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John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024

Let’s see, calling posters here who disagree with you (almost everyone) “clueless” and “idiotic.” Hmm. :unsure:
So far, looks like I was right. It's almost as if I can predict the future.
Militarism and empire by China and Russia does not need a crystal ball or psychic powers to predict.

Our foreign policy has been questionable. The question is where would alternative paths have led.

My crystal ball says Russia will fail or decline in the long run for many of the same reasons the Soviets collapsed. When Putin dies or is forced out Russia will again go trough turmoil

From reporting over the last few years China is getting deeper into trouble. Their national and racial pride precludes working with the west cooperatively to work its way ou of it.

Mutually assured survival like the EU and NATO versus never ending conflict..

Russia and China are going backwards, the west to the future.
You mean the guy that actually worked for Russians?
Nuland actually worked for russians too. But good effort to smear the world renowned economist and expert who advised countless governments.
And you, look at you! You talked to a russian. So report yourself to FBI.
Tell me barbos, is Nuland in the room with us right now?
You mean the guy that actually worked for Russians?
Nuland actually worked for russians too. But good effort to smear the world renowned economist and expert who advised countless governments.
And you, look at you! You talked to a russian. So report yourself to FBI.
Tell me barbos, is Nuland in the room with us right now?
Are you saying Jeffrey Sachs is in the room with us right now?
You mean the guy that actually worked for Russians?
Nuland actually worked for russians too. But good effort to smear the world renowned economist and expert who advised countless governments.
And you, look at you! You talked to a russian. So report yourself to FBI.
Bullshit. Victoria Nuland never worked for any Russians.
Russia and China are going backwards, the west to the future.
Says the guy who lives in the 60s
Says the Russian who does not seem to know word and Russian history. Much like our crazy conspircy theorist crazies over hear. They repeat what they hear over and over.

China brougtt itself technologically into the modern world, but its nationalism is a throwback to p;ast centuries. The kind of nationalism that we fought against in WWII.

In the last Putin wold declare himself Tzar or King. He got the Russian legsture to effecvely make him dictator for life.

Same in China, the current leader is a de facto dictator. It is suppressed but some of the the opposition voices get out. There are younger Chinese who do not want an authoritarian system.

With global communication and travel Russians and Chinese see what the te greater world is like. The Russian and Chinese communist failure shows that you can not suppress the human need to feel free forever.

It came at the start of the Ukraine war is that Russians who can live outside Russia, and prfer schools outside of Russia.

Chinese students come here to study science, business, economics, and engineering. They are free to travel the country abd observe. We hide nothing. Seattle is a Chinese tourist destination. Japanese as well.

Even before the war who raveled to Russia in any large numbers?

You are welcome to your Russia. Seattle is getting ready to host the 2026 World Cup and La the next Olympics.

So, whats going on over there in Russia these days?

Over here NFL and college football are starting, lots of parties and barbecues on game days. Over the weekend here in Chinatown there was a cultural celebration that is said to have drawn 15,000 people.

So, what do you Russians do for fun? Ohter than making war on Ukraine?
You mean the guy that actually worked for Russians?
Nuland actually worked for russians too. But good effort to smear the world renowned economist and expert who advised countless governments.
And you, look at you! You talked to a russian. So report yourself to FBI.
Bullshit. Victoria Nuland never worked for any Russians.
She most certainly did. Not that it matters to me. But it apparently matters to you.
I does bother you that people like Mearsheimer and Sachs are on my side. And your side consists of Nulands, BoJos and Grahams.
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Just checked, the ruble is still worth less than a US penny.
First of all, it's patently false becasue ruble is worth more than US penny. Second of all it's irrelevant becasue japanese yen is actually less than a penny and they are doing fine.
The ruble is about $.01

typically expressed in Russian rubles (RUB). When converted to US dollars, it provides a comparative figure for international understanding, but it’s important to note that such conversions are subject to exchange rate variations.

While the average yearly salary in Russia sits around 1.24 million rubles (roughly $14,771), it’s important to remember this doesn’t show the whole picture. In Russia, salaries can vary greatly, with the lowest average being just 26,200 rubles and the highest reaching 463,000 rubles. This wide range reflects the country’s many different jobs and the difference in pay between regions. Even hourly wages show this variation, averaging around 600 rubles (roughly $7.15).

I could lok up the cost of food and computers in Russia and China and see how much it costs to live

Big Mac
However they still sell same things as McDonalds used to. Big Mac now called Big Hit costs depending on location and discounts from 139 to 165 rub, that is around 1.66 to 2 USD.Jan 19, 2024
Says the Russian who does not seem to know word
You're still here?
Well, I will be taking some time to polish Putin's boots.

I just love polishingg Putin;s boots, it is what I live for.
You can polish Putin's boots in the 60s, he was born in 1952.
Apparently you do not grasp I was talking about you.....

We know from intelligence reports Russia, China, and Iran are trying to cause dissent and influence the election.

Didn't they give you some training on how to post conspiracy theories and stir up trouble?
Mearsheimer is arguing how US foreign Polices can lead to war and Sachs is arguing how things should be in order to avoid war. Mearsheimer stated he agrees with Sachs argument and Sachs agrees with Mearsheimer argument. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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So, you have not watched the whole video.

I’d wager I’m the only one here who did. Can you point out a timestamp where Mearsheimer and Sachs explicitly disagreed on something? All I’ve seen is them expanding on their own points, without any direct conflict.

Edit: I noticed others on the panel, including the moderator, occasionally trying to create tension between them if that's what you mean.
Yet they both remain wrong, unless Sachs advocates for an end to Capitalism, which, I imagine, one of you would have mentioned in your descriptions of their positions.

They do not really want to take responsibility for Capitalism, or for the Capitalist requirement for slavery, war, ecocide, genocide, and other predatory behaviors by those who hoard "wealth," so they can sustain their desire for the power associated with "wealth."

Shrug. Richies gonna rich. What are we gonna do, try to end coveting? haha

Capitalistic countries that are generally democratic rarely attack other countries; and very rarely attack other democracies. Russia and China are dictatorships.

Capitalist countries often outsource their 'dirty work' to other nations, distancing themselves from direct involvement. Just because they don't physically have the blood on their hands doesn’t mean they aren't an accessory.
Good point. Could you give me some recent examples. Would you agree that the two most imperialist countries today are Russia and China?

I think that promoting capitalism and democracy will lead to less war and imperialism. The war in Russia dramatically hurt the world economy. War is not good for the economy. Long term, Russia’s invasion has doomed their economy.

Russia, definitely—considering Crimea and Ukraine. As for China, that's debatable. They're pushing their influence globally, but not necessarily any different from the USA at this point. All I can say about China is: step up, USA. Step up.

Why do the examples need to be recent? I was specifically referring to historical instances. For example:

During the Cold War, the United States supported authoritarian regimes in Latin America (such as Pinochet in Chile, Somoza in Nicaragua, and various military juntas across South America) as part of its broader strategy to combat communism. Those regimes carried out repressive actions like torture, disappearances, and mass killings.

Both France and Britain employed indirect rule in many of their colonies, particularly in Africa where they were complicit in violent suppression & exploitative policies administered by their local proxies.

Am I wrong in saying those are capitalist countries that used proxies to do their dirty work?
Yet they both remain wrong, unless Sachs advocates for an end to Capitalism, which, I imagine, one of you would have mentioned in your descriptions of their positions.

They do not really want to take responsibility for Capitalism, or for the Capitalist requirement for slavery, war, ecocide, genocide, and other predatory behaviors by those who hoard "wealth," so they can sustain their desire for the power associated with "wealth."

Shrug. Richies gonna rich. What are we gonna do, try to end coveting? haha

Capitalistic countries that are generally democratic rarely attack other countries; and very rarely attack other democracies. Russia and China are dictatorships.

Capitalist countries often outsource their 'dirty work' to other nations, distancing themselves from direct involvement. Just because they don't physically have the blood on their hands doesn’t mean they aren't an accessory.
Good point. Could you give me some recent examples. Would you agree that the two most imperialist countries today are Russia and China?

I think that promoting capitalism and democracy will lead to less war and imperialism. The war in Russia dramatically hurt the world economy. War is not good for the economy. Long term, Russia’s invasion has doomed their economy.

Russia, definitely—considering Crimea and Ukraine. As for China, that's debatable. They're pushing their influence globally, but not necessarily any different from the USA at this point. All I can say about China is: step up, USA. Step up.

Why do the examples need to be recent? I was specifically referring to historical instances. For example:

During the Cold War, the United States supported authoritarian regimes in Latin America (such as Pinochet in Chile, Somoza in Nicaragua, and various military juntas across South America) as part of its broader strategy to combat communism. Those regimes carried out repressive actions like torture, disappearances, and mass killings.

Both France and Britain employed indirect rule in many of their colonies, particularly in Africa where they were complicit in violent suppression & exploitative policies administered by their local proxies.

Am I wrong in saying those are capitalist countries that used proxies to do their dirty work?

China threatens to invade Taiwan daily. They want to conquer it. Capitalist countries are like everyone else: they often use proxies to do their dirty work. The US has been assholes in the past. No doubt. We were very imperialistic. France and Britian invested imperialism! But I'm more focuse on today. Just because America and Britian used to steal land in the past is no excuse for Russia and China to follow suit.
Apologies, I didn’t mean to imply that only capitalist countries use proxies. My statement arose from the previous chain of discussion.
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