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Johnson & Johnson Finally Ban Cultural Mis-Appropriation Products

Lion IRC

Feb 5, 2016
Basic Beliefs
Biblical theist
Johnson & Johnson To Cease Selling Skin-Whitening Lotions
Breaking news. 6 hours ago


White people are applauding the woke company's brave decision.
Skin whitening creams and lotions, euphemistically referred to as 'Health Care Products' or 'Pharmaceuticals' are deeply offensive to whiteTM people because they disrespect cultural identity and enable cross-racial impersonation.



Not being sarcastic or humorous here:

Age spots and so on suck if you want consistent skin color, no matter what shade you happen to be.

So does being ashy if you are darker in skin color and it shows up obviously unlike lighter shaded folks.

A white or light toned asian woman has what tools now to get an even tone for their skin everywhere?


Harrison Bergeron was prophecy.
Johnson & Johnson To Cease Selling Skin-Whitening Lotions
Breaking news. 6 hours ago


White people are applauding the woke company's brave decision.
Skin whitening creams and lotions, euphemistically referred to as 'Health Care Products' or 'Pharmaceuticals' are deeply offensive to whiteTM people because they disrespect cultural identity and enable cross-racial impersonation.

Your post would probably be funnier if this wasn't a thing:

2 Murdered for Helping People Look ‘Aryan’ : Crime: White supremacist admits killing hairdresser and plastic surgeon because they gave clients ‘fake’ features.
Asian cultures tend to value lighter skin. This isn't about trying to look white, they value the lack of tan the same as we value tan. Tan requires time in the sun which for most people means leisure time. However, that's not been the case for all that long in most of Asia, tans came from working outside, leisure time was mostly indoors. Thus in both situations the appearance of those with lots of leisure time is valued.
Are they just changing the name of the products? Some reports suggest that.

Personally, I don't see the need to stop selling the products just because they lighten skin.
Are they just changing the name of the products? Some reports suggest that.

Personally, I don't see the need to stop selling the products just because they lighten skin.

The Woke see the need, and they don't care what you want.
Johnson & Johnson To Cease Selling Skin-Whitening Lotions
Breaking news. 6 hours ago


White people are applauding the woke company's brave decision.
Skin whitening creams and lotions, euphemistically referred to as 'Health Care Products' or 'Pharmaceuticals' are deeply offensive to whiteTM people because they disrespect cultural identity and enable cross-racial impersonation.

Your post would probably be funnier if this wasn't a thing:

2 Murdered for Helping People Look ‘Aryan’ : Crime: White supremacist admits killing hairdresser and plastic surgeon because they gave clients ‘fake’ features.

There's nothing funny about black face / white face.
This isnt some flippant jibe at political correctness.
Racial fury and violence is escalating the more 'woke' we become.
Johnson & Johnson To Cease Selling Skin-Whitening Lotions
Breaking news. 6 hours ago


White people are applauding the woke company's brave decision.
Skin whitening creams and lotions, euphemistically referred to as 'Health Care Products' or 'Pharmaceuticals' are deeply offensive to whiteTM people because they disrespect cultural identity and enable cross-racial impersonation.

Your post would probably be funnier if this wasn't a thing:

2 Murdered for Helping People Look ‘Aryan’ : Crime: White supremacist admits killing hairdresser and plastic surgeon because they gave clients ‘fake’ features.

There's nothing funny about black face / white face.
This isnt some flippant jibe at political correctness.
Racial fury and violence is escalating the more 'woke' we become.

Sorry. I didn't realize you were serious about "cross-racial impersonation".
A white or light toned asian woman has what tools now to get an even tone for their skin everywhere?

Just so you know, Asia is filled with whitening products from Asian brands. Korea Japan and China all have competing brands for this niche of the skin care industry, not to mention the European brands and even other competing American brands.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the real reason Johnson&Johnson ditched these products was because they were pushed out of the market by superior products, and/or just fell victim to Trump's trade war with China.

Worry not for vain Asians. They have plenty of alternative products to turn to.
It is very complicated. On the one hand I can see that facilitating what might in some cases be non-benign racism might be something best discouraged, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong in principle with preferences for certain skin tones, either for oneself or for others one wants to have a relationship with.
It is very complicated. On the one hand I can see that facilitating what might in some cases be non-benign racism might be something best discouraged, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong in principle with preferences for certain skin tones, either for oneself or for others one wants to have a relationship with.

That is what the woke call sexual racism.
It is very complicated. On the one hand I can see that facilitating what might in some cases be non-benign racism might be something best discouraged, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong in principle with preferences for certain skin tones, either for oneself or for others one wants to have a relationship with.

That is what the woke call sexual racism.

Which it probably is in some ways or in some cases and not in others. 'Good woke' (which I reckon you don't believe exists but imo you are wrong, not least because in some ways it's what you yourself are) would try to make the distinction, 'bad woke' (or 'too woke') wouldn't. As with many things, perhaps especially in politics, there is a spectrum, and most often a mixture of benign and non-benign versions of and aspects to many positions and labels. The trick is usually to get the reasonable balance right, if possible, or at least get closer to that.
It is very complicated. On the one hand I can see that facilitating what might in some cases be non-benign racism might be something best discouraged, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong in principle with preferences for certain skin tones, either for oneself or for others one wants to have a relationship with.

Seconded. Sexual preferences are pretty much ingrained, it's not something you can unlearn. Thus things which would be unacceptable in just about any other aspect of society are acceptable in the dating realm. The faster you exclude those who are incompatible with the easier it becomes to find a good match.

Consider a recent observation off Tinder--having a cat in your profile photo increases left swipes. You quickly filtered out those who don't like cats. Bad if you are scoring on how many matches, good if you are scoring on how likely a match is to lead to a relationship.
It is very complicated. On the one hand I can see that facilitating what might in some cases be non-benign racism might be something best discouraged, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong in principle with preferences for certain skin tones, either for oneself or for others one wants to have a relationship with.

That is what the woke call sexual racism.

We have already seen how badly trying to override sexual preferences goes--observe the results of conversion therapy.
It is very complicated. On the one hand I can see that facilitating what might in some cases be non-benign racism might be something best discouraged, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong in principle with preferences for certain skin tones, either for oneself or for others one wants to have a relationship with.

Seconded. Sexual preferences are pretty much ingrained, it's not something you can unlearn. Thus things which would be unacceptable in just about any other aspect of society are acceptable in the dating realm. The faster you exclude those who are incompatible with the easier it becomes to find a good match.

Consider a recent observation off Tinder--having a cat in your profile photo increases left swipes. You quickly filtered out those who don't like cats. Bad if you are scoring on how many matches, good if you are scoring on how likely a match is to lead to a relationship.

Note that that is what I said was (imo) ONE side of the general issue. 😊
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