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President Trump unfamiliar with his refugee guests' troubles


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump met Yazidi, Uighur, and Rohingya refugees. He seemed to learn about their crises for first time. - Vox - "President Trump displayed awkwardness and ignorance throughout a meeting with refugees."
In a meeting with victims of religious persecution on Wednesday, President Donald Trump repeatedly appeared to be unaware of many of the world’s most pressing humanitarian crises.

Trump met with more than two dozen survivors of religious conflict, a few of whom told their stories — and made impassioned entreaties for aid — directly to the president. As he asked questions of his guests, the president seemed to reveal a stark lack of familiarity with the fundamental details of problems faced by Rohingya in Myanmar, Uighurs in China, and Yazidis in Iraq — groups in crisis that his own administration has established positions and policies on.

On multiple occasions, Trump asked refugees among the group where the conflicts they were fleeing were taking place.
What kind of a president is this? He should at least try to learn about what his guests had been fleeing.
I think he's mentally ill and probably has mild cognitive impairment, which often occurs a few years prior to full blown dementia. Others might simply think that he's already suffering from early stage dementia. Either way, I don't think the man has a very good memory. It could even be that the reason he denies saying he's done certain things is because he doesn't remember doing them. I don't know if he's a pathological liar or suffers from serious delusions. I mean, since you asked what kind of president is this....I thought I'd give my opinion of what his diagnosis might be. He's nuts! It's all of his enablers that I view as the larger problem.

And, I don't think he ever reads or listens to the news unless it's about him. That's due to his narcissistic personality disorder. Don't ya think?

And, he doesn't allow briefings or just ignores them from what I've heard. He obviously suffers from ADD. He lacks the ability to focus on anything but himself.
I think he can't remember stuff when it's threatening to him.

As for these groups, if it's not on Fox, how would h know?

Sill, sounds more humane than I'd expect. "That's what you get when you live in a shithole country" sounds more his speed.
Trump seems to very much fit the mold of the American who neither knows nor cares about anything that happens outside the USA.

There's a reason who only about 42% of Americans have a passport - and that number has increased from around 10% in 1994, largely because travel by US citizens to Canada and Mexico now requires a passport. The proportion of Americans who travel outside the NAFTA nations is still tiny.

By comparison, about 75% of UK citizens have a passport (despite currently being able to travel without one, within the EU). And about 80% of Australians have a passport (despite living in a country about as large as the continental USA, and despite the fact that their country is the most remote on Earth). A trip overseas is considered a rite of passage by Australians.

Trump represents the insular and ignorant American. They may not be the majority, but they're a large enough minority to have put him in the Oval Office.
I think he can't remember stuff when it's threatening to him.

As for these groups, if it's not on Fox, how would h know?

Oh, but he knows! Just after he asked the dumbest question in the world to the Nobel laureate ("where are they now?" after she told him her family was murdered), he said of her home "I know the area very well."

No you fucking don't.
Was it just me, or did he seem to think that she won her Nobel Prize for a scientific achievement, and he wanted her to tell him what great discovery she had made?
Does this sort of thing even count as news anymore?

As the nation appears to slide further into a collection of, or at least in the control of, single-issue voters, we can only hope that Bonespurs' wide and extensive command of balls-out ignorance on such a wealth of topics will cause him to hit that one important button for a number of SIVs with every headline.
That his fart-knuckled utterances will alienate his base tyhe same way his dementia has been decimating his brain cells.

So everyone's doing their part. We're quoting Trump, and Trump us quoting DDLM.
If these people are complaining they should go back to where they came from. This is just a Democrat plot to get handouts from Trump. Everybody knows Obama and Clinton created ISIS - why is the left not talking about this?
Again, the Fake News purveyors hammer this President for things he didn't do. When Trump asked, "Where are they now?" he clearly meant, Are they in Christian heaven, with its sensible, health-promoting zoning restrictions? Or are they in some shithole Yazidi heaven, which in reality is a broken-down hellscape? If she'd had any sense, this woman could've asked the President to get her mother and brothers transferred. Trump knows people and he knows deals. Could've happened, but too late. Yazidi heaven bad!!
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