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President Trump didn't get to prosecute Hillary Clinton or James Comey


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Top Trump officials saved the President from himself - CNNPolitics
Had President Donald Trump been successful in launching prosecutions against Hillary Clinton and James Comey, it could have spelled the end of his presidency, as a clear-cut abuse of power.

It never happened, apparently thwarted by then-White House Counsel Don McGahn and other senior officials.
Yet more about how his aides have allegedly been thwarting some of his worst initiatives.
And it leaves anyone on the outside wondering what other potential disasters top officials like McGahn, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein might have prevented.

They also raise questions about the capacity of a now-understaffed White House and legal counsel's operation to protect the President from current or future transgressions.
Especially since the Democrats now control the House by a sizable margin.
From your link:
They will bolster perceptions that Trump views the Justice Department as an instrument of his personal power rather than an insulated government department responsible for the neutral administration of justice.
I'd think all presidents think this to some extent. If not, why then bring in new administrations and staff with each president? Why can't these government officials be regular government employees if they don't tend to lean toward the personal druthers of the president?

It seems that a major difference between Trump and past presidents is that Trump doesn't use layers of filters that refine his positions before they get to the public. Tweeting has had its advantages for Trump, and its disadvantages. The disadvantages are that we get a birds eye view of the rawness of the personality of a president in real time. I'm not convinced we'd like many of the past occupants of the WH if their true personalities and wishes were so available so quickly before debate with administration officials and staff can be acheived. Indeed, I understand the accusation is that that debate never happens in a Trump administration. That apears true to large measure.

In the past we've had to wait years and the passing of the person before we get books written about them and all the nasty and silly shit they do and say. LBJ was openly obsessed with the size of his penis, and JFK had his secretary giving BJs to officials to gain favor with them, but we didn't get wind of any of this until years after their deaths.
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It seems that a major difference between Trump and past presidents is that Trump doesn't use layers of filters that refine his positions before they get to the public.

You say that as if it's a good thing for our country's top diplomat just dump every shit he has into the world.

The disadvantages are that we get a birds eye view of the rawness of the personality of a president in real time. I'm not convinced we'd like many of the past occupants of the WH if their true personalities and wishes were so available so quickly before debate with administration officials and staff can be acheived.

Your assumption is that Trump is an intellectual equal to past presidents. All evidence proves that is by no means the case.

In the past we've had to wait years and the passing of the person before we get books written about them and all the nasty and silly shit they do and say.

Those books are all fun to read, I'm sure, but they are, at best, hearsay, anecdotal accounts and thus prone to all manner of aggrandizement, out of context error and mythology. Unlike this idiot's tweets.

And that's assuming we know who writes them.

LBJ was openly obsessed with the size of his penis, and JFK had his secretary giving BJs to officials to gain favor with them, but we didn't get wind of any of this until years after their deaths.

I'm fairly certain even Trump wouldn't tweet about the size of his dick or about the blowjobs he forced upon Kellyanne, but he might. That doesn't mean he should, nor does that give us any real insight into the man, other than the fact that we already know he's a sexual predator.

You seem to be trying to spin his behavior as some sort of net positive, because it gives us insight into his thinking as President, but actually it gives us insight into his inability to be President. Iow, it is not giving us insight into the Presidency; it is giving us insight into the man.
Top Trump officials saved the President from himself - CNNPolitics
Had President Donald Trump been successful in launching prosecutions against Hillary Clinton and James Comey, it could have spelled the end of his presidency, as a clear-cut abuse of power.

It never happened, apparently thwarted by then-White House Counsel Don McGahn and other senior officials.
Yet more about how his aides have allegedly been thwarting some of his worst initiatives.

That's a nice silver lining and credit to the people of the USA, when somebody Trump brings in, likely the worst of the worst of Americans, still steps forward to stop his excesses.
Top Trump officials saved the President from himself - CNNPolitics
Had President Donald Trump been successful in launching prosecutions against Hillary Clinton and James Comey, it could have spelled the end of his presidency, as a clear-cut abuse of power.

It never happened, apparently thwarted by then-White House Counsel Don McGahn and other senior officials.
Yet more about how his aides have allegedly been thwarting some of his worst initiatives.

That's a nice silver lining and credit to the people of the USA, when somebody Trump brings in, likely the worst of the worst of Americans, still steps forward to stop his excesses.

The bad news is that he's been systematically purging people like that, and replacing them with loyalists. The question is, how deep will he have to go in the bench before he finds folks who will say "yes, Mr. President that's a wonderful idea"?
That's a nice silver lining and credit to the people of the USA, when somebody Trump brings in, likely the worst of the worst of Americans, still steps forward to stop his excesses.

The bad news is that he's been systematically purging people like that, and replacing them with loyalists. The question is, how deep will he have to go in the bench before he finds folks who will say "yes, Mr. President that's a wonderful idea"?

Well... he now has a water boy installed as Atty General. Can it go lower?
That's a nice silver lining and credit to the people of the USA, when somebody Trump brings in, likely the worst of the worst of Americans, still steps forward to stop his excesses.

The bad news is that he's been systematically purging people like that, and replacing them with loyalists. The question is, how deep will he have to go in the bench before he finds folks who will say "yes, Mr. President that's a wonderful idea"?

Well... he now has a water boy installed as Atty General. Can it go lower?

If we've learned one thing in the past two years regards Trump, it is that things can always get lower.

He obviously believes that being prez makes him a dictator, and that he controls the justice department and the country as a business, that he has the power to tell people what to do and what to think. He gets mad when they don't do and think what he tells them because he's the boss and they should obey him.
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