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Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson
Ok so hands up who likes what this guy has to say? I suppose I'm mainly talking about his gender politics, but I'm not restricting my interest to that.

Here, for example, is a video of part of a lecture he gave. The title of the video is 'White Privilege isn't real' though I don't think that was the topic of his talk and I don't think he actually says it in the video. Perhaps the person who posted the video on youtube thought it was an appropriate title:


I'm gonna put my cards on the table and say that from what I've seen of him, I don't, by and large, like what he has to say. I should qualify that by adding that I like some of what he has to say and by saying that he is articulate and intelligent and often makes accurate and valid points. What worries me is 'where it's all coming from'. To me, it seems that he holds underlying ideas about 'Marxist conspiracies' and suchlike, which to me, run the risk of straying into paranoia, over-reaction, and fear-mongering. See for example 4:39 in the video where he jokes that 'Intersectionalists' will 'get there' (supposedly to the logical outcome of Identity Politics) 'if they don't kill everyone first'.

If nothing else, I might wonder if his underlying ideologies taint the objectivity of even his valid points, or mean that he tends to make selective (if valid) points to suit his ideologies.

To me, he seems like an ideologue, an apologist, and an accomplished sophist. Someone who could polish a turd.

I could take several of his valid points (made here or in other videos I've seen) and agree with him, but I doubt I'd be agreeing with him on the background justifications which underlie them for him.

Since this on its fifth page when I first saw it and it is on whatever page this is on, I am going to try an experiment. I have never heard of this gentleman and don't think that a ten-minute slice of a 90-minute talk is enough to tell 'where it's all coming from'. I have not read any of the posts beyond the original. (correction, I saw posts 2 and 3, unavoidable when speed reading to the end of the original post.) And I did watch the video. I haven't searched my favored sites for dirt on him. I haven't contacted any hostile foreign governments to see they have any dirt on him.

Let's see how I am able to do within these constraints. How close can I come to explaining this gentleman and the right's attraction to him?

As to what he said on the video I can say that he is correct that post-modernism did develop from the century-long effort to justify the failures of communism to achieve the Marxian wet dream. This was a wide-ranging effort which touched on many possibilities except for the most obvious, that Marx's theories were fatally flawed.

Marxism has this in common with the other idealized theories of better ways to organize society than the tried and true way that we do now, such as the self-regulating free market as the best way to organize all of society or anarchism libertarianism as a better way by not organizing anything, except to enforce contracts, of course.

He is correct that post-modernism is flawed. It cannot escape its origins. But you don't have to understand its origins to realize that it is flawed. Its major tenets, as I understand them, are that there is no objective truth or morality, that what is perceived as truth or what is moral has to be viewed through the lens of culture, cultural relativism. That modern science is not objectively true, that it is only one narrative among all of the possible narratives. That an author's text can't have a single meaning fixed by the author. These are seriously flawed.

Where he goes off of the rails a little bit is his assertion that post-modernism is at the heart of the philosophy of liberals, especially in the US. I seriously doubt that many liberals in the US have even know the name of a post-modern philosopher, much less having read one, just as I seriously doubt that Donald Trump has caught up on his Friedrich Nietzsche or Ernst Haeckel.

I cut academics a lot of slop. Their job is to push to the very edge of knowledge and to expand that knowledge. Most, of course, fail to do this. But we can't expect them to stop trying. This goes for both Mr. Peterson but also for the person who wrote the paper advancing the theory of white privilege. The odds that either of them is right are astronomical.

This is why we shouldn't take them very seriously. This is also why we shouldn't put up academic research as proof of the failure of society because it shows us the depravity, the depths which the other side has drug our country. If all that you have as proof of your theory that conservatives or liberals are going to ruin the country is an academic research project, then you have no proof, at all.

If Mr. Peterson is a rising guiding light of the right and is going to enter the political sphere, he is going to have to rethink his talk. He is correct for example, that cultures are formed around the majority of the population, but this fact doesn't doom a concept like white privilege to failure nor does it mean much, cultures as not static, they change to changing stimuli. Cultures that don't disappear.

He is right that race shouldn't be a consideration because there are so many other ways of looking at people and race is a minor one, which should doom white privilege. But doesn't because the right keeps the issue of race foremost to alternately scare and then to rally themselves. The right sows the idea that the black and the brown people together with the foreigners want to destroy the American culture, which according to the right, supported by Peterson, is a white culture. There is very much wrong with this.

As Peterson has pointed out, race isn't a valid point of differentiation, it makes the idea that the American culture is a white culture a bogus one. The American culture is based on many different cultures, accumulated across four centuries. The American culture predates this country, it has always been a multi-culture, but the countries that we came from and race have precious little to do with our American culture. It has much more to do with the way the land, its resources and its challenges and a shared view of our abilities and our destiny as a nation that has shaped our culture. At least to most of us who are not obsessed by race, the not-a-conservatives.

The right is going to be very happy that Peterson says that white privilege has no basis in fact, but not in the way that most of the right is going to want to hear it. So they will do what they always do, not think through what he is saying and he won't make a point of empathizing the natural conclusions of the facts he presents as long as the right pays him to present them.

Thinking through what he has said, that race is a minor differentiation in people, would not only doom white privilege, it also dooms the idea that there is a white culture, the hallmark of the right's white nationalism so on display in Trumpism.

The right seems to believe that the blacks and immigrants want to change our culture. And this scares them, to the point that they recede into what is most important to them, their racial identity and nativism.

Blacks aren't challenging our culture, they don't want to change our culture, they are a part of it, they have always been a part of it. What makes white privilege real to them is the idea that they aren't a part of the culture, a concept neatly wrapped up as white culture. The two bogus concepts are intertwined almost to the point that they are the same idea viewed from the different sides.

Immigrants also don't want to change our culture, they want to be a part of it, as immigrants have always been apart of it. They don't move to the US with the intention of destroying the culture, that is idiotic. They don't come to the US to rape and murder. They come here to become Americans like so many have before.

The right is afraid of blacks and immigrants. We have established this here beyond any question. The right is afraid that blacks and immigrants will take their jobs, take their women, take their white culture, etc. Irrational fears build and multiply. Why? Because race and the fear of immigrants are still being used as it always has been used throughout our history, to divide the people who otherwise have a shared interest apart from one another artificially to advance the interests of a third group.

Mr. Peterson can't insist race is just one of many possible trivial determinants of differentiation of people to declare white privilege invalid when in front of an audience who believe that race is so important, that non-whites pose such a threat to our culture. He would be run off of the stage.

Who am I trying to kid? Of course, the right won't notice such inconsistencies. After all, they listened to Donald Trump and they still voted for him. They still believe that tax cuts for the rich pave the way to prosperity for all, starting just any day now. They believe that climate change isn't real, why would the scientists at the coal and oil companies lie about this?

This ability of the conservatives to believe in comfortable lies to justify their largely indefensible but tightly held beliefs leaves them susceptible to an entire collection of conmen like Donald Trump, propagandists like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch, and oligarchs like the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson.

American conservatives have a libertarian bent. The combination of the various influences providing conservatives with their needed lies have firmly solidified the control of the American oligarchy and their attacks on American democracy and American workers and placed us on the verge of fascism. Fascism had its beginnings in the early 19th century France primarily as a reaction to the enlightenment and its championing of the rights of all men. The very opposite of the libertarian ideal.
edit: I remember 10-20 years ago when leftists were the open minded patient one's. That's all gone now. The left is now as bad as the right. I see no difference. It bothers me

Me too. As a liberal, it bothers me that "my side" (if we must call it that) has become more and more a mirror to the right.
The question and his response starting at 8:45 is very direct to what I think a lot of criticism of Peterson from the left is really about.

As an aside, I think with avoiding discussion of "fact" claims about the Christian religion that Peterson is looking at his Patreon monthly total and doesn't want it to drop a lot. That is why he is such a wishy washy coward on that topic. Same for Dave Rubin, but in a slightly different way.
I don't agree at all. The PC-brigade aren't being civil. That's the problem here. The problem isn't being politically correct. The problem is demanding that other's are. For public discourse to work, make sure you're own house is in order... ie behave in a civil manner. And then have an open mind about what other's are saying. That last part is gone in the post PC world. We now have a public discourse where people try hard to interpret whatever other people say in the worst possible way and get bent out of shape for it. What's civil about that?

edit: I remember 10-20 years ago when leftists were the open minded patient one's. That's all gone now. The left is now as bad as the right. I see no difference. It bothers me

What, Nazis don't like to be called Nazis? No one should protest when a Nazi wants to speak, we should just endeavor to understand them. We should try to come to terms with people like Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannapolis, and bless the fact we have Nazis in our government like Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka.

How come that only works on one side.


Let's call Nazis Nazis and people who are worried about immigration something else. The reason = it works better if the goal is to have a conversation.
Let's call Nazis Nazis and people who are worried about immigration something else. The reason = it works better if the goal is to have a conversation.

But if we did that we couldn't feel righteous and give ourselves a pat on the back for screaming at all the bad people, who we never actually listened to but who said a buzz word or share an idea with other bad people, so they must be Nazis. The more of them there are the more righteous we can feel.

Starts to feel a lot like the fundamentalist Christians doesn't it? Heathens are everywhere! Righteous indignation is quite a rush it would seem, and more important than building bridges and restoring sanity to conversation.
Well, who's broad-brushing now? Funny how that's where your posts always lead to.

Artistic licence means being free to choose the width of your brush depending on the picture you're trying to paint.


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The Alt-right does not like Peterson so much, as this thread on /pol/ shows..


TT we help anons who are still deceived by this ultimate shabbos goy to see the light and break free of the bucko cult.

Jordan Peterson is openly an enemy of the White race, having declared he thinks it's "reprehensible" for White people to even see themselves as White. His stated goal is to spread his ideology of "radical individualism" to permanently wipe out "tribalism" to usher in world peace.

Peterson's greatest fear is another holocaust occurring, all because White people will not be good goyim and realize that it's evil to see ourselves as a cohesive group that works together to protect our shared interests.

Do not be fooled: Peterson's self-improvement message is one and the same as his anti-White ideology. The basic self-help advice ("clean your balls") is the delivery vector for his poisonous ideology of "radical individualism". For you see, according to Juden Peterstein, anyone who "engages in tribalistic identity politics" is a bad goy who needs to take personal responsibility and become a real individual (Unless you're a jew, in which case Peterson will give keynote speeches at your Zionist events celebrating the Balfour Declaration).

It's time to break yourself free from this anti-White charlatan's grip, anons. He's kosher controlled opposition.

A separate video about Peterson by an alt-right guy

Notice how the criticism of Peterson by the alt right is based on identity politics, which is something the regressive illiberal left is pushing hard. They are so very alike.
The situation is more exactly that they want to take away the stigma for gentile whites to also engage in identity politics.
The situation is more exactly that they want to take away the stigma for gentile whites to also engage in identity politics.

Which is totally predictable from the pushing of identity politics as a whole. If you insist on identity politics, then why wouldn't and shouldn't white people engage in the same? The alt right guy has a point if you accept the identity politics game, which I again say that we should reject.
Notice how the criticism of Peterson by the alt right is based on identity politics, which is something the regressive illiberal left is pushing hard. They are so very alike.

Hmm.... the alt right is not a unified movement. All alt right means is that they think mainstream conservatism doesn't go far enough. It's gets weird fast in that part of the pool. Nazis rub shoulders with evangelical christians and libertarians. Anarchists stand together with neo-fascists.

Obviously a Nazi uses identity politics to judge Petersen. The Nazi's pretty much invented the modern use of the term. A libertarian would find identity politics abhorrent.
The situation is more exactly what they want to take away the stigma for gentile whites to also engage in identity politics.

Which is totally predictable from the pushing of identity politics as a whole. If you insist on identity politics, then why wouldn't and shouldn't white people engage in the same? The alt-right guy has a point if you accept the identity politics game, which I again say that we should reject.

If one side engages in identity politics doesn't it force the other side(s) to do the same? As you carve up the electorate by establishing identities along any lines there is a natural tendency for the excluded to gravitate to the other side. If I appeal to the brown-eyed people because the blue-eyed people are evil and untrustworthy doesn't that push the blue eyes to the other side? Isn't this the main problem with identity politics that it fractures the electorate along often artificial lines?

The argument over who started it quickly becomes a pointless chicken and egg one. The argument over who is correct is equally pointless because the drawn lines are artificial.
If one side engages in identity politics doesn't it force the other side(s) to do the same?

It can be hard to resist that urge, but no, it doesn't have to. We need to break that cycle. If people learn to see the behaviour disconnected from the target and perpetrator, the behaviour itself can be addressed. And it needs to be.

The argument over who started it quickly becomes a pointless chicken and egg one. The argument over who is correct is equally pointless because the drawn lines are artificial.

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