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Op-ed: Trump is Making America Weak Again


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

Trump is following his strategy with relentless efficiency: make America as weak as we were before World War 2. That way, Russia will have less opposition in the world. Whether you believe that Trump is doing this on the orders of Putin, or has just decided on his own to weaken America so that Russia can be more powerful, he is doing it with relentless efficiency that belies his apparent incompetence.

And we can't lay this entirely at the feet of Trump nor Putin.

I think we have to acknowledge the role played by decades of right wing propaganda. All of those international institutions that formed the basis of America's ability to project power during and after the Cold War are all things that the conservatives and libertarians have been complaining about for decades. Wittingly or unwittingly, they've been pushing for policy positions that would harm America and benefit Russia.

It's just that up until now, the Republican establishment held all the power and didn't actually implement the things that right wing propaganda said needed to be done. The propaganda could be used to stir up the Republican base, but (or so the establishment Republicans thought) no one would actually be crazy enough to undermine the very institutions that project American power and create the world order America worked decades to construct.

But Putin outsmarted the Republican establishment, and put a lunatic in the White House who is actually willing to do all the things that FOX News and the rest of the right wing propagandists have been shouting for for decades.

Even if the "blue wave" turns out to be a real thing, and Republicans are swept from power for decades to come, the damage has already been done. America will never be as powerful as we were before Trump came into office. No matter how this turns out, this was a great victory for Mother Russia.

Putin played us all, and the Republican voters helped. A lot.
Don is a laughably obvious conman and liar. But he's small-time compared to Vlad (or even Kim.) He gets snookered because he thinks he knows the shot and that he can deal with the other cons. Can you imagine what Kim thought when DJT tweeted that nutty sentence about America being able to sleep tight, there's no more nuclear menace? Whatever is Korean for "Mwah hah hah hah", that's the sound that came out of Kim.
Don is a laughably obvious conman and liar. But he's small-time compared to Vlad (or even Kim.) He gets snookered because he thinks he knows the shot and that he can deal with the other cons. Can you imagine what Kim thought when DJT tweeted that nutty sentence about America being able to sleep tight, there's no more nuclear menace? Whatever is Korean for "Mwah hah hah hah", that's the sound that came out of Kim.

Trump is a hype man who believes his own hype.
His Flatulence is the ultimate result of Spinning class gone mad.
His Flatulence is the ultimate result of Spinning class gone mad.

Surely you're not suggesting that he ever attended a spinning class. The man thinks exercise shortens one's lifespan because everyone has a fixed number of heartbeats available.

Also, haven't you argued against many of these same institutions in the past?
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