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Lock Her Up V2.0 - Trump Premature Ejaculation?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
aka Send Her Back, has been a huge hit for this whole last week. Nobody at all is talking about the kids and families still being tortured by Trump's goons on the southern border, his horribly bungled creation and mis-handling of this manufactured Iran Crisis, or least of all, all those stark reminders of his repeated felonies iterated in the Cohen indictment.
Maybe he played the Lock Her Up V2.0 bigotry card too soon. More likely, he has plenty more lined up for our entertainment.
Next week, Trump will need a whole new scandalous shiny bauble to distract the news media and their viewers. (Maybe we could even get Lock Her Up 3.0!) Don't know what it will be, but one thing is for sure: Mueller is scheduled to testify before Congress, and Cheato will do everything in his considerable power to make sure nobody notices.

Anyone want to venture a guess about what the coming distraction attraction will look like?
Nobody at all is talking about the kids and families still being tortured by Trump's goons
That's because nobody is getting tortured at the border.

If you want torture and murder, look at the illegal MS13 members.
19 MS-13 gang members indicted in 'medieval-style' California slayings were in country illegally, officials say

You do know MS 13 actually started here in the US? They were Salvadorians that came here to escape the civil war in El Salvador perpetuated illegally by the US government.
Nobody at all is talking about the kids and families still being tortured by Trump's goons
That's because nobody is getting tortured at the border.

If you want torture and murder, look at the illegal MS13 members.
19 MS-13 gang members indicted in 'medieval-style' California slayings were in country illegally, officials say

You do know MS 13 actually started here in the US? They were Salvadorians that came here to escape the civil war in El Salvador perpetuated illegally by the US government.

No, Derec doesn't seem to know much about what he blathers about. MS13 is totally home grown, fertilized with good old fashioned American meddling and indifference.
I bet he'd agree it was torture if HIS offspring were taken from him and thrown in cages while he was penned up in a tiny enclosure with 60-80 others like him ... maybe not at first, but after a few weeks...
You do know MS 13 actually started here in the US?
I do know their history. However, they were started by Salvadoran migrants. So I really have no idea why you and other proponents of mass migration think that it is some sort of argument for your position.

They were Salvadorians that came here to escape the civil war in El Salvador
Which just goes to show that immigration system has been broken for decades. It also shows why it is necessary to carefully vet migrants even if they claim to be "refugees" but are really gangsters.

And something you ignored is that these 19 MS-13 killers that were arrested mostly came into US illegally in the last few years. I wonder how many of them came here as "unaccompanied minors" that Obama let in from Central America.

perpetuated illegally by the US government.
[citation needed] that US was at fault for the civil war and not the Marxist guerrillas supported by the likes of Cuba.
No, Derec doesn't seem to know much about what he blathers about.
I know a lot more than you.
MS13 is totally home grown, fertilized with good old fashioned American meddling and indifference.
It may have sprouted on US soil, but the seeds were all Salvadoran mass migrants. In other words, MS-13 is an invasive weed.
And these murderers who were arrested were illegal immigrants.
I bet he'd agree it was torture if HIS offspring were taken from him and thrown in cages while he was penned up in a tiny enclosure with 60-80 others like him ... maybe not at first, but after a few weeks...
I am not trying to enter another country illegally using children as pawns.
They were Salvadorians that came here to escape the civil war in El Salvador
Which just goes to show that immigration system has been broken for decades. It also shows why it is necessary to carefully vet migrants even if they claim to be "refugees" but are really gangsters.

It also goes to show the dangers of meddling in foreign affairs.
It also goes to show the dangers of meddling in foreign affairs.
It was the Civil War. Meddling was inevitable, since the Soviet Union was already meddling. Just like they meddled in Cuba in the 50s.

What MS13 really shows are the dangers of overly permissive immigration policy.
It also goes to show the dangers of meddling in foreign affairs.
It was the Civil War. Meddling was inevitable, since the Soviet Union was already meddling. Just like they meddled in Cuba in the 50s.

What MS13 really shows are the dangers of overly permissive immigration policy.

Which became a problem as a result of the aforementioned meddling.
I am not trying to enter another country illegally using children as pawns.

Are you Native American? Were your parents or their ancestors invited by Native Americans?
If not, one can extend the "logic" of right wing xenophobes who would expel "dreamers" (among others) to mean that they too should be expelled.

In any event, it is astonishingly stupid and callous to imply that since some people allegedly (by only right wing sources afaik) used children as pawns, that no torture is occurring and

That's outright dishonest.
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