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Mainstream Media Accountability Survey


Don't Panic
Mar 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
functional atheist; theoretical agnostic
Yo...FFvC wants your opinion on the media and on Repugs and their actions. You do have to give them an email address, but I thought that was a small price to pay to give them my opinion ;) Lots of loaded questions, and watch the negations...simpletons at work.


The "Other" with fill in the blank was tempting much of the time, but I figured the appropriate Yes/No, would do more to damage the findings they want out of the poll.

I think this was favorite insanely stupid question:
#22 Do you believe that if Republicans were obstructing Obama like Democrats are doing to President Trump, the mainstream media would attack Republicans?
Those questions were so obviously loaded it was embarrassing.

A tip for giving out valid (but disposable) email addresses, fill in whatever email you like @mailinator.com.

To check the address you just go to mailinator.com with the email address, no setup or password required. (Note this means that anyone can read email from any account). Feel free to use FFvC@mailinator.com :D
Those questions were so obviously loaded it was embarrassing.

A tip for giving out valid (but disposable) email addresses, fill in whatever email you like @mailinator.com.

To check the address you just go to mailinator.com with the email address, no setup or password required. (Note this means that anyone can read email from any account). Feel free to use FFvC@mailinator.com :D
Cool, I'll have to remember that one. But no one has been sending any love notes to FFvC there...

- - - Updated - - -

I think this was favorite insanely stupid question:
Where did you find a question #22?
All the questions I got were #1. All 25 of them
1. Do you...
1. Did you...
1. What would...
Stop using Internet Exploder :D

Twenty five questions, as seen on my Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87
OMG that is one of the worst "polls" I've ever seen!

I know the GOP went hyper-partisan, but fuck, they look like they are heading towards one-party rule territory now.
After holding the press conference, President Donald Trump had the survey sent out as a way to have Americans' real opinions out as a counterpoint to the media, and he had sent out a letter that reminded me of how many parents generally blackmail children into obsequiousness.

As a liberal, I had thought to fill out this survey and started doing so because I didn't want the survey's results to be askew to reflect only Trumpists' worldviews. When I was almost finished filling out with the "survey" (and I use the word survey in quotation marks because the questions were that I'm sure they'll live for a long time as an example of how-not-to-create-a-survey example for statistics students), the page asked for my name, email address, and a donation. So, I pressed the back button on my web browser.

I was clearly not the target audience for this survey. And there was zero way that I was going to literally pay out of pocket to have my view reflected on the subject of the constant disparagement of the media. I understand from other users now that there is a way to opt out of the donation, but I didn't know that option existed at the time that I'd filled out the survey.

Regardless, I don't understand why the GOP or President Trump wants us to jump on the bandwagon of discrediting and hating the media. The media is not perfect but neither is the Trump administration. And I do think that the media has gone after Trump's administration in a hard way, but I don't think President Trump understands yet it is precisely because he and his incompetent picks for the administration and ineffective management style have made doing so easy. I was honestly willing to give President Trump and his administration a chance, but I didn't know that I was going to be observing a living epitome of the idiom "comedy of errors" play out before the world's watching eyes in the month following the inauguration. I am not only disappointed, but I'm also a little horrified. Probably more and more Americans, though not Trumpists, feel like pantomiming S.O.S. signal to the world on account of this administration.

As a liberal, I had thought to fill out this survey and started doing so because I didn't want the survey's results to be askew to reflect only Trumpists' worldviews. When I was almost finished filling out with the "survey" (and I use the word survey in quotation marks because the questions were that I'm sure they'll live for a long time as an example of how-not-to-create-a-survey example for statistics students), the page asked for my name, email address, and a donation. So, I pressed the back button on my web browser.

As in it wouldn't allow submitting without making a donation??
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