Counting on one's fingers is a simple form of one-to-one correspondence: placing the entities that one is counting in 121C with one's fingers.
... The controversies were, as far as I can tell, controversies about the legitimacy of various operations involving infinite sets. Georg Cantor was rather loudly criticized by his colleague Leopold Kronecker for violating what LK considered mathematical propriety.
That's not the controversy here, though -- nobody's denying that finding a one-to-one correspondence is a
legitimate method of counting a set. The point is that it isn't counting
in the ordinary sense -- it isn't what nonmathematicians
mean when they say "count". When we say we've counted the rationals and there are aleph
0 of them we're
extending the concept, every bit as much as when we call "-1" a number.
Counting on one's fingers is much more than a simple form of one-to-one correspondence. Suppose you count these things on your fingers:
What you get when you place them into 121C with fingers is a collection of labels, with each letter having a different finger as its label. There are 10! / 5! ways to do that. Even assuming you always use up your fingers in the same order there are 5! ways to do it, 120, about 2
7. When you finish creating your 121C you've accumulated 7 bits of information. When you report the result of counting the set you only deliver 3 bits: 101. That lossy information compression step is part of what ordinary people mean by "count" -- if somebody asks you to count them and you reply with "A-little D-ring B-middle E-index C-thumb", you're going to get a puzzled look.
In common-usage "counting", the compression step is to simply report
the last correspondence in your 121C and throw away the rest of the information. What number had you counted up to when you ran out of elements? That's why having a last element is an essential part of counting in the ordinary sense. It's great that Cantor et al. figured out that we don't actually need that step and can open up a new world of interesting math using just the 121C; but let's not forget that when we made that conceptual advance we were also making a conceptual shift, and changing the language.
BTW, "countable" is often used as shorthand for "countably infinite".
Where "countably" is simply an assertion that the set is countable. It is in our sense; it isn't in ordinary people's sense. Consider that a set doesn't even need to be infinite for people to call it "countless".