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Long overdue

I think that Democratic Congressional leaders do share a larger responsibility for both their party's legislative and electoral achievements or lack there of than exists for the Republican leaders.

Ever since the conversion of the Republican party from the slightly right of center moderate party into the conservative party the Republicans' legislative agenda has been reduced to one word, "no," their methodology to obstruction and their electoral strategy to fear mongering.

None of these things puts a strain on their leadership like the strains that exists for the Democratic leadership. They have to do something to try to correct the problems that we have in society and they have to sell the solutions to the American people every two years, as well as having to overcome the obstruction and the fear mongering of the other side.
Only if you make the colossally bogus assumption the Reid and Pelosi = Democrats.

They are the congressional leaders. They carry the lion's share of responsibility for dismal (no pun intended) performance at recent congressional elections.

Incorrect. The loss of the Senate to Republicans has much more to do with which seats were up for grabs, and shifting demographics. If you must lay it at the feet of a Dem leader, then that person would be the DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. As for the current state of the house, this has much more to do with Republicans being in charge of most of the latest round of redistricting, but once again, Debbie Wasserman Schultz bears more responsibility than Pelosi. But don't worry, Derec, in the next senatorial election you will get to show exactly how non-partisan you really are by calling for McConnel's retirement, as the Senate is very likely to shift back to the Dems.
So Reid was wildly successful gaining the majority in '06, but a complete loser in '14 when he lost it?

Honestly, I was hoping for a loss in '10, but the right-wing had a looney run against him. The right-wing complains about how radical Reid is. Man... wait until Schumer is in charge (of course, excluding anything that has anything to do with Wall Street).
Incorrect. The loss of the Senate to Republicans has much more to do with which seats were up for grabs, and shifting demographics. If you must lay it at the feet of a Dem leader, then that person would be the DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. As for the current state of the house, this has much more to do with Republicans being in charge of most of the latest round of redistricting, but once again, Debbie Wasserman Schultz bears more responsibility than Pelosi.
I never said that the congressional leaders carry sole responsibility. But they certainly carry much higher level of responsibility than your rank and file congresscritter as they do set legislative agenda. For example, Reid, bought and paid for by Tome Steyer, did vulnerable Dems no favors by refusing to vote on Keystone XL.

But don't worry, Derec, in the next senatorial election you will get to show exactly how non-partisan you really are by calling for McConnel's retirement, as the Senate is very likely to shift back to the Dems.
If he screws it up as much as Reid did, sure. And if Boehner ever gives Dems their biggest majority since the Great Depression he should go too.
Honestly, I was hoping for a loss in '10, but the right-wing had a looney run against him. The right-wing complains about how radical Reid is. Man... wait until Schumer is in charge (of course, excluding anything that has anything to do with Wall Street).
Reid is a hypocrite - he demonizes the influence of Republican billionaires like Kochs but praises the likes of Tom Steyer because he is a Dem.
He is also illiberal in the true sense of the word. Not that I expect much from Chuck "let's not have any primaries and coronate Hillary already" Schumer. :rolleyes:
Honestly, I was hoping for a loss in '10, but the right-wing had a looney run against him. The right-wing complains about how radical Reid is. Man... wait until Schumer is in charge (of course, excluding anything that has anything to do with Wall Street).
Reid is a hypocrite - he demonizes the influence of Republican billionaires like Kochs but praises the likes of Tom Steyer because he is a Dem.
He is also illiberal in the true sense of the word. Not that I expect much from Chuck "let's not have any primaries and coronate Hillary already" Schumer. :rolleyes:

Derec: You seem to revel in the ground meat the Republican landslide has created. I do not feel good about watching Republican hacks replace Democratic ones. Now they have hacked down a bunch of Democrats, they have nobody left to hack on but you and me. Your ox is next!:thinking:
Derec: You seem to revel in the ground meat the Republican landslide has created. I do not feel good about watching Republican hacks replace Democratic ones. Now they have hacked down a bunch of Democrats, they have nobody left to hack on but you and me. Your ox is next!:thinking:
I voted for Obama twice. I think current Republicans are crazy. But I also disagree with many Democratic positions as well.
So I revel in nothing, especially not in the low level of leadership (especially congressional) that Dems have burdened themselves with in recent years.
Reid is hypocritical illiberal. I am glad to see him go.
Derec: You seem to revel in the ground meat the Republican landslide has created. I do not feel good about watching Republican hacks replace Democratic ones. Now they have hacked down a bunch of Democrats, they have nobody left to hack on but you and me. Your ox is next!:thinking:
I voted for Obama twice. I think current Republicans are crazy. But I also disagree with many Democratic positions as well.
So I revel in nothing, especially not in the low level of leadership (especially congressional) that Dems have burdened themselves with in recent years.
Reid is hypocritical illiberal. I am glad to see him go.

You and me both! But what about Schumer? Certainly he's worse.
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