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NYT op-ed: I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration


Industrial Grade Linguist
May 27, 2017
Bellevue, WA
Basic Beliefs
Atheist humanist
The NYT has published an anonymous opinion piece that they claim was written by a high official in the Trump administration.

See I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

The article was written by someone who thinks that Trump has done a lot of good things despite his ineffective, dysfunctional style of governing. He or she confirms a conspiracy to "frustrate parts of his agenda":

President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.

It’s not just that the special counsel looms large. Or that the country is bitterly divided over Mr. Trump’s leadership. Or even that his party might well lose the House to an opposition hellbent on his downfall.

The dilemma — which he does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

I would know. I am one of them.

To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.

I leave it to others to read the remainder of the opinion piece and comment on the contents. There may be no such thing as a "deep state conspiracy" against Donald Trump, but there certainly is a "shallow state" one.
Would the NYT publish such a thing if he wasn't.
The NYT would only publish if it's credible. It's a new Deep Throat. The comparisons to Watergate are becoming more and more apparent.
I found this comment particularly apt.:

Are we supposed to feel good about this?

A clearly unqualified, incompetent and possibly mentally unstable person occupies the Oval Office. Rather than do something about it -- you know, save the nation from an immediate threat? -- the unelected cabal around him sits wetnurse and does its best to keep little donny's fingers out of the pie while working to achieve its own goals which it determined how?

No clue. Ayne Rand's wishlist, perhaps. Paul Ryan's fever dreams. This explains why the GOP leaders in congress are so quiet -- they're too busy pulling the strings.

If what this essay is true, American democracy is dead. We have an unelected cabal, answerable to nobody, running things, and this guy says "don't worry, there are adults in the room."

For god sake, where?
These "protectors" are not elected. Is this illegal? I don't think the constitution covers this situation.
DtC most likely appointed them. It seems legal so long as they stay within the confines of the authority they have been granted in their position.
Anyone who seriously believes any of Trump's policies have made the USA safer or more prosperous is too fucking stupid to be trusted to frustrate from within,
This word from the anonymous New York Times op-ed may prove Mike Pence wrote it

Interesting theory.....

As the media world (and the White House) scrambles to figure out the identity of the anonymous senior Trump administration official who wrote a scathing New York Times op-ed rebuking the president, one producer thinks he may have figured it out.

Panoply audio producer Dan Bloom tweeted that the use of the word “lodestar” to laud the late John McCain not only ruled out people like Stephen Miller — it also stuck out because he’d heard it before.

“‘Lodestar’ just seems like an unusual word to use in general, not to mention in an op-ed that’s going to be widely read,” Bloom wrote. He added that he researched whether White House chief of staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis had ever used it, but it doesn’t appear that they had.

Dan downLODESTAR Bloom@danbl00m

· 3h

Replying to @danbl00m
The word is "LODESTAR." Note that it comes in the same paragraph praising John McCain. That would rule out flame-throwers like Stephen Miller and Dan Scavino and suggest someone with Senate ties. This reveal is not going to take long. pic.twitter.com/NwnUtvFlko

Dan downLODESTAR Bloom@danbl00m

"Lodestar" just seems like an unusual word to use in general, not to mention in an op-ed that's going to be widely read. It has this whiff of sanctimony. So I search for John Kelly and James Mattis ever having used the word "lodestar." Nothing. But then...
3:57 PM - Sep 5, 2018

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He then ran across the word in a speech Vice President Mike Pence made to the United Nations in 2017, saying that the NGO “must again be our lodestar, our ideal, and our aspiration.”

The term came up again two months later at a dinner, Bloom noted.

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Pence used it again in February 2018, the producer wrote — but he also was documented using it in 2011 as well.

Dan downLODESTAR Bloom@danbl00m

· 3h

Replying to @danbl00m
Two more months later (like clockwork,) February 2018. Vice President Mike Pence speaking in Tokyo, alongside Japanese PM Shinzo Abe. Place your bets... another "lodestar." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-vice-president-pence-prime-minister-abe-japan-joint-statements/ … pic.twitter.com/88vJJfVamM

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In subsequent tweets, Bloom noted that it couldn’t simply be attributed to Pence’s speechwriter Stephen Ford because he began working for the vice president in 2001, but the first usage that anyone had found was in 2001.

I'm guessing its some deputy or under secretary.
Would the NYT publish such a thing if he wasn't.
As an OP-ED?
You can say whatever you want in an opinion piece.

Survey report from the first Venusian observer, the Queen's letter to the former colonies - revoking their spelling errours, a dog's diary entry, Trump's hostile babysitter...
If Trump sues, point to every time Sarah HS defends HIS tweets as 'personal expression,' give him a copy of the 1st Amendment, laugh at him.
I found this comment particularly apt.:

Are we supposed to feel good about this?

A clearly unqualified, incompetent and possibly mentally unstable person occupies the Oval Office. Rather than do something about it -- you know, save the nation from an immediate threat? -- the unelected cabal around him sits wetnurse and does its best to keep little donny's fingers out of the pie while working to achieve its own goals which it determined how?

No clue. Ayne Rand's wishlist, perhaps. Paul Ryan's fever dreams. This explains why the GOP leaders in congress are so quiet -- they're too busy pulling the strings.

If what this essay is true, American democracy is dead. We have an unelected cabal, answerable to nobody, running things, and this guy says "don't worry, there are adults in the room."

For god sake, where?

^^^ All of this!

It isn't Pence (imo). He's a religious fanatic and doesn't believe in "free minds, free markets and free people."

Who else has been with Trump from the beginning? Someone who is old-school conservative, probably military background.

This, though, sums up the situation and scares the crap out of me:

We have an unelected cabal, answerable to nobody, running things, and this guy says "don't worry, there are adults in the room."
I dunno if one word can identify an author. Different people write with a voice, sure, but i pick up single stray words at the drop of a hat. Someone spills coffee on the auditor's lap at a documentation review meeting , and there's me using 'twat waffle' for two weeks.
I dunno if one word can identify an author. Different people write with a voice, sure, but i pick up single stray words at the drop of a hat. Someone spills coffee on the auditor's lap at a documentation review meeting , and there's me using 'twat waffle' for two weeks.

They've also plainly stated that they use one another's common words and expressions just to frustrate any attempt to discover leakers.

(Also, isn't Pence the sole high-level person who doesn't merely serve at the President's leisure? Could work either if he wrote it, or if someone else were trying to pin it on him.)
the nyt know who it is and they said it's a senior official in the administration.
Is there a list what specific positions that the President can fire employees from? I imagine that he can't fire a nurse at the VA.

Also, probably not any appointee of Pence, right?
Sure you can say whatever you want in an op ed. But if I wrote one in which I claimed I was the Emperor of Japan, a credible newspaper wouldn't publish it.
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