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Mike Pompeo is 100% right.

Destroyed? No. But neither should they be given a free hand to just invade their neighbors.
As opposed to US which invade countries regardless of their geography?
And yes, destroyed, thats what your post and ocurrent US doctrine implies.

The U.S. absolutely deserves to be extinguished for her many crimes. We destroyed thoussnds of nstions on our march to the Pacific, and deep down most Americans believe that because the victims were brown-skinned, it "doesn't count" as much as it would have if a Europe had been thus destroyed and as pitlessly as North America. But that seems unlikely at this juncture. Nor am I advocating the destruction of Russia, the US, or anywhere else. When countries fall, it's always the innocents who suffer, not the men in the big hats who signed all the nasty orders.

Maybe the US should adopt the peaceful initiatives that Russia employs in such countries as Ukraine and Syria. If we followed their model in these countries, would you still advocate US extension?
Destroyed? Which country has the US recently invaded and destroyed? Sorry, must have missed that on the news.
Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine. And destruction was not planned for them, it's reserved for Russia.

Sorry comrade. The US did not invade Syria and Ukraine.
Technicality. Results of US involvmenr are equivalent to invasion and destruction.
CIA directors walk over Ukraine like it's freaking Texas. Biden sits on meetings and issues orders.
Trump is no different, except that his interests are rather narrow.
And for a person with a Russian bent to blame the problems in Syria is just the absolute height of hypocrisy!
How so? Assad regime beats some kid for vandalism and US regime-change him immediately. KSA regime dismembers dissident journalist - nothing happens.
Unbelievable. Yea, Bush is to blame for Iraq. That was awhile ago. No current. Regardless, I didn't vote for Trump.
So you voted for Bush? I really don't care who did you vote for, results are still the same.
I knew it was a mistake from day one. That was 14 years ago. Did Obama fuck up Libya. Yea, not great. Obama should have stayed out.
But is Libya significantly worse off that it was under Muhammar? I don't think so.
Are you fucking kidding me? of course Libya is totally worse than it was under Kaddafi.
Obama should have stayed out of a lot of things, including Ukraine, Yemen, etc.
All these countries are significantly worse after US involvement.

US is a world police and very dumb/ignorant/crazy and I should say corrupt at that.

Mike Pompeo is right, nobody in the State Department cares about Ukraine. State Department is filled with neocons (Pompeo is one of them) which view Ukraine as a way to get to Russia, that's the main goal of neocons.
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Mike said:
Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?

I think there is a cutoff point where you should concern yourself with the people’s opinion on subjects. When it gets kind of weighty and background information is likely to be scarce for most, we should defer to the knowledge and experience of our elected officials and the highly qualified people they surround themselves with. That’s what you’re suppose to be, Mike. You’re not suppose to build foreign policy off the general public’s knowledge of the geopolitical significance of Ukraine.
In short, you shouldn’t give a fuck if Americans give a fuck about Ukraine. You should be doing the right thing for our allies and if needed, explaining the why of it to the public afterwards.
Mike said:
Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?

I think there is a cutoff point where you should concern yourself with the people’s opinion on subjects. When it gets kind of weighty and background information is likely to be scarce for most, we should defer to the knowledge and experience of our elected officials and the highly qualified people they surround themselves with..
And everybody knows that elected officials are pillars of knowledge and understanding of everything there is to know and to understand about foreign policy. Don't believe me? just ask Sarah Palin, she can see Russia from her porch.
Sorry comrade. The US did not invade Syria and Ukraine.
Technicality. Results of US involvmenr are equivalent to invasion and destruction.
CIA directors walk over Ukraine like it's freaking Texas. Biden sits on meetings and issues orders.
Trump is no different, except that his interests are rather narrow.
And for a person with a Russian bent to blame the problems in Syria is just the absolute height of hypocrisy!
How so? Assad regime beats some kid for vandalism and US regime-change him immediately. KSA regime dismembers dissident journalist - nothing happens.
Unbelievable. Yea, Bush is to blame for Iraq. That was awhile ago. No current. Regardless, I didn't vote for Trump.
So you voted for Bush? I really don't care who did you vote for, results are still the same.
I knew it was a mistake from day one. That was 14 years ago. Did Obama fuck up Libya. Yea, not great. Obama should have stayed out.
But is Libya significantly worse off that it was under Muhammar? I don't think so.
Are you fucking kidding me? of course Libya is totally worse than it was under Kaddafi.
Obama should have stayed out of a lot of things, including Ukraine, Yemen, etc.
All these countries are significantly worse after US involvement.

US is a world police and very dumb/ignorant/crazy and I should say corrupt at that.

Mike Pompeo is right, nobody in the State Department cares about Ukraine. State Department is filled with neocons (Pompeo is one of them) which view Ukraine as a way to get to Russia, that's the main goal of neocons.

I misspoke above, I did not vote for Bush. I didn't support him. The difference between you and I are that you are a hypocrite. I have no problem saying that Libyan excursion was a mistake. A blunder by Obama (a person whom I did vote for, twice). I'm not so sure that it is "totally worse" than it was under Kaddafi. And I also think that it wasn't just Obama's mistake, NATO was behind Obama and made some mistakes. But regardless it was a mistake. But to get so much criticism from a Putinista. Give me a break! Putin has totally destroyed Syria. Putin has blundered into and created massive problems also in Venezuela and most of the Eastern European countries on it's border. I can't wait for you to start criticizing the US for blundering in Afghanistan!
Technicality. Results of US involvmenr are equivalent to invasion and destruction.
CIA directors walk over Ukraine like it's freaking Texas. Biden sits on meetings and issues orders.
Trump is no different, except that his interests are rather narrow.

How so? Assad regime beats some kid for vandalism and US regime-change him immediately. KSA regime dismembers dissident journalist - nothing happens.
Unbelievable. Yea, Bush is to blame for Iraq. That was awhile ago. No current. Regardless, I didn't vote for Trump.
So you voted for Bush? I really don't care who did you vote for, results are still the same.
I knew it was a mistake from day one. That was 14 years ago. Did Obama fuck up Libya. Yea, not great. Obama should have stayed out.
But is Libya significantly worse off that it was under Muhammar? I don't think so.
Are you fucking kidding me? of course Libya is totally worse than it was under Kaddafi.
Obama should have stayed out of a lot of things, including Ukraine, Yemen, etc.
All these countries are significantly worse after US involvement.

US is a world police and very dumb/ignorant/crazy and I should say corrupt at that.

Mike Pompeo is right, nobody in the State Department cares about Ukraine. State Department is filled with neocons (Pompeo is one of them) which view Ukraine as a way to get to Russia, that's the main goal of neocons.

I misspoke above, I did not vote for Bush. I didn't support him. The difference between you and I are that you are a hypocrite. I have no problem saying that Libyan excursion was a mistake. A blunder by Obama (a person whom I did vote for, twice). I'm not so sure that it is "totally worse" than it was under Kaddafi. And I also think that it wasn't just Obama's mistake, NATO was behind Obama and made some mistakes. But regardless it was a mistake. But to get so much criticism from a Putinista. Give me a break! Putin has totally destroyed Syria. Putin has blundered into and created massive problems also in Venezuela and most of the Eastern European countries on it's border. I can't wait for you to start criticizing the US for blundering in Afghanistan!
Your ignorance has no limits. It was Obama who destroyed Syria, it was him who hoped that ISIS would weaken Assad, in order to overthrow him and then have chaos like in Iraq, not Putin.
Most of the Eastern European countries? What did Putin do to them? What the fuck are you talking about?
Venezuela? what shit are you smoking? Besides lukewarm support Putin has done absolutely nothing there, let alone creating that problem in the first place.
Your ignorance has no limits. It was Obama who destroyed Syria, it was him who hoped that ISIS would weaken Assad, in order to overthrow him and then have chaos like in Iraq, not Putin.
Most of the Eastern European countries? What did Putin do to them? What the fuck are you talking about?
Venezuela? what shit are you smoking? Besides lukewarm support Putin has done absolutely nothing there, let alone creating that problem in the first place.

BS! It was Assad who destroyed Syria,


I listed to the interview and the commentary about the private exchange.

Pompeo is a Trump Mini Me. He is a trained obedient shill . My response was what a stupid idiot question to ask an experienced reporter. What he was really saying is most people are ignorant, so who cares what we did or are doing with Ukraine. He was justifying Trunp's actions.

And why on Earth would somebody just happen to have a map with no text hanging around? Did he think he was going to trick the reporter and then use it publicly?

As politics go strictly amateur.

Plus the verbal assault, the word fuck was used by Pompeo. Like Trump he is carried away with a sense of personal power, how dare you question me. Pompeo The Pompous And Large.

He proably got over it with a few Big Macs and a pizza.

Adding, I know where Ukraine is and I do not give a shit about Ukraine. The region is fractured with ethnic Russians who feel connected to Russia. Ukraine has never really existed as a country. Yet again we are engaged in what is really a factional civil war.

We have our own problems. Who cares what Putin does in the region. NATO exists to protect NATO countries from Russia. That does not include Ukraine.
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Your ignorance has no limits. It was Obama who destroyed Syria, it was him who hoped that ISIS would weaken Assad, in order to overthrow him and then have chaos like in Iraq, not Putin.
Most of the Eastern European countries? What did Putin do to them? What the fuck are you talking about?
Venezuela? what shit are you smoking? Besides lukewarm support Putin has done absolutely nothing there, let alone creating that problem in the first place.

BS! It was Assad who destroyed Syria,



Your "conclusion" is not supported by your links.
Your ignorance has no limits. It was Obama who destroyed Syria, it was him who hoped that ISIS would weaken Assad, in order to overthrow him and then have chaos like in Iraq, not Putin.
Most of the Eastern European countries? What did Putin do to them? What the fuck are you talking about?
Venezuela? what shit are you smoking? Besides lukewarm support Putin has done absolutely nothing there, let alone creating that problem in the first place.

BS! It was Assad who destroyed Syria,



Your "conclusion" is not supported by your links.

The links and reading are of course required to support the conclusion - simply the links themselves do nothing.

The Timeline page goes into even more detail on the fighting prior to ISIL's entry, and the US eventually getting involved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Syrian_Civil_War

Assad's own actions created a place for Islamist groups to enter after 3 years of fighting, with Aleppo already turned to rubble
Your "conclusion" is not supported by your links.

The links and reading are of course required to support the conclusion - simply the links themselves do nothing.

The Timeline page goes into even more detail on the fighting prior to ISIL's entry, and the US eventually getting involved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Syrian_Civil_War

Assad's own actions created a place for Islamist groups to enter after 3 years of fighting, with Aleppo already turned to rubble

US and their closest allies (Saudi Arabia and other shining beacons of democracy and human rights) supported "rebels" from the day 1.
Assad's actions are at the bottom of the list.
And since it's about Ukraine then why nobody talks about timeline of Ukrainian coup "revolution", who did what and when?
For example, did they determine who were these snipers shooting at people? No? Why not? Is it because it would be very inconvenient to touch that subject? for the record, Everybody knows who did it, people who did it admitted it. It was not Assad Yanukovich, it was pro-ukrainian-revolution Georgians. How about Odessa massacre investigation? nothing again?
The Europeans were forming an economic alliance with Ukraine. Unacceptable to Putin who also feared Ukraine joining NATO.

The rest is history.
And since it's about Ukraine then why nobody talks about timeline of Ukrainian coup "revolution", who did what and when?
For example, did they determine who were these snipers shooting at people? No? Why not? Is it because it would be very inconvenient to touch that subject? for the record, Everybody knows who did it, people who did it admitted it. It was not Assad Yanukovich, it was pro-ukrainian-revolution Georgians. How about Odessa massacre investigation? nothing again?

Few pay much attention to Russian propaganda.
And since it's about Ukraine then why nobody talks about timeline of Ukrainian coup "revolution", who did what and when?
For example, did they determine who were these snipers shooting at people? No? Why not? Is it because it would be very inconvenient to touch that subject? for the record, Everybody knows who did it, people who did it admitted it. It was not Assad Yanukovich, it was pro-ukrainian-revolution Georgians. How about Odessa massacre investigation? nothing again?

Few pay much attention to Russian propaganda.

Apparently Trump does.
Maybe I should be writing gags for a late night show. Fast forward to 8.00:


I mean, I mention this crap 2 days ahead whilst doing tertiary study and helping out in a deli on the retail side. Has comedy writing become that lazy?
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