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NORTH CAROLINA: Anti-Gay GOP State Senate Candidate Is Former Drag Queen


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs


North Carolina GOP state Senate candidate Steve Wiles is campaigning on a platform in support of his state's ban on same-sex marriage. What he is not campaigning on is that he once performed in a Winston-Salem gay nightclub as Miss Mona Sinclair.
This thread is worthless without pictures (of "Mona")!

P.S.: those green eyes. I doubt very much that shade occurs in nature. Also, isn't he kind of advertising his orientation with his earring? Worst closet ever!
You should not trust this man. Any queen with her salt would work on a better drag name than 'Miss Mona Sinclair'. Dull as dishwater, and just as dangerous to drink.

One could at least respect, if not admire, an anti-gay former drag queen called All Beef Patty or Winona Ride-her.
Is this even a story anymore?

If the headline was about how an anti-gay Republican wasn't a closet homosexual or drag queen, I'd be shocked enough to pay attention to the story.
Of course, this opens the door for him to proclaim something like "I know from personal experience how perverted and sick the gay community is. They are after your children!"

And heaven knows, xtians love stories of being saved from a sordid past"
Of course, this opens the door for him to proclaim something like "I know from personal experience how perverted and sick the gay community is. They are after your children!"
No...no one WITH actual personal experience with the gays actually makes this claim.
Like the evangelicals that came 'out of witchcraft' or the creationists with 'advanced scientist degrees,' the actual experience makes it harder to come up with the necessary lies.
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