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Paul Ryan, Life Coach


Sep 17, 2003
Right behind you so ... BOO!
Basic Beliefs
non-theist, anarcho-socialist
The poor don't need bigger paychecks, they need a life plan


That’s the position of House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, who in his new anti-poverty plan wants poor families to work with government agencies or charitable nonprofits to craft “life plans” as a condition of receiving federal assistance under his proposed “opportunity grants.” “In the envisioned scenario providers would work with families to design a customized life plan to provide a structured roadmap out of poverty,” Ryan writes. At a minimum, these life plans would include “a contract outlining specific and measurable benchmarks for success,” a “timeline” for meeting them, “sanctions” for breaking them, “incentives for exceeding the terms of the contract,” and “time limits”—presumably independent of actual program limits—for “remaining on cash assistance.”

Even for conservatives—who champion welfare drug tests and robust work requirements—this is breathtakingly paternalistic. As Annie Lowrey notes for New York magazine, “t isolates the poor. Middle-class families don’t need to justify and prostrate themselves for tax credits. Businesses aren’t required to submit an ‘action plan’ to let the government know when they’ll stop sucking the oxygen provided by federal grant programs.” What’s more, as she also points out, it treats the poor as if they want to stay that way and all but punishes “the poorest and most unstable families for their poverty and instability.” As with other measures that tie aid to “accountability”—like family caps for welfare—a sanction can spark a downward spiral to deeper poverty.
It's nothing more than an elaborate roadblock.

That is all you will get from Republicans. Nothing but plans for making the lives of the poor harder.

The poor, they got it too good.
Some people are poor because they make stupid decision and implode. Others are poor because their parents were poor and it takes a couple generations to crawl out of poverty. Others are poor because of mental health issues. Another may be poor because that job they had in 2008 disappeared because of wealthy bankers fucking the capitalistic system.

What America simply needs is more right-wing thoughts of fancy that a checklist and life coach will get people out of poverty. This will make the poor accountable to vague fantastical "good ole day" mindset of the right-wingers who think the solutions to the tough problems in a capitalistic world are as simple as telling people they should be accountable for their actions.
Not just any "life plan" but one that is "approved".
Are you stupid, incapable of empathy? Great! A career in Congress may be a good plan for yo... oh. Sorry, you didn't go to an Ivy League college. Wait... you didn't go to college at all? Couldn't pay for it? Well, maybe if you didn't waste your money on rims and malt liquor you could have.
Ryan said, "What's unique about what's happening today in government, in the world, in America, is that it's as if we're living in an Ayn Rand novel right now. I think Ayn Rand did the best job of anybody to build a moral case of capitalism, and that morality of capitalism is under assault."

He said that?

He needs to see a doctor fast if he can't remember 2008, when the Ayn Rand World went to shit.
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