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Libertarian website reason.com hammering Repubs on teen sexting bill.


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
While there have been some odd excesses from the loony left that have gotten a lot of traction, I shouldn't take my eyes off of the loony right.


Teens who text each other explicit images could be subject to 15 years in federal prison under a new bill that just passed the House of Representatives. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, has called the measure "deadly and counterproductive."

"While the bill is well intended, it is overbroad in scope and will punish the very people it indicates it is designed to protect: our children," Lee said during a House floor debate over the bill. The bill would also raise "new constitutional concerns" and "exacerbate overwhelming concerns with the unfair and unjust mandatory minimum sentencing that contributes to the overcriminalization of juveniles and mass incarceration generally."

best comment is this
Any time someone is making Sheila Jackson Lee sound sane by comparison, that's a true testament to how much their legislation fucking sucks.

So, what should the counseling be for minors who text sexually explicit pictures to each other?
Any time someone is making Sheila Jackson Lee sound sane by comparison, that's a true testament to how much their legislation fucking sucks.
Exactly what I was thinking as soon as I saw her name.

Ridiculous legislation.
So let me get this straight. I can have consensual sex with a 16 year-old (in my state), but if either of us text something sexual we could spend 15 years in prison?
So let me get this straight. I can have consensual sex with a 16 year-old (in my state), but if either of us text something sexual we could spend 15 years in prison?

Yes. You are at the same time, producer, distributor and victim of child pornography. Your girlfriend would be guilty of possession.
So let me get this straight. I can have consensual sex with a 16 year-old (in my state), but if either of us text something sexual we could spend 15 years in prison?

Yes. You are at the same time, producer, distributor and victim of child pornography. Your girlfriend would be guilty of possession.

It's already been prosecuted in some states that have similar legislation if I'm not mistaken.
Wow that is really stupid. Protect teenagers that make stupid sexual mistakes by imprisoning them...fucking nitwits. Sadly, even the majority of Dums in the House supported it. And the Repugs like to claim they are for letting States handling the things they can handle...more BS.

The roll call for anyone that wants to see how their critter voted (my idiot voted for it too boot):
Okay, so the real point of this legislation is blackmail for reps in Texas. Now they can sext with teens, and if a teen says they'll tell the press, the rep can tell the teen they would be looking at 15 years in prison! Anthony Weiner should move to Texas.

I mean otherwise, if the teens were really what this was about, the legislature could pass a bill authorizing $2 million to spend in ads to ram into teenager brains that once a photo is digitized, it can be easily shared. And once on the internet, well, it is there for good. So don't make with the goodies on the cell phone because you'll almost certainly regret it at some point.
Okay, so the real point of this legislation is blackmail for reps in Texas. Now they can sext with teens, and if a teen says they'll tell the press, the rep can tell the teen they would be looking at 15 years in prison! Anthony Weiner should move to Texas.

I mean otherwise, if the teens were really what this was about, the legislature could pass a bill authorizing $2 million to spend in ads to ram into teenager brains that once a photo is digitized, it can be easily shared. And once on the internet, well, it is there for good. So don't make with the goodies on the cell phone because you'll almost certainly regret it at some point.

worst case scenario is this tragic situation (adult coaxed emotionally fragile girl into nudes and then extorted her and so on. She killed herself.) Imagine if he held prison time over her head as well.

fairly respectful news show about it.
According to conservative Republicans like Underseer, us libertarians always go along with Republican proposals and Republican politicians. Have those people at Reason gone mad, taking the libertarian position against the conservative Republicans who favor this bill?
According to conservative Republicans like Underseer, us libertarians always go along with Republican proposals and Republican politicians. Have those people at Reason gone mad, taking the libertarian position against the conservative Republicans who favor this bill?
Could be.
However, just because people at Reason say they're libertarians doesn't mean that the libertarians on TalkFreeThought will accept that they're libertarians...
When someone self-identifies as a libertarian, it is usually a better indicator than someone at TalkFreeThough saying "that person is a libertarian because I say so, why don't you libertarians like him?"

I have seen many examples of the No False Scotsman fallacy here.
Honestly? This is a question of technological, rather than legal import. Smartphones need to be designed in such a way where there is a snapchat-like app which the phone is designed to delete securely and after some short period of time, and not allow screenshots taken of what goes on in it, where images are sent securely. The legal question comes to violators who export images sent on this service, which could easily be watermarked with some kind of "eurion" constellation or other such device to warn other phones to not accept taking pictures of it. Bonus points if the technology blocks smartphones registered to adults from accepting images sourced on phones owned by kids, and to only accept images from registered contacts to disallow sending to/from unknown persons. And if someone wants to report a user for harassment, it is trivial to dump the image to a secure encrypted folder using a public key controlled by law enforcement.

Teens can and will send each other pictures of their junk. The proper response isn't to punish teens for making bad decisions within their own age group, because that's what teens are supposed to do. The goal is to make those mistakes less impactful and less enduring in the social media age.

Edit: Then start a campaign around it like 'practice safe sext'.
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When someone self-identifies as a libertarian, it is usually a better indicator than someone at TalkFreeThough saying "that person is a libertarian because I say so, why don't you libertarians like him?"

I have seen many examples of the No False Scotsman fallacy here.
But that is typically committed by the Libertarian, explaining X who did Y couldn't a 'real libertarian'.
According to conservative Republicans like Underseer, us libertarians always go along with Republican proposals and Republican politicians. Have those people at Reason gone mad, taking the libertarian position against the conservative Republicans who favor this bill?
Could be.
However, just because people at Reason say they're libertarians doesn't mean that the libertarians on TalkFreeThought will accept that they're libertarians...

There is always someone who will not accept anything...

I'd say Reason is quite libertarian in orientation.
Could be.
However, just because people at Reason say they're libertarians doesn't mean that the libertarians on TalkFreeThought will accept that they're libertarians...
There is always someone who will not accept anything...

I'd say Reason is quite libertarian in orientation.
Jason Harvestdancer elected himself as the Libertarian Grand Inquisitor for determining who is and isn't a libertarian.
There is always someone who will not accept anything...

I'd say Reason is quite libertarian in orientation.
Jason Harvestdancer elected himself as the Libertarian Grand Inquisitor for determining who is and isn't a libertarian.
Well, what can I say, I tend to ignore who is running the LGI these days...
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