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PA Republican faces 10 years for death threats against other PA Republicans

Janice Rael

Maybe it's literal, maybe hyperbole.™
May 3, 2024
Jenkintown PA
Surprise me, or she/her
Basic Beliefs
I believe I need to ask more people
The dude had both pot and guns. He needed the pot but he chose the language of his guns. Ammosexuals are so dull.


Central Pa. man charged with threatening State Sen. Doug Mastriano in series of violent social media posts

Little’s arrest comes amid an alarming rise in violent threats lodged against public officials in recent years — a sign officials say reflects a growing tolerance for political violence.

Federal agents arrested a Central Pennsylvania man for threatening to kill State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R., Franklin) in a series of violent posts to Facebook earlier this month, authorities said Tuesday.

Among the threatening messages from Richard Little, 49, of Chambersburg, was a post Friday in which he tagged the 2022 Republican candidate for governor and vowed to skin him if he did not leave office.
“You ruin one more person, I will wear your [expletive] flesh,” Little wrote, according to federal court filings. “You are done. … Leave now or don’t. But you will leave today, or you will not be found Monday, senator. Make your f— choice.”
OH how DIM are these noncandescent bulbs.

Look at what this doofus did and said.

Little, a registered Republican, also appeared to threaten Republican Franklin County Commissioner Dean Horst and a sergeant major in the U.S. Army in a string of messages, photos, and videos publicly posted over a two-week period earlier this month, investigators said.

Some of them featured Little pacing through his home, identifying what he referred to as “kill zones” from which he outlined plans to attack authorities who might come to arrest him. The footage also featured Little showing off a small arsenal of weapons, including one he affectionately referred to as “the wonderful Donald Trumper.”
“I’m just going to be sitting here popping you motherf—,” Little said at one point in one of the videos, according to charging documents filed in the case. Boasting of hollow-tipped bullets he owned, Little continued: “That bullet is going to rip through them and spray blood through the boys.”

In Little’s case, Franklin County authorities believe his threats may have been prompted by an eviction notice he received June 10, the day they say he began posting his social media screeds.

They had responded to an earlier incident in April in which he allegedly threatened the director at the county’s Veterans Affairs Human Resource Building in Chambersburg and again threatened “to end” Horst, prosecutors said.

County investigators and the Pennsylvania State Police alerted the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to the threatening Facebook messages last week, prompting Little’s arrest, which was first reported Friday by NewsTalk 103.7 FM, a conservative talk radio station based in Chambersburg.

Agents seized 17 firearms from Little’s bedroom, living room, and kitchen as well as illegal mushrooms, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia during a subsequent search of his home, investigators said.

Yikes on bikes.

Doug Mastri-No-No is a terrible person with terrible views and horrible, atrocious goals. But just because Dougie No-No is a terrible person does not mean that we or anyone can post hate speech or make violent references to him; that's not right.

The right way to express our views on this doofus and his pro-gun ilk is to make fun of them and call them Ammosexuals and virgins. They're woefully sexually repressed, we can say that for sure.

We can wish these kinds of people a Merry Masturbation and Happy Find Her Cl!tor!s. We can suggest that they should step on a Lego, or a series of Legos. I prefer to suggest that these folks retire and go golfing. How about a playdate on Betsy DeVos' yacht?

Oh, if they like yachts, maybe they'd like to join Scientology! Then they can be anti-gay, anti-bi, anti-trans, maybe keep the guns ?? and then go boating in international waters, where there are no pesky laws.

Invite Doug Mastri-No-No to ... ooh, invite him to The Cookout, but, don't tell him who's gonna be there. Just make him go, and sit there, to eat food with seasoning until he admits that he's wrong, and he needs to retire to go to meet more cookout chefs to try foods with flavor, and hear new music.

You can do creative writing without going to jail over it, you non-thesaurus-havers.

Yo, write some bars about him without ending up behind bars. "Doug not like us, Doug not like us."* Dougie Stale and the Ammosexuals, opening up for Markie Z and The Shareholders at the next GOP For Golfing Retirement concert.

Now, am I breaking any laws or putting myself at legal risk by posting silly ridiculous nonsense on the internet? NOPE. I made no threats. I used hyperbole and obvious sarcasm to be silly and to say I don't like Mister Pro-Life Pro-Gun very much, and, I think that Dougie Stale Mastri-No-No ought to go eat some pudding and watch reruns of Soul Train until he learns how to dance.

This dance aint for everybody, just the sexy people.

The dude who posted the hate speech deserves to be corrected for posting hate speech.

*Note: Please refer to the "Drake vs Kendrick Lamar Rap Beef" for details, or, I can totally get Josh Johnson to explain it. What I mean to say is that one ought to write songs that are not about murdering people or wearing their skin.

The dude could have smoked his pot and just written anything else besides death threats. But he F'd around and found out.
How many guns does one American really need? George Zimmerman, poster child for the Second Amendment's How to murder and get away scot-free lecture series, owned only five guns -- "An AR-15 type rifle, a shotgun and three handguns were among the firearms police found in the home." (Of course he's probably bought several more with the proceeds from the quarter of a million dollars he got by selling the murder weapon to a collector.) Kyle Rittenhouse owned only a single gun when he got away with multiple murders and become a talk-show celebrity. (Of course he was only a teeny-bopper then and was just getting started.)

And many of the famous American gunslingers of yore made do with just four guns or even fewer.

(The thread headline "PA Republican faces 10 years for death threats against other PA Republicans" almost makes it sound like he'd be facing only 5 years if he'd threatened Democrats. Sounds about right.)

Richard Little was facing eviction; that's why he made the hate-deranged death threats. But I do NOT think the eviction was because he was a hate-filled moron: For that, the powers-that-be would have helped him run for political office. It seems safe to assume the eviction was for failure to pay rent or mortgage.

And that brings me to my question. Police found at least SEVENTEEN firearms when they searched his domicile! Did he really need so many? Many Americans get by with only 4 or 5 guns. Was Mr. Little's cognitive ability so Little that he couldn't figure out that the cost of the redundant 12 firearms -- even assuming he desperately needed five guns to protect himself from Antifa and the ACLU -- would have covered at least a month's rent?
"Pro-Life Pro-Gun" was the Pennsylvania Republican campaign chant for a while.
The guy sounds like he has definite mental issues, the clinical pathological kind, not your typical right wing stupidity.
Oh agreed, and I say that having been inside a Pennsylvania psych ward within the past... what month is this, July? Okay, three months. I can't speak for all the crazy people but he's not one of us. He's criminally whatever the fk he is to have done that and meant it and also been an Ammosexual.

In our PA psych ward, some of us shared art. This guy would be that anger junkie over in the corner, mad that Group is at the same time as The Price is Right. His mental issues would get him taken out of our area. So anti-social.

It's weird that it was almost Friendly Fire.
And many of the famous American gunslingers of yore made do with just four guns or even fewer.
You’re so cynical!
Ever hear of The Rifleman?
One weapon. ONE.

Then there’s ME. Living here among the lions and tigers and bears (ok, no tigers) with a slingshot and a pellet gun, which you can pry from my cold dead hands!!
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