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Left Wing Conspiracy Theorists, Terrorists and Murderers


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Nobody seems to comment on it, so it's probably just a misperception on my part. But it seems to me that most if not all wackazoid conspiracy theories as well as a most if not all violent domestic terrorist mass murderers are right wingers.
Assuming that this is just my own misperception, what are some of the best known leftist counterparts to Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, Infowars etc? Who are the counterparts to the Sandy Hook murderer, the Tree of Life murderer, the mail bomber, the Parkland shooter etc? According to ADL, right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018. Since "both sides are just as bad" (according to alt-right apologists), there must be at least 50 left wing hate murders that happened in 2018. But I haven't heard about a single one of them.
Does that alone prove that there is a deep state conspiracy to prevent to public from learning about left wing extremist hate crimes?
Or does it maybe indicate that the right wing is reft with amoral, unethical and even murderous individuals, while the left wing is not?
Conspiracy theory: I heard a doozey when that rapper Nippsey Hustle or whatever he was calling himself got killed.

Apparently he was a devotee of some quack from the 80s who claimed to have healed AIDS with vegan diet and so the conspiracy theory was that the government killed him because he was making a documentary on that charlatan. Even when they caught the guy who did it there were claims that the government paid him off as a fall guy.
And then we have the Ferguson conspiracy, the idea that police or somebody else is killing off Ferguson activists one by one. Apparently a few of them have turned up dead, although some of them were things like suicide or drug overdoses. The conspiracy has even reached Atlanta, as an Atlanta native active during Ferguson riots has been shot by police recently while fleeing with a gun.

I do not see how Sandy Hook etc. killer was ideological one way or another. Just wack-a-doodle.

As far as terrorism, nobody can really hold a candle to Islam on that front, and Left is cozying up to Islam more and more.
But #BLM is definitely a left-wing group, and they have been responsible for very destructive rioting over the last few years.
Then you have left-wingers who engage in pipeline sabotage, threats to biotech companies, car dealership arson and other forms of eco-terrorism.
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As far as terrorism, nobody can really hold a candle to Islam

That appears to be an outright lie: aggregated data going back to 1970, shows that over the last decade, a total of 73.3 percent of all extremist-related fatalities can be linked to domestic right-wing extremists, while 23.4 percent can be attributed to Islamic extremists. The remaining 3.2 percent were carried out by extremists who did not fall into either category.

...on that front, and Left is cozying up to Islam more and more.

Huh WUT? More than Trump, who knowingly took Iranian Republican Guard money to finance his FAILED tower in Azerbajan?
I think Radical Islam is in love with Trump just like Dear Leader Kim is, and for the same reasons. But that's another subject.
The discussion is about what you simply deny out of hand; right wingers are currently the most dangerous fringe looneys in America, and possibly on the planet. The existence of some rapper has no relevance to that apparent fact.
As far as terrorism, nobody can really hold a candle to Islam on that front, and Left is cozying up to Islam more and more.
But #BLM is definitely a left-wing group, and they have been responsible for very destructive rioting over the last few years.
Then you have left-wingers who engage in pipeline sabotage, threats to biotech companies, car dealership arson and other forms of eco-terrorism.

Was that BLM or Antifa? Antifa looks more problematic to me, but there does seem to be a rather blurred line between the two.

I very much doubt these numbers are accurate. 9-11 alone produced 3000 fatalities. Your link itself talks about 2018 only, which is a very limited sample. By the way, since 9-11 FBI and other law enforcement have been more vigilant in the US (and even so we had San Bernardino, Boston Marathon, Pulse Night Club, New York truck ramming and many more), but worldwide there have been many Islamist fatalities over the last two decades.

...on that front, and Left is cozying up to Islam more and more.

Huh WUT?
Take the Women's March as just one example of such cozying.

More than Trump, who knowingly took Iranian Republican Guard money to finance his FAILED tower in Azerbajan?
Through six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon maybe.
I was thinking more along the lines of Ilan Omar, the antisemitic Islamist darling of the Far Left who tried to reduce sentences for some ISIS recruits.
Just as one example.
If we go overseas, then of course we have a major left wing party leader openly calling Hamas and Hezbollah his friends and saying that they work for "social justice".

The discussion is about what you simply deny out of hand; right wingers are currently the most dangerous fringe looneys in America, and possibly on the planet

I disagree. Islamists are far more dangerous.

The existence of some rapper has no relevance to that apparent fact.
You asked for a lefty conspiracy theory and I told you of one I heard recently.

Of course, the whole anti-vaxxer thing is largely a left-wing phenomenon too.
The discussion is about what you simply deny out of hand; right wingers are currently the most dangerous fringe looneys in America, and possibly on the planet. The existence of some rapper has no relevance to that apparent fact.

This is where partisanship, definitions, and polarization all muddy things.

People will argue over what right and left wing means. Do we mean economic laisez faire vs regulation? Do we mean social right or left wing? Do we mean conservative vs liberal? Do we mean the "Progressives" on the left (who are actually pretty anti-liberal) vs others?

In a lot of ways Islam is extremely conservative. I think it actually doesn't get much more conservative than Islam. But Derec isn't wrong about many who can be called the American "left" cozying up to it.

And then of course "the left" could be said to include Communist Russia and all of the horrors of Stalin, as well as the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, etc. And of course both the right and the left point to Hitler and call him the other wing from themselves.

I think we lose any meaningful train of thought if we try to polarize this as right vs left. The nets are too wide and too poorly defined.
As far as terrorism, nobody can really hold a candle to Islam on that front, and Left is cozying up to Islam more and more.
But #BLM is definitely a left-wing group, and they have been responsible for very destructive rioting over the last few years.
Then you have left-wingers who engage in pipeline sabotage, threats to biotech companies, car dealership arson and other forms of eco-terrorism.

Was that BLM or Antifa? Antifa looks more problematic to me, but there does seem to be a rather blurred line between the two.

How many mass murders did they commit between them over the last decade?
I very much doubt these numbers are accurate.

Of course you do. And of course the basis of your doubt is your overweening desire to deny all evil associated with the right wing. ADL provides sources, if you care to prove yourself wrong...

Your link itself talks about 2018 only

What part of "aggregated data going back to 1970" is giving you such comprehension problems?

Take the Women's March as just one example of such cozying.

Yeah, lots and lots of "DOWN WITH AMERICA!" signs.
Oh wait... no, you're making that up.
Regarding the Azerbajan project.... can you say "Mammadovs"? Didn't think so...

Of course, the whole anti-vaxxer thing is largely a left-wing phenomenon too.

Yeah, they are responsible for a lot of deaths. Probably more than RWEs and Radical Islam combined. Good call. Not overly violent though...
Any wack-a-doodle from the "right" is indicative of a trend. Any wack-a-doodle from the "left" is a lone actor indicative of nothing.

If you actually read the manifestoes of these nuts you will find a mix of "right" and "left" ideas. Then you either go on MSNBC and read out all the "right wing" parts or you go on Fox and read out all the "left wing" parts, smugly satisfied that the wack-a-doodle is on the "other" side.
Any wack-a-doodle from the "right" is indicative of a trend. Any wack-a-doodle from the "left" is a lone actor indicative of nothing.

If you actually read the manifestoes of these nuts you will find a mix of "right" and "left" ideas. Then you either go on MSNBC and read out all the "right wing" parts or you go on Fox and read out all the "left wing" parts, smugly satisfied that the wack-a-doodle is on the "other" side.

Pot, meet kettle. :hysterical: coming from a libertarian.
Conspiracy nuts on the left tend to have a blog with 5 visitors. Conspiracy nuts on the right get radio shows, appearances on Fox News, elected to Congress or the Oval Office.
Conspiracy nuts on the left tend to have a blog with 5 visitors. Conspiracy nuts on the right get radio shows, appearances on Fox News, elected to Congress or the Oval Office.

Conspiracy nuts on the "left" tend to go on TV instead of blogs, so that they can cry about the dangers of Alar or Vaccines saying "somebody think of the children" over and over.
Conspiracy nuts on the left tend to have a blog with 5 visitors. Conspiracy nuts on the right get radio shows, appearances on Fox News, elected to Congress or the Oval Office.

Conspiracy nuts on the "left" tend to go on TV instead of blogs, so that they can cry about the dangers of Alar or Vaccines saying "somebody think of the children" over and over.

The only anti-vaxxer I see on tv is President Mara-Lardass.
Conspiracy nuts on the left tend to have a blog with 5 visitors. Conspiracy nuts on the right get radio shows, appearances on Fox News, elected to Congress or the Oval Office.

Conspiracy nuts on the "left" tend to go on TV instead of blogs, so that they can cry about the dangers of Alar or Vaccines saying "somebody think of the children" over and over.
Current whitehouse is crawling with antivaxxers. Far right is all in for antivax.
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