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NASA And Climate Change

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
I ran across this NASA site..


A long list of competent climate science surveys and statements from the scientific community.

"Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources."

Just the link to post when faced with climate deniers who demand "Where do you get your information?" and "Prove it!"

It makes for some grim reading.
Oh ya, a link to a bunch of "scientists" who work for Obama. That'll convince them.
I ran across this NASA site..


A long list of competent climate science surveys and statements from the scientific community.

"Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources."

Just the link to post when faced with climate deniers who demand "Where do you get your information?" and "Prove it!"

It makes for some grim reading.

Here's the thing about science deniers: they all believe in conspiracy theories, and conspiracy nuts are impervious to evidence.

Climate denialists are no different from creationists or anti-GMO nuts or anti-vaccine nuts. Eventually, they have to concoct a conspiracy theory to explain why the majority of experts disagree with them. Of course there is a conspiracy. How else do you explain the majority of experts disagreeing with me? Don't those stupid so-called "experts" know who I am? There must be some kind of sinister conspiracy at work here! There is no other logical explanation!

Once you believe in the conspiracy, you are immune to evidence. Any piece of information that contradicts your conclusions can be dismissed because it comes from someone who is either part of the conspiracy, or someone who has been duped by the conspiracy. Thus, you are free to use confirmation bias to evaluate any and all evidence.

Thus, all conclusions about climate change are not a valid interpretation of the evidence, but it's all part of a vast international conspiracy run by Al Gore an obscure school in the UK. Thankfully, we have a plucky band of billionaires and oil companies who are heroically trying to save us all from this sinister conspiracy! Freedom isn't free! Benghazi!
On the other hand, posting such evidence as collected by NASA here may be enough to prevent some people from being sucked into the conspiracy think morons. Its kind of nice for NASA to have done work here.
It's important to understand that the average American has zero idea on how the scientific method or peer-review process works. Most of them can't remember Newtons laws, atomic theory, chemistry, human anatomy, or basic science general. It's sad but true. The powers that wish to undermine progress take advantage of this situation - playing on the concepts people have towards representation of both sides of any argument - no matter how uninformed the other opinion maybe.

It's amusing that people think their local cold weather is evidence that climatologists have got it wrong about climate change.

The planet's mean global temperature only increases by a fraction of a degree each year, which may have serious repercussions for human habitats and food security in a few decades. But anyone with half a brain should realise that their local weather will still cycle between relatively cold winters and relatively hot summers

Alaskan winters will continue to be icy cold and snowy, but over time they will trend towards warmer weather. And from year to year there will be short-term variations, with unusually cold years and unusually hot years.


And depending on where exactly you live, you can see how much warmer it has gotten in the last 65 years:


Winters are actually expected to get colder in some parts of the world, such as the UK. Water from melted Arctic ice flows into the North Atlantic and retards the warmed tropical water flowing north, therefore preventing some of the tropical warmth from reaching the British Isles.
On the other hand, posting such evidence as collected by NASA here may be enough to prevent some people from being sucked into the conspiracy think morons. Its kind of nice for NASA to have done work here.

NASA is obviously part of the conspiracy! NASA knowingly hires scientists. Only an organization that is part of a vast international conspiracy would be crazy enough to hire scientists to answer scientific questions. We already know that NASA is behind the faked moon landing and chemtrails and the lizard people taking over the government, and I'm supposed to believe they are not part of the "climate change" conspiracy? :cheeky:

It's amusing that people think their local cold weather is evidence that climatologists have got it wrong about climate change.

The planet's mean global temperature only increases by a fraction of a degree each year, which may have serious repercussions for human habitats and food security in a few decades. But anyone with half a brain should realise that their local weather will still cycle between relatively cold winters and relatively hot summers

Alaskan winters will continue to be icy cold and snowy, but over time they will trend towards warmer weather. And from year to year there will be short-term variations, with unusually cold years and unusually hot years.


And depending on where exactly you live, you can see how much warmer it has gotten in the last 65 years:


Winters are actually expected to get colder in some parts of the world, such as the UK. Water from melted Arctic ice flows into the North Atlantic and retards the warmed tropical water flowing north, therefore preventing some of the tropical warmth from reaching the British Isles.

Holy sweet Jesus fuck me in the ass with a sandpaper-coated rusty tire iron, but I fucking hate this fucking argument, and unfortunately there plenty of idiots on both sides of the argument using this same bad logic.

"Hey, it's unusually warm in Des Moines on this particular day, therefore global warming is real!"

"Hey, it's unusually cold in Saskatchewan on this particular day, therefore global warming is a hoax!"

Each and every one of these idiots should be forced to re-take the second grade of elementary school as many times as it takes for those eye-gougingly stupid fuckwits to learn what the word "average" means. For good measure, we should extensively test them to make sure they also know what the word "global" means.

You know what? On second thought, maybe we should just castrate/neuter them all and take away their voting cards.
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