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Problems with the Heaven Concept


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
1. As I understand it, if I buy the Christpack (TM) I end up with a resurrected body living in the New Kingdom. Do I get to choose the age I want to be? Is it standardized? Is this a unisex body? Also, hygiene issues, etc?
2. Wings? Are there tutorials for this? I'm assuming wings plus arms, which raises issues with clothing, plus chafing. Also deodorants, wing oil, etc, etc. This does not sound like fun to me.
3. Round the clock worship????? Uh, no, not if this new kick is supposed to represent the deepest level of human consciousness and the most profound fulfillment of need. The stuff I like to do the most usually comes in increments of 15 to 30 minutes, nuff said. Can you take a break from contemplating the Big Cheese? Do you have to keep thinking up compliments? Could be a stretch.
4. Fleas, bedbugs in heaven? I'm asking ahead because I can just see some holy ascetic who gets shooed in with a minimal vetting service & no one at intake thinks to check for bugs. And once the fleas get in, I assume they're in for the long haul, and I doubt heaven has Orkin, because it's not given much priority in the book.
5. Big O. Okay, let's just address this, because she just turned 60, and with her weight fluctuations, who knows what's going on, and it's a matter of time, anyway. A couple of years ago she even talked about this on her show, something like, 'Ooh child, when I go, there's gonna be some celebratin' and Hallelujah singin' in heaven!!!" So you just know Oprah is gonna be one massive pain in heaven, demanding face time, assuming that she can speak for everyone else, pushing ahead in line. Am I alone in this? Are there not more people thinking that Oprah is going to suck the fun out of heaven??? Suggestions, strategies?
6. Do you get to talk to celebrities up there, or is that gauche, and in a way detracting from the glory of the Big 3? If I see Loretta Young or George Wallace or Minnie Pearl, am I supposed to pretend I don't see them?
7. Reading materials, movies, music?? (See #3 on the boredom factor.) Will it all be PG13? I'm sorry, Christians, if you think this is a trifling question, but I really don't think you'll be happy either, flapping wings all day with your local green-grocer (as Mencken phrased it.) And I know there will be music, but if it is all to be harps or Christian trombone solos, I have some other deals to consider.
8. Oprah again -- could she possibly be given her own compound or suite? It would show favoritism, but if it would get her out of the way, it would be worth it. Then again, she'd probably figure out a way to broadcast.
9. Communication with hell? I know there are some really exalted types who will want to watch the lost folks writhing and shrieking, but I would like some dependable cybermail (or even snail mail, which I bet it would be) with hell. Specifically, I want to write fan letters to Janis Joplin, Robert Ingersoll, and sarcastic condolence notes to Rush Limbaugh, et al., when they receive their dispensation. Oh -- that last one makes me one of the exalted gloaters; can't help it.
10. Are we absolutely SURE that 'you can't take it with you'?? If you get a resurrected body and some sort of clothing, how do we KNOW that you can't carry in a wallet -- or handbag -- or Winnebago?
1. As I understand it, if I buy the Christpack (TM) I end up with a resurrected body living in the New Kingdom. Do I get to choose the age I want to be? Is it standardized? Is this a unisex body? Also, hygiene issues, etc?
All of these issues can be resolved by keeping in mind the purpose of Heaven. It was a promise made of fulfillment to be gained by keeping your voice quiet in this life and swallowing any shit.

Our bodies will rise from the grave, free of blemish. So you would not be marred by acne, disease, scars, old age wrinkles or sunburn.
For times when people would be familiar with famine and drought, and running out of food before running out of winter, they would probably not try to sell plumbing-free bodies, but rather endless feasts.
2. Wings? Are there tutorials for this? I'm assuming wings plus arms, which raises issues with clothing, plus chafing.
And again, the clothing would be miraculously free of friction. "Like, dude, imagine the softest Sammite you've ever seen a rich woman wear.... In heaven, that dress would look like muddy bark."
3. Do you have to keep thinking up compliments? Could be a stretch.
Scripts will surely be made available. And you'll be given the power to read them.
4. Fleas, bedbugs in heaven?
OF course not. Why would people who lived with ticks put up wiht a bishop, if only to get more ticks in Heaven?
I'm asking ahead because I can just see some holy ascetic who gets shooed in with a minimal vetting service & no one at intake thinks to check for bugs.
Rising from the grave, 'free from blemish' would include infestations, parasites and telemarketers.
5. Big O. ... So you just know Oprah is gonna be one massive pain in heaven,
Even standing in line, in Paradise, will be paradisical. Let her in front of you. It'll be that much longer before you have to put on the wings, amiright?
. Reading materials, movies, music??
There will be copies of The Books in every room. What more do you need?
10. Are we absolutely SURE that 'you can't take it with you'??
Yes. This was offered as a soporific. People that didn't have shit were attracted to the idea that the rich and powerful would lose al their shit in the process.
Of course, we're also promised golden streets and chests of jewels in the afterlife, treasures built up in heaven by being good sheep here, so riches won't matter a damn in the afterlife AND we'll have plenty of riches in hte aftelife.
I would recommend checking out the story "Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven" by Mark Twain. It covered a lot of the problems with heaven, including the main character arriving at the wrong entrance. Because he got sidetracked he ended up at the entrance to a 'heaven' other than the version for Earth. Took a while to sort that mess out.
1. As I understand it, if I buy the Christpack (TM) I end up with a resurrected body living in the New Kingdom. Do I get to choose the age I want to be? Is it standardized? Is this a unisex body? Also, hygiene issues, etc?
2. Wings? Are there tutorials for this? I'm assuming wings plus arms, which raises issues with clothing, plus chafing. Also deodorants, wing oil, etc, etc. This does not sound like fun to me.
3. Round the clock worship????? Uh, no, not if this new kick is supposed to represent the deepest level of human consciousness and the most profound fulfillment of need. The stuff I like to do the most usually comes in increments of 15 to 30 minutes, nuff said. Can you take a break from contemplating the Big Cheese? Do you have to keep thinking up compliments? Could be a stretch.
4. Fleas, bedbugs in heaven? I'm asking ahead because I can just see some holy ascetic who gets shooed in with a minimal vetting service & no one at intake thinks to check for bugs. And once the fleas get in, I assume they're in for the long haul, and I doubt heaven has Orkin, because it's not given much priority in the book.
5. Big O. Okay, let's just address this, because she just turned 60, and with her weight fluctuations, who knows what's going on, and it's a matter of time, anyway. A couple of years ago she even talked about this on her show, something like, 'Ooh child, when I go, there's gonna be some celebratin' and Hallelujah singin' in heaven!!!" So you just know Oprah is gonna be one massive pain in heaven, demanding face time, assuming that she can speak for everyone else, pushing ahead in line. Am I alone in this? Are there not more people thinking that Oprah is going to suck the fun out of heaven??? Suggestions, strategies?
6. Do you get to talk to celebrities up there, or is that gauche, and in a way detracting from the glory of the Big 3? If I see Loretta Young or George Wallace or Minnie Pearl, am I supposed to pretend I don't see them?
7. Reading materials, movies, music?? (See #3 on the boredom factor.) Will it all be PG13? I'm sorry, Christians, if you think this is a trifling question, but I really don't think you'll be happy either, flapping wings all day with your local green-grocer (as Mencken phrased it.) And I know there will be music, but if it is all to be harps or Christian trombone solos, I have some other deals to consider.
8. Oprah again -- could she possibly be given her own compound or suite? It would show favoritism, but if it would get her out of the way, it would be worth it. Then again, she'd probably figure out a way to broadcast.
9. Communication with hell? I know there are some really exalted types who will want to watch the lost folks writhing and shrieking, but I would like some dependable cybermail (or even snail mail, which I bet it would be) with hell. Specifically, I want to write fan letters to Janis Joplin, Robert Ingersoll, and sarcastic condolence notes to Rush Limbaugh, et al., when they receive their dispensation. Oh -- that last one makes me one of the exalted gloaters; can't help it.
10. Are we absolutely SURE that 'you can't take it with you'?? If you get a resurrected body and some sort of clothing, how do we KNOW that you can't carry in a wallet -- or handbag -- or Winnebago?

Regarding your current condition, Paul tells us, " if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

So, the first noticeable effect of going to heaven is that the blindness (or deception) of Satan is removed. That would make your questions moot as you would then know the truth. As Christ said of those going to heaven, "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Paul tells us, " if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

Can you explain the reason why a god who likes worship would choose to make some people unable to see s/he/it? Why does the god blind people to the possibility of knowing it?
Dear valued customer,

Thank you for contacting Heavenly Customer Support. We gladly provide answers for all your inquiries.

1. As I understand it, if I buy the Christpack (TM) I end up with a resurrected body living in the New Kingdom. Do I get to choose the age I want to be? Is it standardized? Is this a unisex body? Also, hygiene issues, etc?

Your standard heavenly body materialize in standard setting: middle aged with the same sex as your worldly body. You could file a request to change the age setting to your prefered age, but not sex. (See company's LGBT policy) All heavenly bodies come free of diseases and defects.

2. Wings? Are there tutorials for this? I'm assuming wings plus arms, which raises issues with clothing, plus chafing. Also deodorants, wing oil, etc, etc. This does not sound like fun to me.

Unfortunately we have to remind you that the pictures you see are for promotional purpose only. Your heavenly body do not come with wings, nor can you request for them.

3. Round the clock worship????? Uh, no, not if this new kick is supposed to represent the deepest level of human consciousness and the most profound fulfillment of need. The stuff I like to do the most usually comes in increments of 15 to 30 minutes, nuff said. Can you take a break from contemplating the Big Cheese? Do you have to keep thinking up compliments? Could be a stretch.

Your standard worshiping time is 8 hours per day, not unlike most people's working hours in life. We're happy to inform you that Flextime is utilized so you can freely schedule you worshiping sessions.

4. Fleas, bedbugs in heaven? I'm asking ahead because I can just see some holy ascetic who gets shooed in with a minimal vetting service & no one at intake thinks to check for bugs. And once the fleas get in, I assume they're in for the long haul, and I doubt heaven has Orkin, because it's not given much priority in the book.

We guarantee that there will be no pests in heaven, nor any animals whatsoever. Animals have no soul, therefore they are not allowed to enter heaven.

5. Big O. Okay, let's just address this, because she just turned 60, and with her weight fluctuations, who knows what's going on, and it's a matter of time, anyway. A couple of years ago she even talked about this on her show, something like, 'Ooh child, when I go, there's gonna be some celebratin' and Hallelujah singin' in heaven!!!" So you just know Oprah is gonna be one massive pain in heaven, demanding face time, assuming that she can speak for everyone else, pushing ahead in line. Am I alone in this? Are there not more people thinking that Oprah is going to suck the fun out of heaven??? Suggestions, strategies?

Ms.Winfrey seems the be certain that she has a reservation with us. Unfortunately we don't take reservation. In any case we value all our customer equally and you will have the option to avoid meeting any customers you prefer not to meet.

6. Do you get to talk to celebrities up there, or is that gauche, and in a way detracting from the glory of the Big 3? If I see Loretta Young or George Wallace or Minnie Pearl, am I supposed to pretend I don't see them?

As stated above, we value all our customer equally and every customers can choose to preserve their privacy. However, we're happy to inform that our biggest Celebrity is available 24/7 and will answer every of your prayer.

7. Reading materials, movies, music?? (See #3 on the boredom factor.) Will it all be PG13? I'm sorry, Christians, if you think this is a trifling question, but I really don't think you'll be happy either, flapping wings all day with your local green-grocer (as Mencken phrased it.) And I know there will be music, but if it is all to be harps or Christian trombone solos, I have some other deals to consider.

Unfortunately, in order to enter heaven you are to depart with all your earthly possessions. We will provide you with Eternal Heavenly Bliss, which has very high customer satisfaction rate.

8. Oprah again -- could she possibly be given her own compound or suite? It would show favoritism, but if it would get her out of the way, it would be worth it. Then again, she'd probably figure out a way to broadcast.

Please see the answer to question 5 above.

9. Communication with hell? I know there are some really exalted types who will want to watch the lost folks writhing and shrieking, but I would like some dependable cybermail (or even snail mail, which I bet it would be) with hell. Specifically, I want to write fan letters to Janis Joplin, Robert Ingersoll, and sarcastic condolence notes to Rush Limbaugh, et al., when they receive their dispensation. Oh -- that last one makes me one of the exalted gloaters; can't help it.

Person-specific taunting and sarcasm are encouraged as a form of torment, and will be instantly shipped to the receiver and read aloud by a courier demon. Other forms of contact to the land down below is highly restricted.

10. Are we absolutely SURE that 'you can't take it with you'?? If you get a resurrected body and some sort of clothing, how do we KNOW that you can't carry in a wallet -- or handbag -- or Winnebago?

As stated above, in order to enter heaven you are to depart with all your earthly possessions. Standard clothing will be provided along with your standard Heavenly body, and cannot be removed due to our decency policy. We assure you that your heavenly body and clothing will constantly clean and need no maintenance, for there are no filth nor any impurities in heaven.

Should you need more information, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Best Regards,
Heavenly Customer Support.
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?
So, basically, Heaven (or Nirvana for some non-Abrahamic religions) is a metaphor for Death?
No desires, no memories, no nothing that could even tinyly upset you...
They call that eternal bliss because the idea of death is upsetting to many of their flock, but honestly, what is this eternal bliss that can't be modulated by communication with loved ones or reminders of the earthly hardship you had to endure to get it?
Paul tells us, " if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

Can you explain the reason why a god who likes worship would choose to make some people unable to see s/he/it? Why does the god blind people to the possibility of knowing it?

Apparently, that's the way God designed it. As Paul explains, "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory-- even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?"

- - - Updated - - -

So, basically, Heaven (or Nirvana for some non-Abrahamic religions) is a metaphor for Death?
No desires, no memories, no nothing that could even tinyly upset you...
They call that eternal bliss because the idea of death is upsetting to many of their flock, but honestly, what is this eternal bliss that can't be modulated by communication with loved ones or reminders of the earthly hardship you had to endure to get it?

Alternatively, in the Bible, the term, "sleep," is a metaphor for death.
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?

Nobody ever loses their faith. Faith is permanent - once God activates faith in a person, it cannot be lost.

In heaven, all things will be revealed - the true nature of children who are in hell will be seen. That which they were, or appeared to be, on earth will be disposed of and those children will be known for what they truly were. Kinda like finding out your children were pod people and you never knew it.
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?

Nobody ever loses their faith. Faith is permanent - once God activates faith in a person, it cannot be lost.

In heaven, all things will be revealed - the true nature of children who are in hell will be seen. That which they were, or appeared to be, on earth will be disposed of and those children will be known for what they truly were. Kinda like finding out your children were pod people and you never knew it.

How will they be seen? on a movie screen, Looking down from heaven or what?
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?

Nobody ever loses their faith. Faith is permanent - once God activates faith in a person, it cannot be lost.

In heaven, all things will be revealed - the true nature of children who are in hell will be seen. That which they were, or appeared to be, on earth will be disposed of and those children will be known for what they truly were. Kinda like finding out your children were pod people and you never knew it.
Which reveals the exceptionalist and/or racist nature of abrahamic religions.
I don't care how my kids generate their behaviour or if they really got my genes. I'm loving them for the interactions I have with them. They could be revealed to be the pizza delivery man kids, pod people, positronic robots, or cylons, it wouldn't change the fact that I love them.
Only Abrahamists can justify being happy seeing former loved ones burn in hell because "they weren't what they seemed to be" or "they never really had faith".
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?

Nobody ever loses their faith. Faith is permanent - once God activates faith in a person, it cannot be lost.
LOL…this used to bug me, in the early years after I lost my faith in the Christian God, as religionists were essentially saying that I faked my faith for those decades. But consider this, if I thought my faith was real, and that I was guaranteed to become part of your imaginary heaven, but in reality I was never really saved, where does that leave the idea of confidence of salvation? You either have to assume that tons of people are lying to you about their former faith, or that no one really knows whether or not their perceived faith in Christ & salvation is real. The only way to remain confident that your faith is truly real, is to assume that each and every single person that says they lost their faith are fakers/liars.

In heaven, all things will be revealed - the true nature of children who are in hell will be seen. That which they were, or appeared to be, on earth will be disposed of and those children will be known for what they truly were. Kinda like finding out your children were pod people and you never knew it.
But with your callous description above of why you would no longer be bothered by your own children being eternally tortured, I can see how you might consider so many people, nothing more than a bunch of useless liars…what a sad little world.
So...people are better than god. I like the concept. Their fantasized god is necessarily such a prick with his omnipotence issues that he (it) cares less for his (its) creations than most of the (struggling, inconsistent, less than perfect) parents on Third Rock.
So...people are better than god. I like the concept. Their fantasized god is necessarily such a prick with his omnipotence issues that he (it) cares less for his (its) creations than most of the (struggling, inconsistent, less than perfect) parents on Third Rock.
Well, I'd restrict that to "most people", as there are those that physically and mentally abuse their children, we have some that rape their children, and even some that loose it so bad they kill their own children. But at the same time, each and everyone of those bastards are restricted to one lifetime and a limited number of children. This fantasized prick, gets to one up the worst of the worst by creating a perpetual Auschwitz for billions upon billions of his children.
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?

Nobody ever loses their faith. Faith is permanent - once God activates faith in a person, it cannot be lost.
LOL…this used to bug me, in the early years after I lost my faith in the Christian God, as religionists were essentially saying that I faked my faith for those decades. But consider this, if I thought my faith was real, and that I was guaranteed to become part of your imaginary heaven, but in reality I was never really saved, where does that leave the idea of confidence of salvation? You either have to assume that tons of people are lying to you about their former faith, or that no one really knows whether or not their perceived faith in Christ & salvation is real. The only way to remain confident that your faith is truly real, is to assume that each and every single person that says they lost their faith are fakers/liars.

In heaven, all things will be revealed - the true nature of children who are in hell will be seen. That which they were, or appeared to be, on earth will be disposed of and those children will be known for what they truly were. Kinda like finding out your children were pod people and you never knew it.
But with your callous description above of why you would no longer be bothered by your own children being eternally tortured, I can see how you might consider so many people, nothing more than a bunch of useless liars…what a sad little world.

The Bible doesn't even say that people never lose faith:

Mark 16:16 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

John 3:18 "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

That won't stop rhutchin from claiming otherwise though. No reason to assume they're only talking about people who had believed prior. They clearly talking about anyone who doesn't believe.
Can you explain the reason why a god who likes worship would choose to make some people unable to see s/he/it? Why does the god blind people to the possibility of knowing it?

Apparently, that's the way God designed it. As Paul explains, "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory-- even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?"

Well, alrighty, then. Question answered. Thank you.

What a sick asshole. Imagine if parents did that with their children? "Is it not my right to bear children, some of whom I bear for love and some of whom I bear to beat and force to work for my glory while they suffer privations and pain? Won't this make the favored ones love me more!?"

And you worship that? I find that to be a very disturbing reveal about you.
So here's an interesting Heaven problem.

You are a parent. You have some children who lose their faith and become atheists. When you go to heaven, and they go to the lake of fire (your children, the ones you would do anything to protect, whom you loved and nurtured and would be horrified if someone beat up,) when you're in heaven and they are burning YOU DON'T CARE. It doesn't bother you one bit that they are burning. because heaven is defined as without pain, lament or regret. In your new body, you forget about your children and don't care about their suffering.

Weird definition of perfect, huh?

Nobody ever loses their faith. Faith is permanent - once God activates faith in a person, it cannot be lost.

In heaven, all things will be revealed - the true nature of children who are in hell will be seen. That which they were, or appeared to be, on earth will be disposed of and those children will be known for what they truly were. Kinda like finding out your children were pod people and you never knew it.

Let me rephrase that, then. I have NEVER had faith. It has never in all of my memory ever made any kind of sense that I can follow and believe. Yet, my mother is very devout. She will go to heaven, and apparently will see her children's "true natures" as they burn in a lake of fire. Her children. But this will not bother her there, because she will be made to believe that we, her children, deserve it. She'll just watch us burn and say, "well that's how that goes." ???
So...people are better than god. I like the concept. Their fantasized god is necessarily such a prick with his omnipotence issues that he (it) cares less for his (its) creations than most of the (struggling, inconsistent, less than perfect) parents on Third Rock.
Well, I'd restrict that to "most people", as there are those that physically and mentally abuse their children, we have some that rape their children, and even some that loose it so bad they kill their own children. But at the same time, each and everyone of those bastards are restricted to one lifetime and a limited number of children. This fantasized prick, gets to one up the worst of the worst by creating a perpetual Auschwitz for billions upon billions of his children.

... that he had on purpose SO THAT he could burn them and show off to the others!
Can you explain the reason why a god who likes worship would choose to make some people unable to see s/he/it? Why does the god blind people to the possibility of knowing it?

Apparently, that's the way God designed it. As Paul explains, "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory-- even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?"

Well, alrighty, then. Question answered. Thank you.

What a sick asshole. Imagine if parents did that with their children? "Is it not my right to bear children, some of whom I bear for love and some of whom I bear to beat and force to work for my glory while they suffer privations and pain? Won't this make the favored ones love me more!?"

And you worship that? I find that to be a very disturbing reveal about you.

Not only does he worship this god, he calls it a loving god.
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