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Now #BLMers are rioting in Minneapolis after black murderer kills himself


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
It doesn't take much for #BLMers to have an excuse to riot and loot, right.

Minneapolis Homicide Suspect’s Suicide Spurs More Protests, Police Say

NY Times said:
A Black man who was wanted in a homicide fatally shot himself as the police closed in on a downtown Minneapolis street on Wednesday evening, prompting a fresh round of protests and looting, the authorities said, three months after the killing of George Floyd in the city set off global demonstrations against police violence.
Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota said the State Patrol was headed to the city to help restore order, and that he had deployed the National Guard. Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis said he had ordered an immediate curfew.

And again a Target is the victim of looting, among other businesses. Jarhyn must be rejoicing. :rolleyes:
Anything to feign outrage, right?
Any excuse will do to justify destroying stuff.

it's almost like the central underpinning of civilization as we know it is the social contract and the consent of the governed, since there is absolutely no logistical way to physically enforce social order on even a tiny segment of the population once it decides to stop abiding by it.
so, logically, it would be a really good idea to ensure that the social covenant that is the lynch pin of human society is in full effect for everyone, and to not be completely surprised if a specific segment of the population doesn't get the full benefit of that social contract and decides to stop holding up their end of it without receiving the full measure of their due.

collectively, white people have been shitting on black people for about as long as white people have known black people exist. frankly i'm astonished that it took this long of being pushed before they started pushing back.
Anything to feign outrage, right?
Any excuse will do to justify destroying stuff.

it's almost like the central underpinning of civilization as we know it is the social contract and the consent of the governed, since there is absolutely no logistical way to physically enforce social order on even a tiny segment of the population once it decides to stop abiding by it.
so, logically, it would be a really good idea to ensure that the social covenant that is the lynch pin of human society is in full effect for everyone, and to not be completely surprised if a specific segment of the population doesn't get the full benefit of that social contract and decides to stop holding up their end of it without receiving the full measure of their due.

collectively, white people have been shitting on black people for about as long as white people have known black people exist. frankly i'm astonished that it took this long of being pushed before they started pushing back.

Um, what does this have to do with looting after a murder suspect kills himself?
Um, what does this have to do with looting after a murder suspect kills himself?

it's what the cabal of racists on this forum are utterly incapable of understanding: this isn't a simple reaction to an incident in a vacuum. it's hilarious to me the extent to which a pack of white people are unable to grasp the idea that rioting and looting are the obvious and inevitable result of people no longer giving a shit about restraining themselves for the sake of the social contract, because they're not getting their end of the deal from it.

it's a really simple premise:
there is no feasible way to have private property without society at large collectively all agreeing to let people have private property - as in, there's no way to enforce the idea from a logistics standpoint.
private ownership of wealth and property only happens when everyone else agrees to let it happen, because the natural state of biological life dictates that if so-and-so has resources and you don't, you just murder him in the fucking face (if you can) and take his resources.
it's a monumental act of collective will to have this idea that one individual can have nothing and be in desperate need, and look at someone with a ridiculous excess of resources, and not take their stuff by force.
that act of will only works if a given person is still better off than they would be alone in the wilds, all things considered... the social contract that protects private property is also supposed to supply resources to everyone so that everyone's life is improved by adhering to the contract.

if you fuck with that dynamic, if you expect others to follow the rules that protect you while systematically refusing them the benefits which are owed them by following the contract, this is the inevitable result.
Um, what does this have to do with looting after a murder suspect kills himself?

it's what the cabal of racists on this forum are utterly incapable of understanding: this isn't a simple reaction to an incident in a vacuum. it's hilarious to me the extent to which a pack of white people are unable to grasp the idea that rioting and looting are the obvious and inevitable result of people no longer giving a shit about restraining themselves for the sake of the social contract, because they're not getting their end of the deal from it.

it's a really simple premise:
there is no feasible way to have private property without society at large collectively all agreeing to let people have private property - as in, there's no way to enforce the idea from a logistics standpoint.
private ownership of wealth and property only happens when everyone else agrees to let it happen, because the natural state biological life dictates that if so-and-so has resources and you don't, you just murder him in the fucking face (if you can) and take his resources.
it's a monumental act of collective will to have this idea that one individual can have nothing and be in desperate need, and look at someone with a ridiculous excess of resources, and not take their stuff by force.
that act of will only works if a given person is still better off than they would be alone in the wilds, all things considered... the social contract that protects private property is also supposed to supply resources to everyone so that everyone's life is improved by adhering to the contract.

if you fuck with that dynamic, if you expect others to follow the rules that protect you while systematically refusing them the benefits which are owed them by following the contract, this is the inevitable result.

Why are you making excuses for bad behavior? Is it your view that some people should be treated as infantile children, lacking agency, incapable of acting to the standards we expect of everyone else?
Why are you making excuses for bad behavior?
why are you blatantly lying about what i just posted?

Is it your view that some people should be treated as infantile children, lacking agency, incapable of acting to the standards we expect of everyone else?
is it your view that people should be forced into slavery and tortured routinely to keep them in a state of constant fear in order to quell disobedience?
Reminds of the joke:

Two psychologists encounter a man bloodied and bruised on the sidewalk. One turns to the other and says, “We need to find who did this, and help them.”
Why are you making excuses for bad behavior?
why are you blatantly lying about what i just posted?

Is it your view that some people should be treated as infantile children, lacking agency, incapable of acting to the standards we expect of everyone else?
is it your view that people should be forced into slavery and tortured routinely to keep them in a state of constant fear in order to quell disobedience?

You’re the one making excuses, not me.
Collectively, white people have been shitting on black people for about as long as white people have known black people exist. frankly i'm astonished that it took this long of being pushed before they started pushing back.

Some truth to this, imo. And yes, some people just leave it completely out of the equation. The history, including within living memory, of the treatment of black people in America is basically a disgrace, and those who think it's more or less gone away or that legacy effects don't play a big part are just obviously incorrect. I wouldn't take much heed of Trausti on this if I were you. Let him say what he wants.
Collectively, white people have been shitting on black people for about as long as white people have known black people exist. frankly i'm astonished that it took this long of being pushed before they started pushing back.

Some truth to this, imo. And yes, some people just leave it completely out of the equation. The history, including within living memory, of the treatment of black people in America is basically a disgrace, and those who think it's more or less gone away or that legacy effects don't play a big part are just obviously incorrect. I wouldn't take much heed of Trausti on this if I were you. Let him say what he wants.

Walk me through this. Homicide suspects kills himself. Ergo, looting okay?
Walk me through this. Homicide suspects kills himself. Ergo, looting okay?

You'd first need to show me your legs work. For all I know, you might have tried to get into your car earlier today.

Or to put it another way, no, obviously. But you knew that already.
it's a monumental act of collective will to have this idea that one individual can have nothing and be in desperate need, and look at someone with a ridiculous excess of resources, and not take their stuff by force.

Except for the little problem that that desperate need isn't real beyond what's self-inflicted by choosing a life of crime.
"Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?" - Thomas Sowell
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