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Plump Trump Mocks Supporter for being Fat

Trumptastic through the roof. DJT is the clearest case of projection. Compile a list of his favorite insults and you will have a rather complete list of the qualities that he fears are self-defining. His enemy is 'dumb as a rock', low IQ, a traitor, lying, cheating, crooked, fat, a loser, incapable of swaying the majority, a baby, an ingrate, a hater, a 'horrible person', 'the enemy of the people', a 'choker' in deals...hmmmm. Also check out the infuriating insults that he, Bonespurs, made of McCain's war record.
I think it's time to go back to that episode in early '47 when he screamed incessantly for his binkie and his mom threw a $100 in his crib.
Press Corp reporter:

"Mr President, being a fat man yourself is it polite..."
He probably got a message from Kim. And if you're planning to build Towers in NK one day you'd better back up and apologize. Money talks.
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