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Michael Scheuer - reverse Trump derangement syndrome? Advocating to prepare to assassinate Trump critics


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
Wild stuff. This is from an archive (99.99% sure this is accurate) of his now offline website. He has not even posted on twitter for nine days.


As this week’s end, it seems likely that it is quite near time for killing those involved in the multiple and clearly delineated attempts to stage a coup d’état against the legitimately elected Trump government and thereby kill our republic.

–The week saw the alternative media document nearly 300 incidents of violence against loyal U.S. citizens that have been perpetrated by Democrats and the domestic terrorists that the party and its financial supporters keep on their payrolls. The Americans they are abusing and attacking – even those using concealed carry — have so far held their fire and sucked up the pain, trying to give Trump time to forever eliminate their violent tormentors. The well-armed patriot’s patience does not, and must not, last forever.

–The week saw FBI agent Strzok brazenly lie to the Congress, show his own detestation for everyday Americans – it’s their smell, he says — and display facial and other physical quirks that appeared very reminiscent of a demented beaver, a drug addict, or a loyal Democrat.
–The week saw that the FBI, in the person of Strzok, had refused to investigate a foreign address to which 30,000 e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server were delivered. It was made clear that foreign address was not Russian, which surely means that the address was that of the Beijing tyrants who have paid the Democrats to surrender to China U.S. manufacturing industries, intellectual property, and much of its technical military prowess.

–The week saw Strzok describe the sacred FBI practice of briefing the leaders of any U.S. presidential campaign that is threatened by foreign influence/interference. The practice was ignored regarding Trump’s campaign, while the FBI — led by Strzok — assisted the British intelligence service’s (MI6) effort to try to ruin the campaign and then the Trump presidency.

–The week saw, on Friday the 13th, Special Counsel Mueller and his Democratic-apparatchik lawyers indict 12 supposed Russian intelligence officers with a laughable amount of evidence pertaining to their purported involvement in the 2016 election. Mueller’s action is a clear and undeniable effort to ruin President Trump’s coming meeting with Putin. It also ensures the continuation of the drive toward war with Russia that Obama and the EU started in 2013 with their direct and multi-pronged intervention in Ukrainian politics and their subsequent overthrow of the country’s pro-Russian government.

–It is worth noting that Mueller has zero chance of ever getting the Russian GRU officers into court, and that the FBI’s files — as well as those of other components of the intelligence community — are packed with the names of GRU officers. This reality leaves open the likelihood that Mueller’s pro-Hillary posse made up the list by randomly picking names, just as they did with the last list of indicted Russians.

–The week saw FBI’s Strzok make it clear under oath that the so-called “Trump Dossier” was available in the FBI and the Department of Justice in multiple copies, each with differing content. He described, in other words, nothing less than an in-process movie script that showed work of the hands of many notoriously anti-Trump writers, each trying to outdo the other in their lying and treasonous intent.

–This week saw DoJ’s Rod Rosenstein request the country’s 93 U.S. Attorneys to select three “federal prosecutors” for his use in vetting Supreme Court-nominee Brett Cavanaugh. Clearly, Rosenstein intends to use the prosecutors to invent a “crime” – as he did with Mueller’s investigation — that can be used to delay or stop Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, and ruin his reputation and career in either event.
It's a conspiracy! How else do you explain a law enforcement agency trying to enforce the law? It must be a Deep State conspiracy! This sinister conspiracy is no doubt run by the same people behind Pizza-gate! See? this is why we should've locked Hillary up! [/isthisstillaparodyicanttellanymore]
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