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Justice Dept Report on Russia Investigation on Russia Investigation

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Meanwhile, the 1984 Cosplay continues as the report on the investigation into the odd Russia links with the Trump Campaign by the FBI, has itself been investigated. Get ready for some serious ass spin.

article said:
The Justice Department's inspector general found that the FBI properly opened its investigation into Russian election interference but that four surveillance warrants targeting a former Trump campaign adviser were riddled with "significant inaccuracies and omissions."
As expected, you get the "well, it was legit" followed by a partisan "but".

Here is a very important thing that kills the whole Steele Dossier conspiracy. This was already known, but when the partisan report that is trying to demonize the FBI says this, it isn't good for the President that has insisted Steele was the basis of the investigation.
Report (my emphasis) said:
As we descri be in Chapter Three, the FBIopened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just daysafter its receipt of information from a Friendly ForeignGovernment (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, duringa meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreignpolicy advisor George Papadopoulos "suggested theTrump team had received some kind of suggestion fromRussia that it could assist this process with theanonymous release of information during the campaignthat would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and PresidentObama)." The FBI Electronic Communication (EC)opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation statedthat, based on the FFG information, "this investigationis being opened to determine whether individual(s)associated with the Trump campaign are witting ofand/or coordinating activities with the Government ofRussia." We did not find information in FBI orDepartment ECs, emails, or other documents, orthrough witness testimony, indicating that anyinformation other than the FFG information was reliedupon to predicate the opening of t he Crossfire Hurricaneinvestigation. Although not mentioned in the EC, at thetime, FBI officials involved in opening the investigationhad reason to believe that Russia may have beenconnected to the Wikileaks disclosures that occurredearlier in July 2016, and were aware of informationregarding Russia's efforts to interfere with the 2016U.S. elections. These officials, though, did not becomeaware of Steele's election reporting until weeks laterand we therefore determined that Steele's reportsplayed no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening.

It looks like, skimming the Exec Summary, that most of the complaining regards the Carter Page FISA warrant.

Note: the cut and paste was from a PDF, hence some spacing issues.
The problem is that the Republicans will continue to act as if this report has been manipulated by the "deep state". They never let the facts get in the way of their little fantasies. I saw this earlier today and wondered how many ways the report would be distorted by Trump and his peons.
I listened to the hearings today, and yes, the GOP members at that hearing are already lying about all of this. They are also still claiming Ukraine was interfering with our elections, though it has been officially established Ukraine did not and this idea was Russian disinformation.

President Trump
article said:
President Donald Trump on Monday said a new report from the Justice Department’s internal watchdog is “far worse than I ever thought possible,” calling the findings of the report “a disgrace.”
Trump, appears to think the report proves some sort of partisan plot against him personally. It doesn't.

AG Barr and US Attorney Durham
article said:
Attorney General William Barr disagreed with the inspector general, and issued a statement Monday saying the report “reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.”

Barr has also ordered a separate, broader investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, which is being led by John Durham, a U.S. attorney from Connecticut.
Durham on Monday said that “while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”
AG Barr and Durham disagree with the conclusions... therefore the author of the report is wrong. This seems to have a bit of contrast to the President's opinion.

I suppose you could say they are all on message. After all, words have no meaning anymore.
Durham is showing himself to be another corrupt hack like Barr.
Durham is showing himself to be another corrupt hack like Barr.

Yes, the corruption of the Republican party is quite complete and the takedown of American Democracy is well underway.
trump christopher wray.JPG

"Current Director." Could be another firing coming up, probably by tweet.
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