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Nuclear terrorism

Not really. You're saying that the Palestinians shouldn't be able to buy weapons because that would make them the equal of the Israelis?

Of course. Palestinians aren't equal to Israelis because they don't have statehood because they don't have weapons because those who would support them can't make good weapons by other than stealing them ...and they believe the land is theirs.

Palestinians have to disabuse themselves of their 'friends', notions that land is sectarian, belief in afterlife, education is bad, women are objects, and capitalism isn't as fair as socialism. After that and a few "hail Mary"'s things should be good with them ..... suck the teat of Christ.
Are you aware that more than 1.5 million Arabs live in Israel proper?

Yes, I am. They were born there. The settlers on the West bank are colonists, "colonisers", immigrants who were not invited, invaders by immigration forced upon an unwilling powerless Arab population.
What's your spin on that?
Why are the Arabs powerless? Could it have something to do with their vile backward and out of touch with modernity religion?

Your spin is religious bigotry? You don't like their religion so it's okay to kick them around? Interesting.

But what about the colonists? Do you like their religion? Does their having a religion you like mean that it's okay for them to abuse powerless Arabs?
Was it a catastrophe when Westerners colonised the Americas? It was for the backward natives but not for the colonisers. The same argument can be used throughout world history. The superior modern civilisation will always conquer the weaker backward civilisation.
So, if the Arabs could unite and then rise up and destroy Israel, you would be okay with the superior modern civilization (i.e. the victor) conquering the weaker?

Perhaps I worded that wrong. Here I'll try a different wording. When Cortez landed in the Americas, he had guns and cannons against spears and bow and arrows and superstition. It was no contest. The same with the Roman legions. Well lead and organised fighting units against ad hoc defences. Again, no contest. If an alien entity a thousand years ahead of any earth technology decided to take over the earth, again no contest! Am I clear now?

Not really. You're saying that the Palestinians shouldn't be able to buy weapons because that would make them the equal of the Israelis?
Buy them? but someone is supplying hamas with rockets etc. They can only build very primitive ones of their own, and then thank Zeus they don't have modern guiding systems.
Are you aware that more than 1.5 million Arabs live in Israel proper?

Yes, I am. They were born there. The settlers on the West bank are colonists, "colonisers", immigrants who were not invited, invaders by immigration forced upon an unwilling powerless Arab population.
What's your spin on that?
Why are the Arabs powerless? Could it have something to do with their vile backward and out of touch with modernity religion?

Your spin is religious bigotry? You don't like their religion so it's okay to kick them around? Interesting.

But what about the colonists? Do you like their religion? Does their having a religion you like mean that it's okay for them to abuse powerless Arabs?
Was it a catastrophe when Westerners colonised the Americas? It was for the backward natives but not for the colonisers. The same argument can be used throughout world history. The superior modern civilisation will always conquer the weaker backward civilisation.
So, if the Arabs could unite and then rise up and destroy Israel, you would be okay with the superior modern civilization (i.e. the victor) conquering the weaker?

Perhaps I worded that wrong. Here I'll try a different wording. When Cortez landed in the Americas, he had guns and cannons against spears and bow and arrows and superstition. It was no contest. The same with the Roman legions. Well lead and organised fighting units against ad hoc defences. Again, no contest. If an alien entity a thousand years ahead of any earth technology decided to take over the earth, again no contest! Am I clear now?

Not really. You're saying that the Palestinians shouldn't be able to buy weapons because that would make them the equal of the Israelis?
Buy them? but someone is supplying hamas with rockets etc. They can only build very primitive ones of their own, and then thank Zeus they don't have modern guiding systems.

Still not seeing the connection. So if an alien overlord turns up with a big laser and wants to turn us into porridge, that's a good thing because his laser is bigger than ours?
What I'm saying is that the more advanced civilisation will always triumph over a backward one. The exception are the religious barbaric ones who through sheer numbers overcome a more advanced one like the Incas for example.
What I'm saying is that the more advanced civilisation will always triumph over a backward one. The exception are the religious barbaric ones who through sheer numbers overcome a more advanced one like the Incas for example.

Confused post.
The numbers were on the side of the Incas. Their stupid primitive religion and internecine warfare confused them, just as is happening to the Arabs. The cunning and more techincally advanced Spaniards with help from their own primitive religion won those wars, just as Israel with its primitive religion and technological superiority is winning at the moment. Even though some allegedly secular members of the Jewish community claim that they only adhere to various customs of that primitive religion for sentimental reasons, their adherence to those is sufficient for guaranteeing SOLID solidarity with any and all policies of the Israeli government, This solidarity is admirably demonstrated in this thread and others on this forum, and in the wider world, where it really matters.

Might is right, I agree with you there.
Oh, come on, just because the whole point of the Cold War's MAD policy is to support a political purpose to limit the spread and severity of war by the threat of nuclear violence, and widespread horrors, a promise that WWIII would be so fearfully terrible that nothing made a worse alternative doesn't make it terrorism.
At least, you know, as long as the good guys were doing it.

Seriously, MAD was about defense contractors and their cronies in the government getting rich. Pretty successful program, huh?
What I'm saying is that the more advanced civilisation will always triumph over a backward one. The exception are the religious barbaric ones who through sheer numbers overcome a more advanced one like the Incas for example.

Confused post.
The numbers were on the side of the Incas. Their stupid primitive religion and internecine warfare confused them, just as is happening to the Arabs. The cunning and more techincally advanced Spaniards with help from their own primitive religion won those wars, just as Israel with its primitive religion and technological superiority is winning at the moment. Even though some allegedly secular members of the Jewish community claim that they only adhere to various customs of that primitive religion for sentimental reasons, their adherence to those is sufficient for guaranteeing SOLID solidarity with any and all policies of the Israeli government, This solidarity is admirably demonstrated in this thread and others on this forum, and in the wider world, where it really matters.

Might is right, I agree with you there.
There was a time when Arabs were much more enlightened and contributed to the world in general. It's in the past few decades that it's gone backward at a rate of knots. That can all be sheeted home to the radicals who brainwash the silent majority who stand by and let them brainwash their children into believing all their problems are the fault of the infidels and the Jews. There has not been any worthwhile contribution to the world at large from the Arab world for decades.

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Talking about brain washing..........Europe likes to think of itself as enlightened but Operation Protective Edge and Israel’s counter-offensive against Hamas terrorism has highlighted the extent to which Jew hatred is still ingrained on the continent. To be fair, much of the anti-Semitism we are witnessing there manifests itself among the Muslims who have made Europe their home. But in all honesty, European authorities have allowed the malignancy to fester and metastasize to the point where it is now uncontrollable and threatens other non-Muslim communities. Naturally, Jews, because of their small size are the focus for now but once the Muslim community reaches sufficient numbers, Sikhs, Hindus and yes, even Christians will be next. One need look no further than Gaza, Egypt, Iraq and Syria to witness first-hand the fate of Christians who live in majority Muslim states.

Of course, the irony is difficult to ignore. The Muslims who are currently demonstrating and displaying their blood-curdling hate and vitriol in a free environment would likely be mowed down en masse had they ever dared to protest in the fundamentalist and fascist countries they profess to support. Moreover, many of these Muslim provocateurs despise the very democratic institutions that sustain them. But Judeophobia and xenophobia have no rational basis precisely because they are ideologies rooted in a convoluted mixture of hate, jealousy and ignorance. Detesting the “enlightened” country that provides you with all sorts of entitlements and supporting despotic regimes who would deny freedom to all is consistent with the doctrine of anti-Semitism.
Wait.. you're claiming that almost a thousand dead is part of the manifest destiny of a superior civilisation conquering an inferior one... but you reckon it's the Europeans who are racist?
Confused post.
The numbers were on the side of the Incas. Their stupid primitive religion and internecine warfare confused them, just as is happening to the Arabs. The cunning and more techincally advanced Spaniards with help from their own primitive religion won those wars, just as Israel with its primitive religion and technological superiority is winning at the moment. Even though some allegedly secular members of the Jewish community claim that they only adhere to various customs of that primitive religion for sentimental reasons, their adherence to those is sufficient for guaranteeing SOLID solidarity with any and all policies of the Israeli government, This solidarity is admirably demonstrated in this thread and others on this forum, and in the wider world, where it really matters.

Might is right, I agree with you there.
There was a time when Arabs were much more enlightened and contributed to the world in general. It's in the past few decades that it's gone backward at a rate of knots. That can all be sheeted home to the radicals who brainwash the silent majority who stand by and let them brainwash their children into believing all their problems are the fault of the infidels and the Jews. There has not been any worthwhile contribution to the world at large from the Arab world for decades.

- - - Updated - - -

Talking about brain washing..........Europe likes to think of itself as enlightened but Operation Protective Edge and Israel’s counter-offensive against Hamas terrorism has highlighted the extent to which Jew hatred is still ingrained on the continent. To be fair, much of the anti-Semitism we are witnessing there manifests itself among the Muslims who have made Europe their home. But in all honesty, European authorities have allowed the malignancy to fester and metastasize to the point where it is now uncontrollable and threatens other non-Muslim communities. Naturally, Jews, because of their small size are the focus for now but once the Muslim community reaches sufficient numbers, Sikhs, Hindus and yes, even Christians will be next. One need look no further than Gaza, Egypt, Iraq and Syria to witness first-hand the fate of Christians who live in majority Muslim states.

Of course, the irony is difficult to ignore. The Muslims who are currently demonstrating and displaying their blood-curdling hate and vitriol in a free environment would likely be mowed down en masse had they ever dared to protest in the fundamentalist and fascist countries they profess to support. Moreover, many of these Muslim provocateurs despise the very democratic institutions that sustain them. But Judeophobia and xenophobia have no rational basis precisely because they are ideologies rooted in a convoluted mixture of hate, jealousy and ignorance. Detesting the “enlightened” country that provides you with all sorts of entitlements and supporting despotic regimes who would deny freedom to all is consistent with the doctrine of anti-Semitism.

Now you´re talking...

I agree 100% with every word in the above post.

The Europeans, and I know them because I am one of them, wanted to demonstrate to the world, but mostly to themselves, how liberal, tolerant, and enlightened they have recently become (since WWII), and allowed massive immigration of alien cultures without thinking of the consequences. They thought that these cultures would assimilate, or that multiculturalism would result. The real result has been a rebirth of nationalism and racism of various degrees a (and that assumes that nationalism and racism were ever ¨´dead´), and a corresponding rebirth of Islam in the Muslim diaspora. This latter was aided by the creation and support of Israel, giving the Muslim Arabs a common target.

Antisemitism in Europe has a history of thousands of years. Like nationalism, racism, tribalism, it seems to be part of human nature, a manifestation of the fear, envy, and hate of The Other, the stranger, the foreigner. The only people that I have met who were truly not racist have been the Muslims. Their fear, hate, contempt etc is directed to the Infidels and for the purpose of this argument I include Christians, Jews, Hindus, and ¨heretic¨Muslims (eg Shia versus Sunni) in that category of Infidels.
And the Jews, with their thousands of years of history and tradition, at some stage sublimated that hate and fear of the stranger into their religion which tells them that they are the Chosen People of this world, chosen by their ¨god¨, Special, aristocrats of a sort for eternity, no matter what The Others think, no matter what The Others do to them. (And proof of their superiority and ¨choseness¨, is there, or so they tell us, look how they survived,look what they survived, look at the percentage of Nobel prizes they hold, etc etc.)This attitude and the obvious success of the Jews in many fields only serves to feed the envy and increase the hate among the more primitive of us Others, and racism and nationalism thrive.
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