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Offices and other workplaces using overly bright LED bulbs


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
For this transition to the new LED technology at my workplace there are a few locations that have replaced the old fluorescent and incandescent bulbs with LEDs that are about 2-3 times at least brighter. Jarringly bright.

This was supposed to be an energy savings and these bulbs are probably using 2 times more energy than needed.
The flicker of fluorescent lights can be headache inducing, if they are not replaced regularly. Fortunately, where I work the facilities crew is diligent about replacing the bulbs before they get to that point, but I have worked in other environments where it is an issue. Initially, when LED bulbs were introduced, there were issues with them not being bright enough, now that they have gotten super bright, I guess things are moving in the other direction for some. I have begun replacing the CFLs in my home with LEDs, and have noticed that they tend to be a bit brighter on average, but maybe that is because the CFLs were starting to lose their brightness. Regardless, LEDs are more efficient, and last much longer than other bulbs, so workplaces are going to switch to them when and where they can, especially as the costs continue to drop.
The flicker of fluorescent lights can be headache inducing, if they are not replaced regularly. Fortunately, where I work the facilities crew is diligent about replacing the bulbs before they get to that point, but I have worked in other environments where it is an issue. Initially, when LED bulbs were introduced, there were issues with them not being bright enough, now that they have gotten super bright, I guess things are moving in the other direction for some. I have begun replacing the CFLs in my home with LEDs, and have noticed that they tend to be a bit brighter on average, but maybe that is because the CFLs were starting to lose their brightness. Regardless, LEDs are more efficient, and last much longer than other bulbs, so workplaces are going to switch to them when and where they can, especially as the costs continue to drop.

How about some snap-on office ceiling lampshades that give the lighting a softer glow and thus makes it more tolerable?
Is it that they are brighter or that they are whiter? I think the low end of LEDs in whiteness is 2700 K. This mimics the color of moonshine whereas most incandescent bulbs (2400 K) mimic the color of sunshine. I've got LEDs in my basement renovation and I don't care for them. It's not they are so bright but they have the color of 'arc weld' to me. It's harsh.

I use LED globes at home but these are filtered by frosted glass globes and light fixture glass, which makes the light softer.
I was amazed just how efficient lighting has become, and just how much power is being pumped out of my office lights. I got a biosphere (self contained ecosystem with shrimp in it) and I need to keep the damn thing in the drawer most of the time because when I leave it out in the light the algae grows way too fast. That isn't an issue left under natural lighting by the window at home.
I redid the kitchen ceiling with LEDs. I like it. Took out the old dropped ceiling and 48" flourescent fixtures.

Not all LEDs are the same. Pick out the ones you like. The first bulbs we tried were not good at all and so returned them for something better.

The CFLs in the dining room were too bright for me but I'm used to them now. Or maybe they've just dimmed over time.
Out electric company came into the office and offered to replace all our lights with LEDs - FREE!
We kept some overhead fluorescent lights in our production areas, but let them replace everything else. It was awesome! Mostly because we have a lot of overhead track lighting that is hard to reach, making it a PITA to change bulbs.
The bad news? I think they put us on some kind of list; I've been getting calls from light bulb sellers. Never got them before... at lest they hang up when I tell them that we're running LEDs.
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