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Now #BLMers are rioting in Minneapolis after black murderer kills himself

That's nonsense. BLM exists because there is an enormous appearance that at the hands of police and a great number of the non-black public, the lives of black people don't matter enough to NOT kill unarmed black people for things like playing in a park, selling loose cigarettes, jogging in the 'wrong' neighborhood, sleeping in your own bed, etc.

There has been a significant uptick in all sorts of domestic violence among white people, black people, brown people: all people during this time of economic uncertainty during the pandemic.

Keyword: Appearance. Because BLM isn't about the truth, they take it on faith that if the police shoot a black they were wrong.

We have already shown that police shootings are not racially biased.
You apparently want more dead kids.

Note that the police have realized the old rules don't work, now the policy is to go in rather than waiting around while people die.

I note that you are bullshitting.

But in the interests of giving you a chance to support your assertion, please support your assertion. I am particularly interested in the implication that police departments are no longer training their officers to assess a situation before going in guns ablazing. Was that change in policy before or after the Deputy Chief and President of the Patrolman's Association said Garmbeck and Loehmann took a moment to assess the situation before approaching Rice? Were they throwing those two cops under the bus when they gave an untrue version of events, or trying to cover for them?

I was specifically addressing active shooter situations. The idea now is go in promptly if it's an active shooter--delay is worse than the likely mistakes.
Tell that to the families of Tamir Rice or Philandro Castile or another victim of a police mistake.
A tragedy for sure, but had Breonna Taylor not had dated a drug dealer, police would not have been seeking him at her place.
First, you don't know that. Second, it is not surprising you are blaming an innocent black victim for gross police misconduct but that particular excuse is truly lame ass.
You apparently want more dead kids.

Note that the police have realized the old rules don't work, now the policy is to go in rather than waiting around while people die.

I note that you are bullshitting.

But in the interests of giving you a chance to support your assertion, please support your assertion. I am particularly interested in the implication that police departments are no longer training their officers to assess a situation before going in guns ablazing. Was that change in policy before or after the Deputy Chief and President of the Patrolman's Association said Garmbeck and Loehmann took a moment to assess the situation before approaching Rice? Were they throwing those two cops under the bus when they gave an untrue version of events, or trying to cover for them?

I was specifically addressing active shooter situations. The idea now is go in promptly if it's an active shooter--delay is worse than the likely mistakes.

When I asked you to support your assertion I didn't mean bullshit some more.

Show us the current policy and show us when police departments abandoned the one Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer described.

We already know Tomba and Follmer were telling lies. At the time it appeared they were trying to provide cover for Loehmann and Garmback by saying the cops followed proper procedure. But now, with this claim of yours, it appears they might have been stabbing Loehmann and Garmback in the back by falsely claiming they had failed to follow proper procedure.

So which is it? Were they lying to help out those two cops, or lying to get them in even more trouble?
That guy was not even shot by police but by civilians. 90% of black people who are killed are killed by other black people but I guess they don't matter. Also, twice as many white people are murdered by black people than vice versa, but media is not endlessly harping on those cases. So I guess white lives don't matter either.

Police officers are representatives of the state who have taken an oath to abide by the laws of the land and to protect and serve the communities that pay for their service. This is not true for the common criminal who does not wear a badge. To imply that people should not hold police officers to a higher standard of conduct than common criminals, or that people should not be outraged by murderous violence committed by police officers acting under the color of law, simply because murderous violence is also committed by common criminals, is a ridiculous position.
[stupid, racist meme]
Cherry-picked examples are not evidence of anything. Plenty of armed black people are arrested, and plenty of unarmed white people are shot.

Regardless of race, vast majority of police shootings are justified.

P.S.: Who is the guy in the bottom row, second from the left?
That guy was not even shot by police but by civilians. 90% of black people who are killed are killed by other black people but I guess they don't matter. Also, twice as many white people are murdered by black people than vice versa, but media is not endlessly harping on those cases. So I guess white lives don't matter either.

Police officers are representatives of the state who have taken an oath to abide by the laws of the land and to protect and serve the communities that pay for their service.
Read more carefully. Specifically the sentence I bolded. That paragraph was in reference to Ahmad Aubrey, who wasn't killed by police.

This is not true for the common criminal who does not wear a badge. To imply that people should not hold police officers to a higher standard of conduct than common criminals, or that people should not be outraged by murderous violence committed by police officers acting under the color of law, simply because murderous violence is also committed by common criminals, is a ridiculous position.
The problem is that some people want police to be held at an unrealistic standard, like allowing the perp to shoot first or faulting them for making a decision to fire in real time when the Monday morning quarterbacks criticizing them have the benefit of hindsight.
Read more carefully. Specifically the sentence I bolded. That paragraph was in reference to Ahmad Aubrey, who wasn't killed by police.

This is not true for the common criminal who does not wear a badge. To imply that people should not hold police officers to a higher standard of conduct than common criminals, or that people should not be outraged by murderous violence committed by police officers acting under the color of law, simply because murderous violence is also committed by common criminals, is a ridiculous position.
The problem is that some people want police to be held at an unrealistic standard, like allowing the perp to shoot first or faulting them for making a decision to fire in real time when the Monday morning quarterbacks criticizing them have the benefit of hindsight.

Stop making up shit. I haven't seen anyone on the forums claim that suspects should be allowed to shoot before police can retaliate. The discussion was about the shooting of Tamir Rice, where the police shot Rice immediately upon arriving at the scene, without bothering to ascertain if Rice was a threat to anybody, or even that Rice was the person described on the radio calls. The police should not be allowed to kill people based on the presumption that they may try to harm you at some future time, especially when they know virtually nothing about what is going on, or who is involved in the situation. Lethal force is appropriate only when there is a clear and immediate danger to the lives of the police or others at the scene. It is not appropriate to assume that the life of the police officer is more valuable than the life of a suspect, and that suspects should be killed preemptively by the police, without any investigative due diligence, because there might exist some unspecified threat to the police. The suspect's life is just as valuable as the policeman's life, and killing him without trying to even investigate the situation, and attempting to mitigate any potential threats that the suspect might pose, deprives the suspect of his right to due process.

The actions of the police in the Tamir Rice case cannot be reasonably justified, even assuming the position most favorable to the police. You likely don't understand this because you do not view Tamir's life as being valuable. And this attitude has been a constant refrain in your posts on this subject.
[stupid, racist meme]
Cherry-picked examples are not evidence of anything.

Stop making up shit. I haven't seen anyone on the forums claim that suspects should be allowed to shoot before police can retaliate.
Then check your prescription. Jarhyn said it on numerous occasions.

The discussion was about the shooting of Tamir Rice,
And I have said since the beginning that the police made serious mistakes here. But that does not make it murder.

You likely don't understand this because you do not view Tamir's life as being valuable. And this attitude has been a constant refrain in your posts on this subject.
Bullshit. Your side is callously using his tragic case as an anti-police bludgeon, ignoring that vast majority of police shootings are justified.
I was specifically addressing active shooter situations. The idea now is go in promptly if it's an active shooter--delay is worse than the likely mistakes.
Tell that to the families of Tamir Rice or Philandro Castile or another victim of a police mistake.

In other words, you want dead people in mass shootings. The usual leftist mistake of figuring there must be a good answer.
I was specifically addressing active shooter situations. The idea now is go in promptly if it's an active shooter--delay is worse than the likely mistakes.
Tell that to the families of Tamir Rice or Philandro Castile or another victim of a police mistake.

In other words, you want dead people in mass shootings. The usual leftist mistake of figuring there must be a good answer.

You are employing the Excluded Middle fallacy. And you are ignoring my question about Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer.

Tomba and Follmer described Garmback and Loehmann following a series of steps in which they evaluated the situation upon arrival on scene, identified the suspect, approached the suspect with caution while giving him clear instructions to put up his hands, and only fired when Rice failed to comply and drew his weapon from his waistband. It was a pack of lies. The question is, were Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer claiming Garmback and Loehmann followed proper procedure, or were they claiming the officers didn't following proper procedure?
I was specifically addressing active shooter situations. The idea now is go in promptly if it's an active shooter--delay is worse than the likely mistakes.
Tell that to the families of Tamir Rice or Philandro Castile or another victim of a police mistake.

In other words, you want dead people in mass shootings.
No, unlike you, I want fewer civilians who pose no threat to anyone to not be killed by the police. Really, how hard is that to grasp? What is wrong with people that think it is a bad idea that police should have a good idea what is going on before firing their weapons? Really, as far as I am concerned, your views are morally depraved and represent a breakdown in our social compact.

Moreover, if those trigger happy cowards had not gunned down Tamir Rice or Philandro Castile there would have been no dead people at all, let alone dead people in a mass shooting. Come on, you are defending police procedure that causes needless death and tragedy. WTF?
The usual leftist mistake of figuring there must be a good answer.
"Leftist"? I conclude posters are full of shite when they start throwing "leftist" and "fascist" around.
In other words, you want dead people in mass shootings. The usual leftist mistake of figuring there must be a good answer.

You are employing the Excluded Middle fallacy. And you are ignoring my question about Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer.

Tomba and Follmer described Garmback and Loehmann following a series of steps in which they evaluated the situation upon arrival on scene, identified the suspect, approached the suspect with caution while giving him clear instructions to put up his hands, and only fired when Rice failed to comply and drew his weapon from his waistband. It was a pack of lies. The question is, were Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer claiming Garmback and Loehmann followed proper procedure, or were they claiming the officers didn't following proper procedure?

I'm not excluding the middle, you're pretending there's a way to ride both horses successfully.
In other words, you want dead people in mass shootings. The usual leftist mistake of figuring there must be a good answer.

You are employing the Excluded Middle fallacy. And you are ignoring my question about Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer.

Tomba and Follmer described Garmback and Loehmann following a series of steps in which they evaluated the situation upon arrival on scene, identified the suspect, approached the suspect with caution while giving him clear instructions to put up his hands, and only fired when Rice failed to comply and drew his weapon from his waistband. It was a pack of lies. The question is, were Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Association President Follmer claiming Garmback and Loehmann followed proper procedure, or were they claiming the officers didn't following proper procedure?

I'm not excluding the middle, you're pretending there's a way to ride both horses successfully.

We are talking about the lies Deputy Chief Tomba and Patrolman's Associtiaon President Follmer told when they described the actions of Officers Garmback and Loehmann.

Here, I highlighted them in red:

cleveland.com said:
A rookie officer and a 10-15 year veteran pulled into the parking lot and saw a few people sitting underneath a pavilion next to the center. The rookie officer saw a black gun sitting on the table, and he saw the boy pick up the gun and put it in his waistband, Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association President Jeffrey Follmer said.

The officer got out of the car and told the boy to put his hands up. The boy reached into his waistband, pulled out the gun, and the rookie officer fired two shots, Tomba said.

Tomba and Follmer described Garmback and Loehmann following a series of steps in which they evaluated the situation upon arrival on scene, identified the suspect, approached the suspect with caution while giving him clear instructions to put his hands up, and only fired when Rice failed to comply and drew his weapon from his waistband.

Is it your contention that Tomba and Follmer were saying Garmback and Loehmann did not follow proper police procedure?
I was specifically addressing active shooter situations. The idea now is go in promptly if it's an active shooter--delay is worse than the likely mistakes.
Tell that to the families of Tamir Rice or Philandro Castile or another victim of a police mistake.

In other words, you want dead people in mass shootings. The usual leftist mistake of figuring there must be a good answer.

Bull fucking shit.

Exactly how many people do you think Tamir Rice could have taken out with his toy gun? Or Philandro Castile?
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