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Pamela Karlan


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Ms. Karlan has taken over as my choice for "the American with whom I'd most like to have dinner".
Her command of the English language, her evident conviction and incredible knowledge of constitutional matters make her a pleasure to listen to. To me, she outshines every other person who has been given a turn at the mic in all of these hearings.
Yes. Mainly because that is all the RW will bellow about on Fauz Nooz for days now. I was a bit disappointed by these hearings today. The issue seemed to be bribery, bribery, bribery. But as far as I see it, it was not strictly bribery, it was outright extortion. I had hoped to see that explored a bit by somebody. "Let's make them an offer they can't refuse." Sounds like a high crime to me.
Yes. Mainly because that is all the RW will bellow about on Fauz Nooz for days now.

Nailed it.

:D :D :D

I was a bit disappointed by these hearings today. The issue seemed to be bribery, bribery, bribery. But as far as I see it, it was not strictly bribery, it was outright extortion. I had hoped to see that explored a bit by somebody. "Let's make them an offer they can't refuse." Sounds like a high crime to me.

I liked the "defense", and their brilliant idea that more witnesses should be called and things more thoroughly explored. At this point I agree - Dems should call Lev Parnas, then offer to let Reps call any witness except the whistleblower in exchange for any witness except Trump - say... Bolton. Then create a massive addendum to the 300 page report. Let the fucking thing go on until they're screaming bloody murder how long it's taking. Late October would be a good time to impeach and send it to the Senate. :)

Then if Trump loses the election and there are a lot of Republican Senators voted out, all the lame ducks can vote with the Dems to convict and remove the lame duck President without fear of repercussion. Pence can be Queen for a Day. And we all lived happily ever after. :)

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The problem is that more witnesses et al could soon turn into a long parade of witnesses, hearings, refusal to appear, subpoenas, legal appeals, ad nauseum. It is a delaying tactic to run out the clock. Gaming the system. Turley seems to have moved away from various positions he has held on impeachment in the past. Legal sophistry at it's finest.

Mr. Turley’s point crystallized the constitutional dilemma facing Congress as it pushes forward on impeachment rather than pausing to go after additional evidence the White House has withheld. A president willing to dig in and stonewall subpoenas for documents and testimony can use the courts to run out the clock, undermining the House’s ability to use its impeachment power in practice.

Stone walling by Trump should not be allowed to obstruct justice by delay after delay while this is fought out in court in lengthy battles, but should be counted as obstruction of justice and a high crime and misdemeanor.
I thought Karlan sounded like Supreme Court material until I saw that comment about Barron. Give her an A- because she quickly apologized.

Turley has a record of going up against Schiff before, defending an outrageously corrupt judge against impeachment. See Maddow last night. He's a weasal.

But I was most impressed with Nadler's opening remarks:
How will we know it when [the President] has betrayed his country for personal gain. Hamilton had a response for that as well. He wrote -
"When a man on principled and private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty. When such a man is seen to mount the hobby-horse of popularity to join the cry of danger to liberty, to take every opportunity of embarrassing the general government and bringing it under suspicion, it may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ride the storm and direct the whirlwind."
Her Barron Trump attack was stupid, though.

She didn't attack Barron. Her "attack" was on Donald's behavior as a dictator / king and how unironic is is that he chose to name a child of his "Baron".

she said, "Don my think he is a king and name his child Baron, but he is not a king".

So how do she attack Baron?

I thought the unhinged outrage that she "Invoked the name of Baron" was both entirely fake, and also entirely ironic. "It's BLASPHEMOUS to say our King is not god".
Her Barron Trump attack was stupid, though.

She didn't attack Barron. Her "attack" was on Donald's behavior as a dictator / king and how unironic is is that he chose to name a child of his "Baron".

she said, "Don my think he is a king and name his child Baron, but he is not a king".

So how do she attack Baron?

I thought the unhinged outrage that she "Invoked the name of Baron" was both entirely fake, and also entirely ironic. "It's BLASPHEMOUS to say our King is not god".

It's a pitiful situation. These Republikan Klowns must all think they'll be dead by the time their roles in the downfall of the United States of America is made clear in the historical record, or that their overthrow of democracy will be so complete that they can wipe out that historical record.
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