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Okay, now is a good time to start panicking

Any historian collecting material for a post mortem on the Trump presidency is going to have their work cut out for them. On the positive side, Trump will save G.W. Bush the ignominy of being labelled the worst president in US history.

That remains to be seen. As scary as Trump is, he hasn't actually started a war yet. Of course, that could change by the time I'm done writing this sentence, but so far, he's only given the okay to one ill-advised on-the-ground military action. Dubbya, by comparison, started a relatively large war and wrecked the economy. It's still early, but Trump has a lot of work to do in order to catch up and surpass Bush and Cheney.

If Trump does somehow manage to make it through an entire term, and if all he does is line his pockets and the pockets of his friends and family, I'll consider us all very lucky.
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