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Proud Boys' Lawyer to Subpoena Trump


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
... not enough popcorn in the world.

Proud Boys' lawyers plan to subpoena Donald Trump in seditious conspiracy trial

Lawyers for Joe Biggs, a Proud Boys organizer from Florida, revealed a subpoena Thursday that would compel Trump’s appearance in March and said they would seek the Justice Department’s assistance with serving Trump.

“Donald Trump called on patriots to stop the steal,” said Biggs’ lawyer Norm Pattis. “We’re calling on Donald Trump to take the stand.”

I wonder if the odds of Trump actually appearing are listed on the Las Vegas boards.
Last time someone tried to subpoena Cheato, the judge quashed it. I'm starting to wonder if merely having once been President confers lifetime immunity against ever being prosecuted for anything or having to testify about anything you ever did.
When you have to subpoena your ally you know you screwed up. :ROFLMAO:
When you have to subpoena your ally you know you screwed up. :ROFLMAO:
I don't think "ally" is the right word in that sentence.
"Idol" is more accurate.

It will be fun watching Trump throw people like Joe Biggs under the bus. It might not happen in a legal court, but the court of the Internet is in session.
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