have broken the warrant the other way.

He does say that the evidence in the Steele Dossier contributed to the final decision for the FISA warrant, but ... most of the contents of the Steele document have been proven correct, and the authors allegedly still stand by the portions still unverified by federal investigators.
Odd that he doesn't say those 17 things would have broken the warrant the other way.

He does say that the evidence in the Steele Dossier contributed to the final decision for the FISA warrant, but ... most of the contents of the Steele document have been proven correct, and the authors allegedly still stand by the portions still unverified by federal investigators.

The chronology is not disputed. The Steele Dossier did not initiate the investigation--or the FISA warrant--it merely contributed to it and for good reason as it is a legitimate report from a well known and trusted investigator. It's identical to including information gathered by a police officer or detective. When Judges decide to issue a warrant, it's rarely based on full and complete evidence; it's based on sufficient evidence to justify further investigation.

As with everything that involves Trump and Republicans, they're simply full of shit.
I don't see how this is in any way an exoneration of His Flatulence.

Attacking the warrant is an attempt to get off on a technicality, not an indication of a lack of wrongdoing.
But OJ Simpson was innocent off a technicallity, why not Trump?

You lefists are just all over the place!
I am too lazy to look but what exactly did they do wrong? I heard that in the application they intentionally omitted some information which would make their case weaker. But what was that exactly?
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Where's the lefties now? They all have their tails in the sand.

Could be jail time for Comey.

Firstly, what the fuck is it with your aversion to citing sources? I know you posted one this time (after some prodding), but for fucks sake it's like pulling teeth with you most of the time.

Secondly, having "their tails in the sand"? Is that an American thing? What the fuck does it mean? It's a pretty esoteric idiom and I'm pretty fucking confused right now.
Pretty sure 'tails in the sand is mixing metaphors "heads in the sand" (aka pretending things aren't what they are) and "tails between their legs" (indicating defeat).

It is pretty telling, and one more indicator of a non-english as a first language speaker, aka russian bot.
It is pretty telling, and one more indicator of a non-english as a first language speaker, aka russian bot.

Just because he's a Russian troll doesn't mean he's wrong. We knew Comey was a fuckup ever since he got Trump elected by announcing an investigation (that went NOWHERE) against Hillary, even while Trump himself was under investigation - and he failed to note that particularly salient fact.

Of course, being a fuckup isn't necessarily a jail-worthy offense - not like the treason that Trump has since committed.
Halfie's bosses shouldn't be quite so jubilant about their puppet:

Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’

I mean, most of us already know Trump is a puppet, and in debt up past his ears to Deutschbank's Russian oligarch clientele... the only question still up in the air is the actual dollar amount of Trump's negative net worth. Maybe SCOTUS will force the release of those tax returns that Trump promised. Then we'll know that. Not that it matters, but at least the drooling morons who continue to support him will suffer a little cognitive dissonance.
Where's the lefties now? They all have their tails in the sand.

Could be jail time for Comey.

Firstly, what the fuck is it with your aversion to citing sources? I know you posted one this time (after some prodding), but for fucks sake it's like pulling teeth with you most of the time.

Secondly, having "their tails in the sand"? Is that an American thing? What the fuck does it mean? It's a pretty esoteric idiom and I'm pretty fucking confused right now.
Pretty sure 'tails in the sand is mixing metaphors "heads in the sand" (aka pretending things aren't what they are) and "tails between their legs" (indicating defeat).

It is pretty telling, and one more indicator of a non-english as a first language speaker, aka russian bot.

He doesn't cite sources because he mostly just makes stuff up from something he misheard or intentionally misrepresents from Fox (or, in fairness to him, Fox intentionally distorted).
The last time I called him out on a lie I had to find the source myself and outline exactly where he was lying. I'm on the lookout to see if he tells the same lie again... time will tell.

Here is a link to what I am referring to:
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