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Mexican female bullfighter gored

Chemicals? What chemicals?

The bull has zero escape whether it wounds its attacker or not.

If the game was honest, after injuring his attacker, the bull would then 'win' the match and be awarded his life.

Nope, he's killed anyway after being tortured, slashed and harassed.

Slaughter houses are much faster and more humane.

By chemicals he is probably referring to the use of rBGH and antibiotics used in the modern beef industry. Both are pretty bad for the cow.

Since when are antibiotics bad? We take them. Is it harmful to us?

As for rBGH...well, I've been around cattle ranches my whole life. The cattle sure look healthy and not in any pain to me.
However, the problem with Bullfighting is not the level of suffering the Bull experiences, but rather that it is done entirely for people to reap pleasure directly from watching that suffering. .....the directness of the link between the animal suffering and our pleasure makes all the difference.
So maybe, if it means so much to the bullfighting opponents, all they have to do is convince the people to stop watching real violence and watch fake violence instead. Game of Thrones would make a good substitute.

Joking aside, if most of the people that attend such events were getting pleasure mainly from watching the bull suffer as you say, then you could even go as far as claiming that the crowd is entirely composed of psychopaths. But no, I think most of the crowd is focused on the bullfighter, while the bull is secondary to them, a non-human antagonist like watching a CGI monster in a movie. It is obvious the attending crowd loves the bullfighter: They cheer when he makes a successful move, they gasp whenever he gets too close and they even cry when he is injured or dies. This should be a relief for the bullfighting opponents, because it means that the people they are trying to convince to stop watching bullfights are at least capable of empathy. (For the torero that is, not for the bull)
Yet it is also likely that there are a few people that do like to watch the bull suffer, much like there is always someone at a car race just waiting for an accident to happen.
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